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can you fix a atari 2600 game?


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Compressed air won't cut it. Use 400 grit or finer sandpaper a few times back and forth and follow up with 91% isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab across both sides of the cartridge PCB pins. For the console, fold the sandpaper in half, insert into the cartrdige pin slot, work back and forth a few times, and then use a toothbrush soaked in rubbing alcohol to finish up. Be aggressive with the toothbrush and be sure to work the bristles down into the cartridge slot.

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the best i could, they just make high pitched sounds with random colors on the screen


That's the system doing that...not the carts. The system isn't reading the programs contained on them (for whatever reason)...and so it spews out the random junk that exists in it's ram indefinately. There's no readable program present to alter it.

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Compressed air won't cut it. Use 400 grit or finer sandpaper a few times back and forth and follow up with 91% isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab across both sides of the cartridge PCB pins. For the console, fold the sandpaper in half, insert into the cartrdige pin slot, work back and forth a few times, and then use a toothbrush soaked in rubbing alcohol to finish up. Be aggressive with the toothbrush and be sure to work the bristles down into the cartridge slot.


sounds violent but ill try to do that

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I would use a lint-free cloth folded over a fake credit card, rather than sandpaper... but basically, what Sqoon said.


Why do you have fake credit cards? :ponder:


Oh, these dumb things that the credit card companies mail you along with applications, thinking you'll open the envelope if there's plastic inside:



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