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Flickering Fity (4-port 5200)


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Hello, all.


Recently purchased 5200, seems in wonderful condition. Very clean. Sparkling exterior.


Now for the issue: The picture consistently flickers once the system is powered on. Aside from both controllers not functioning (hopefully not related to the problem? I am guessing I will need to rebuild them as they are notorious for dying of young age :skull: ) and the power pack being sensitive to the slightest movement (will need to clean or re-solder), this appears to be my only problem. It renders the console obnoxious and unplayable.


Have opened up case and checked interior (visually), and there are no obvious issues that I can see with the naked eye. Clearly, I will need a volt meter to check more thoroughly.


I have included a youtube link of the issue - http://youtu.be/0a-MnbVC1vo


Could this be an RF issue? Any suggestions would REALLY be appreciated. I know I've come to the right place! :-D

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Thanks, guys! I had thought this was unnecessary because my 7800 works flawlessly, but now I'm beginning to think twice :P I'll try and bring my CRT home from work tomorrow and post the results.


It's a less-than-6-mo-old-(late 2011)-model Mitsubishi DLP projection screen.




Cleaning and adding tension to the connectors on the Switch Box has fixed the touchy video/power cable.


Flipping the board over has revealed multiple grody solder points. Does the presence of these umber-colored points indicate damage? Or is this just a natural result of carbon build up because there is more heat in these locations? The last time I repaired a board was several years ago on a projection screen television and I believe the diods/components I was replacing were clearly burned brown as well. Although I might be imagining that. :)


Below is a shot of the under-side of the board. The upwards-facing side of the board does not show any discoloration around the diods/capacitors/etc...



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Connected the 5200 to a CRT, the picture is clear and steady! Will connect to an LCD later this afternoon and see what the result is there as well.


New question: Should I attempt an S-Video mod to make it more compatible with a modern DLP projection screen? What about simply running it through a second VCR or additional RF switcher?


Thanks to you both for the television suggestion. That just seemed too obvious to bother with (and it meant hauling my 5200 about 12 blocks on foot. lol).

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