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Fake Reproduction Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween Carts on Ebay?


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Hey guys, this is one of my first threads here at AtariAge however ive been an avid member of NA for years. But ive been slowly getting sucked into to 2600 games lately and decided i want to get all the US releases. I have 200+ games now with a few rares like glib and tapper. But i really want to get the Halloween, and chainsaw massacre games. Well i almost pulled the trigger on this buy it now >


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1809316500261?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=180931650026&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


But looking at the sellers feedback, it looks like they have sold 5 or 6 copies of halloween and chainsaw massacre already"?

My question is are these fakes? anyone know this seller? They should be called out and turned in if these are fakes.



Edited by parpunk
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When I looked at the listing just now it said (italics mine):

Up for auction is a copy of texas chainsaw massacre made by Hoser video. This game is hard to find. get your copy today !!!


No sneakiness there. It's a COPY by Hoser video. If it said something different when the OP posted then, yeah, he's a jerk.


As with anything on ePay read carefully and do your research. Hoser will never be the original publisher of any game.

Edited by theloon
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Well, he's an opportunist. And yeah, a jerk, imo. I mean, every cart if a "Copy", so one would have to know who "Hoser Video" is, and how they related to Wizard (or not!) He could be far more upfront about it, but it's not in his interest to do so - he's playing on the "rarity", when in fact he can make as many copies as he wants. How is that rare?


It's clear he's trying to dupe people, imo.

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Well, he's an opportunist. And yeah, a jerk, imo. I mean, every cart if a "Copy", so one would have to know who "Hoser Video" is, and how they related to Wizard (or not!) He could be far more upfront about it, but it's not in his interest to do so - he's playing on the "rarity", when in fact he can make as many copies as he wants. How is that rare?


It's clear he's trying to dupe people, imo.


i agree 100%. yea as i said i can tell you everything you need to know about nintendo, but im just getting into collecting for the 2600 and i had no idea who or what hoser is? Every game is a copy, i didnt think they meant COPY FAKE etc.


And if your gonna make a reproduction, at least change the freaking label. put leatherface on the cover or something. why make it exact?? oh to fool people and make $. Plus as the way it look i see they sold glib too recently. Took a nice super far away picture.


The guy is a scammer, plain and simple!

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Okay, I can see where "copy" is a little misleading. But, really. Do your research before buying anything "rare". A simple Google search will clear up who originally made this game..


Sorry wrong again.

A simple google search brings up nothing remotely close to the subject of this being a fake counterfeit copy, except this thread now. Here's what i searched "atari hoser video" NOTHING oh wait scroll down a few links and i see a HOZERVIDEOGAMES Hozer being spelled differently. whos to assume its the same?


Anyways its clear who made the game, as it says it right on the cart. However Hoser video threw me off, heck when i first read it i thought it might have been a name of the guy who designed the game, layout, artwork, whatever.


It sold now, so i guess its gone and ready to fool someone else.

And alot of the times with a quick buy it now, you dont have time for research or its gone. And that's what this guy is cashing in on. Newbies who think its a great deal popping up quick.

Edited by parpunk
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Well, he's an opportunist. And yeah, a jerk, imo. I mean, every cart if a "Copy", so one would have to know who "Hoser Video" is, and how they related to Wizard (or not!) He could be far more upfront about it, but it's not in his interest to do so - he's playing on the "rarity", when in fact he can make as many copies as he wants. How is that rare?


It's clear he's trying to dupe people, imo.


i agree 100%. yea as i said i can tell you everything you need to know about nintendo, but im just getting into collecting for the 2600 and i had no idea who or what hoser is? Every game is a copy, i didnt think they meant COPY FAKE etc.


And if your gonna make a reproduction, at least change the freaking label. put leatherface on the cover or something. why make it exact?? oh to fool people and make $. Plus as the way it look i see they sold glib too recently. Took a nice super far away picture.


The guy is a scammer, plain and simple!


The label is not exact. The photo in the auction clearly shoes the Hozer face that he puts on every reproduction label.

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Okay, I can see where "copy" is a little misleading. But, really. Do your research before buying anything "rare". A simple Google search will clear up who originally made this game..


Sorry wrong again.

A simple google search brings up nothing remotely close to the subject of this being a fake counterfeit copy, except this thread now. Here's what i searched "atari hoser video" NOTHING oh wait scroll down a few links and i see a HOZERVIDEOGAMES Hozer being spelled differently. whos to assume its the same?


