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Donald Duck Maui Mallard


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Does anyone have the US rom for this game? According to wipipedia




Donald Duck in Maui Mallard is Europeon Version and Maui Mallard as Cold Shadow is USA


I cannot find the rom for the US version anywhere and even an Ebay search shows none for sale. I ask because I really prefer to play US games.

I know there must be collectors that have both the US version and a cartridge dumper. Would anyone be so kind as to post this binary?


Thanks in Advance.

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I don't know that Disney ever farmed out a bad game on the Genesis; they're all pretty good. They really knew how to get a game made back then.


*cough* Fantasia


There were a couple of Beauty & The Beast games, too.... I forget these (incl. Fantasia) because I, erm, never played 'em.

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I was working at a small game store about that time and they (the owners) bought everything for the store. They even had a huge selection of Jag, Sega Cd, and 3DO. Well the version of this game they got I could have sworn had Donald Duck is Maui Mallard on the box. I remember the snes being different. I had to keep telling this one lady it was rented out who would call for like two weeks straight. Good times. If I had known how rare many of those games were I would have bought them before the shop closed.

My favorite weekly fun was when our Jag loyalists would come back to complain their latest game was terrible while I sat behind the counter, my good game paused while I played therapist to the rich guy who can't be bothered to read a review or play the game first on our demo station.

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