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I finally got one!

Brian R.

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I just had to crow about this somewhere - no one else to crow to that would care.


At one time, getting a 5200 itself was the "holy grail" of my Atari collection, the last console I needed to get.


Today, I got another grail - a Wico keypad!


And not just a Wico keypad, but a combo - the controller and the keypad! Both in the one box they originally came in!!! Got 'em in an eBay auction for $100 - I think I did good there.


I've had a Wico controller for many years. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy my 5200 at all.


But I've had to rely on those flaky controllers just to start a game - forget any other options of the keypad, just start. Invested in a "rebuilt," only to have it fail, too. Fortunately I found my second 5200 along with two working controllers in a trash can at a car wash - so much for "rebuilt." Those trash can controllers both still work - for the most part.


Now I don't need 'em!


Never thought I'd get my hands on the Wico keypad. Now that I have it... joy!

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Good deal. I have a few Wico controllers and Y adapters. I do have a keypad also.

It is a very nice device that works really well. It is the perfect thing to use with the Masterplay Interface (or similar).

In fact, I haven't done that in a while. I need to find my keypad! :-D

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I like the Wico controller enough that I feel no need to go after a Masterplay, which I guess is good considering what one could cost.


Guess I was fortunate that I was able to pick up just the controller and a Y adaptor long ago, from 4Jays I think when they still had them. Can't recall what I paid then, but I know it was a lot less than they go for now, if you can find one at all. Controllers are now and then on eBay, but the Y cables seem to be difficult to get.

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Pictures, or it didn't happen! :)


As I said to Brian R., I was not aware that such a thing existed!


Oh, I can post some pics! :)


I may even scan the sides of the box. I've seen keypads up for sale with their boxes, but just the keypad alone. I had not before seen a combo box for the keypad and the controller, all in one.

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Pictures, or it didn't happen! :)


As I said to Brian R., I was not aware that such a thing existed!


Oh, I can post some pics! :)


I may even scan the sides of the box. I've seen keypads up for sale with their boxes, but just the keypad alone. I had not before seen a combo box for the keypad and the controller, all in one.


Please post the pics

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Will do as soon as I can.


And as I think I had mentioned to Cafeman, there is an entry for the Wico controller and keypad in the 5200 hardware page here at AtariAge, inlcuding an image of both.


I wonder why Wico went with a two-tone black/red color combo on these.

Edited by Brian R.
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Dang, I can't attach a picture directly here? I don't have an account at a hosting site and don't want to go through all that just to show an image... although I wanna show an image!


Am I missing a way to do it here?


Hit "More Reply Options", then below the textbox is Attach Files.

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I just had to crow about this somewhere - no one else to crow to that would care.


At one time, getting a 5200 itself was the "holy grail" of my Atari collection, the last console I needed to get.


Today, I got another grail - a Wico keypad!


And not just a Wico keypad, but a combo - the controller and the keypad! Both in the one box they originally came in!!! Got 'em in an eBay auction for $100 - I think I did good there.


I've had a Wico controller for many years. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy my 5200 at all.


But I've had to rely on those flaky controllers just to start a game - forget any other options of the keypad, just start. Invested in a "rebuilt," only to have it fail, too. Fortunately I found my second 5200 along with two working controllers in a trash can at a car wash - so much for "rebuilt." Those trash can controllers both still work - for the most part.


Now I don't need 'em!


Never thought I'd get my hands on the Wico keypad. Now that I have it... joy!


You found your Atari 5200 in a trash can? There's no words to describe how flipping fabulous that is! Beats me hands down, finding my (now deceased) Vader 2600 in a thrift store for $4. Nice work.

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Very cool to see the boxed combo! For me, the Wico is the best all-around controller for the 5200 (the Competition Pro is nice also, but useless for analog games like Missile Command, Centipeder, Star Wars, Star Raiders, etc.)


The keypad is pretty sweet as well, if not strictly essential. I do wish both the stick and keypad were easier and cheaper to find... it would make recommending the 5200 to new users a lot easier!

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I just had to crow about this somewhere - no one else to crow to that would care.


At one time, getting a 5200 itself was the "holy grail" of my Atari collection, the last console I needed to get.


Today, I got another grail - a Wico keypad!


And not just a Wico keypad, but a combo - the controller and the keypad! Both in the one box they originally came in!!! Got 'em in an eBay auction for $100 - I think I did good there.


I've had a Wico controller for many years. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy my 5200 at all.


But I've had to rely on those flaky controllers just to start a game - forget any other options of the keypad, just start. Invested in a "rebuilt," only to have it fail, too. Fortunately I found my second 5200 along with two working controllers in a trash can at a car wash - so much for "rebuilt." Those trash can controllers both still work - for the most part.


Now I don't need 'em!


Never thought I'd get my hands on the Wico keypad. Now that I have it... joy!


You found your Atari 5200 in a trash can? There's no words to describe how flipping fabulous that is! Beats me hands down, finding my (now deceased) Vader 2600 in a thrift store for $4. Nice work.


Yeah, it was a really odd thing to see.


I already had a four port. This trash can find is a two port. I think it was in 2007 that I found it. The console case was in pretty good shape, but it didn't work well or at all, not sure. I replaced the entire motherboard with a new one from Best Electronics, which only cost me $35 at the time (not sure if they still have them, or what the price is now). It's worked flawlessly since - I use it and keep my four porter boxed up.


The only other thing I found like that was a boxed original NES sitting on the ground outside a dumpster. I had it for a while, but I'm just not into Nintendo. I came across a woman with a mentally challenged son who played the NES because he couldn't handle anything more advanced. His console broke, and she couldn't find another, so I gave it to her.

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Very cool to see the boxed combo! For me, the Wico is the best all-around controller for the 5200 (the Competition Pro is nice also, but useless for analog games like Missile Command, Centipeder, Star Wars, Star Raiders, etc.)


The keypad is pretty sweet as well, if not strictly essential. I do wish both the stick and keypad were easier and cheaper to find... it would make recommending the 5200 to new users a lot easier!


I consider the keypad essential and it was the main reason I sprung for this. I didn't need the stick, already had one. I just didn't want to rely on the flaky original controllers to start a game - other button functions were basically not available for me with any of my several 5200 controllers. Now I have full control and ability. I'd rather pay what I did for this, and get a second stick, then pay for another rebuilt controller.


I wonder how many are out there. Agree it would be nice if they were more readily available, then more could have them, enjoy them with their 5200s and they'd cost less.


A reason for the scarcity could be that those who have them simply won't part with them. I know I won't now!

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