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Original Xbox Laser Question Please Advice


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  • 5 months later...

Know this is an old thread, but thought I'd add my 2 cents.

I used a Samsung PC drive. It had similar specs to the Xbox drive, but had to re flash the firmware on the drive with the Xbox code. Xbox reads the drive backwards. Had to make up a cable adapter and reverse the tray motor, if I remember correct. The how-to was on the net (it's on my old Win98 machine also, I think, but it's been mothballed for years), but this was years ago, I think I have a few spare drives that I re flashed.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree. I did a laser swap only to have it still not work. I ended up just getting another Xbox.


uhm...what about the pot meter settings?

and did it happen to be a thompson drive?

If so, these are the most terrible drives ever used in the original xbox



If you can get a lens and you're technical enough, i'd replace the lens.

If it's a thompson drive, I would try finding a SAMSUNG drive for the original XBOX.

That's the best drive you could get.

Edited by 19rsn007
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