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E-Bay buyer backing out?


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Hi, I put a Nintendo Nes up for auction last night with 25 games that included Ultima Warriors of Destiny complete in box along with some of other games and accessories that totalled around $240 value according to pricing guided. I started auction at $100 with a bin price of $200 and was gonna link it on here and before I did a buyer purchased with bin. Not even 5 minutes had elapsed from when I listed it. About a hour later the guy messages me and said he accidently purchased it, I figured he purchased it quickly then looked up values and saw not much profit in it for him and backed out. I have bought several items on ebay and do not see how you can accidently buy an item. Maybe I am wrong but does anyone else find this fishy? I cancelled the transaction and asked him to not rebid on item.

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Thats what I should have done I relisted it and bang some else hit bin in less than 5 minutes, no payment yet so we will see, if I have to relist again I will add the immediate payment required. I have not run into this before and have sold several items, guess some people are just dirt bags ;-)

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I see this happening more and more. It used to be that Ebay was really tough on buyers that tried to cancel a purchase. Now it seems like bidders can back out without any penalty. I believe there are a lot of flippers and resellers who hit the BIN immediately to prevent others from either bidding or grabbing the items. Then, if they can't find enough worth flipping, they cancel the sale. Personally, I believe if you make a bid or buy something, you have an obligation to follow through unless you later discover there was some fraud or significant nonconformity of the item.

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This guy buys alot of games and has good feedback rating but I also noticed a couple of other occasions he did not pay. Oh well lesson learned.


The issue as I see it is that eBay dosn't care at all for the seller. Buyers can back-out, etc with no recourse. I see buyers/sellers with 100% at high feedback counts in which they have dozen+ bid retractions. Come on, really, doing this 12+ times an accident! Nothing in the member rating for not paying/bid retractions/etc. But if you sell anything you get raped on fees and the buyer can trash you basically at their will. The whole thing really sucks, and I disagree when others say there are other avenues to sell.


I just had a guy tell me that he didn't want to pay for any shipping. When I told him that he purchased it WITH shipping and that he didn't email or ask any questions that was his fault. Well, even after I said I send him a shipping reciept and the difference $$, he didn't pay me. Ebay "allowed" me to cancel the transaction, making me look bad. Buyer got nothing.

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Given that verification of intent to buy is required, I don't buy the story.


You could set your auction to require immediate payment. No one can give you trouble like that if you force them through the payment process first.


I always do this with BIN purchases. I usually set my games at free shipping so those who want to purchase multiple games can just BIN until the cows come home, no worry about refunding shipping costs. Anyway, I also don't buy the "oops I didn't mean to purchase it" story. A load of hogwash. I've never once done that and I've been on ebay since nearly the beginning (as a buyer). Anyway - Good luck!

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Yea, its bs. Pretty much the only way I sell is BIN w/immediate payment. I've had people buy and never heard from them again as if the transaction never happened and ebay makes you wait 7-8 days to file a dispute. It's just not worth the hassles.


Selling you def. get the short end of the stick as you can't even properly leave feedback for a buyers, it's a joke really!!


What I love is you have the option of blocking buyers w/negative feedback, but you can never leave them a negative lol I mean seriously ebay wtf?

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In those cases, instead of cancel hte transaction, do a "unpaid item case" on Ebay. And make sure all your listings block the buyers with Unpaid items strikes (with 6 months). this way you are helping to the buyers are more carefull when they buy stuff.


I once get a guy that buy one item and send me this message: "Your item is overseas, I only buy domestic. Cancel the transaction or I will contact Ebay" like I put a gun on his head to buy my item, what a jerk. Worst of all, it was an auction, He had several days to read the listing.

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