Anyways its clear who made the game, as it says it right on the cart. However Hoser video threw me off, heck when i first read it i thought it might have been a name of the guy who designed the game, layout, artwork, whatever.


It sold now, so i guess its gone and ready to fool someone else.

And alot of the times with a quick buy it now, you dont have time for research or its gone. And that's what this guy is cashing in on. Newbies who think its a great deal popping up quick.


Wrong search. I'd look up the game itself not Hoser.


Due diligence. If the buyer is not willing to research what he thinks he is getting then he fooled himself. I think we agree he is being a little shady though. Doesn't excuse lazy buyers.


Ask the dude to clarify his listings. Don't shame him behind his back.

Edited by theloon
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We'll agree to disagree. The fact that the guy is obviously being misleading doesn't put any onus on the buyer. The wrong is that he's not up front and honest - the fact that he might fool someone doesn't excuse his actions in any way, or make them less heinous, imo. The guys reporting him here are doing a service in letting people know what's going on - so why should they feel bothered about this poor guys feelings?


Still, agree to disagree, as I say. Personally, the guy is a scumbag, no ifs, buts, or excuses. Just my view.

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Okay, I can see where "copy" is a little misleading. But, really. Do your research before buying anything "rare". A simple Google search will clear up who originally made this game..


Sorry wrong again.

A simple google search brings up nothing remotely close to the subject of this being a fake counterfeit copy, except this thread now. Here's what i searched "atari hoser video" NOTHING oh wait scroll down a few links and i see a HOZERVIDEOGAMES Hozer being spelled differently. whos to assume its the same?


Anyways its clear who made the game, as it says it right on the cart. However Hoser video threw me off, heck when i first read it i thought it might have been a name of the guy who designed the game, layout, artwork, whatever.


It sold now, so i guess its gone and ready to fool someone else.

And alot of the times with a quick buy it now, you dont have time for research or its gone. And that's what this guy is cashing in on. Newbies who think its a great deal popping up quick.


Wrong search. I'd look up the game itself not Hoser.


Due diligence. If the buyer is not willing to research what he thinks he is getting then he fooled himself. I think we agree he is being a little shady though. Doesn't excuse lazy buyers.


Ask the dude to clarify his listings. Don't shame him behind his back.


oh i sent him a message asking if this was the real deal as soon as it was listed. And would ya know it.....He Never responded ......still! check back and its sold now.

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Well I agree the Seller is being a douche but at the same time I do think one of the oldest rules applies BUYER BEWARE or IF IT SEEMS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE.....etc, etc.

Scams on Ebay are pretty well known these days from selling "empty" boxes with a unclear or non-existent item inside to all kinds of fakes and forgeries. My view is if your looking to spend money then you need to research and understand the products you are considering. YES the seller is likely hoping to fish in the ignorant or uninformed and I certainly do not excuse his actions but these days more then ever consumers need to be informed and if they are getting into a hobby like classic gaming then they should do their homework, if they do not then they are asking for trouble. If I was considering buying some rare cartridge you can damn well bet I would look up basic info on it (label and box art etc) scammers are out their and it is a known issue so why make it easy for them?

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I think parpunk deserves a thank you from the seller for the free advertising and extra weight in Google searches. Directly linking to the auction was icing on the cake.


If you can't keep it between the seller, you and eBay then at least don't spread it around: It only helps the seller.


So...you think someone from here clicked on the link and *considered* buying it knowing it's fake? Really?

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I think parpunk deserves a thank you from the seller for the free advertising and extra weight in Google searches. Directly linking to the auction was icing on the cake.


If you can't keep it between the seller, you and eBay then at least don't spread it around: It only helps the seller.


So...you think someone from here clicked on the link and *considered* buying it knowing it's fake? Really?


Sure. Some collectors want to play their games without worrying about wear. Some gamers want to play games and could give two pooters over rarity.

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I think parpunk deserves a thank you from the seller for the free advertising and extra weight in Google searches. Directly linking to the auction was icing on the cake.


If you can't keep it between the seller, you and eBay then at least don't spread it around: It only helps the seller.


So...you think someone from here clicked on the link and *considered* buying it knowing it's fake? Really?


Sure. Some collectors want to play their games without worrying about wear. Some gamers want to play games and could give two pooters over rarity.


Aren't those the people who buy Harmony carts?


And forget about reporting Hozer shit, it doesn't work, have tried from many different accounts. If I was still using ebay, I'd list a repro, it'd be gone within 24 hours. Maybe because mine look so much better and don't have that hateful looking head on the label.

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