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Fake Reproduction Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween Carts on Ebay?


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That seller is absolutely trying to mislead. The listing reads:


Up for auction is a copy of texas chainsaw massacre made by Hoser video. This game is hard to find. get your copy today !!!

Here's some History: The game was not a great seller and is very hard to find nowadays. Why? Well glad you asked. Since the game was so “violent” it caused a bit of an uproar and most retailers were forced to keep it behind the counter. No shelf fronting = low sales. Still if you were playing Atari back when this came out and saw this game it was pretty exciting.


Stating that the game is hard to find is going to lead people to believe this is an original copy, not a repro. I don't know why anyone would make excuses for this seller.


Certainly, if you're going to buy many classic systems or games, it is best to be informed. However, sometimes a deal that is too good to be true is legitimate, and if you take a lot of time to research the item, then you may miss out. I remember a few years ago seeing a listing for a Turbo CD Super System 3 card with a starting price of $9.99. I added it to my watch list, but I assumed it was the Japanese card and was going to contact the seller about it. I forgot about the auction, which ended with no bids, and the seller relisted it. I sent him a message asking which version it was, and he confirmed that it was the US card. However, this time the auction got noticed, and it ended well above the $9.99 price I could have bought it for, had I bid on the initial auction.


I'm not sure if the $43.00 this game sold for was the seller's BIN price, but he's definitely being misleading to increase his profits.

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I'm not sure if the $43.00 this game sold for was the seller's BIN price, but he's definitely being misleading to increase his profits.


Per his feedback, he's sold two others in the space of a monh at the same price. NO WAY he has three originals.

Edited by GodzillaIsMyCopilot
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Per his feedback, he's sold two others in the space of a monh at the same price. NO WAY he has three originals.


No, definitely not. How many are going to check his prior auctions, though? And this isn't a question of should, as buyers should check this guy out and check out the history of the game before buying. However, how many will just see what they know is a very rare game at a steal of a price and go for it because the wording of his auction will lead them to believe it's legitimate?


I'm not saying that the buyer isn't responsible for making smart and informed purchases, but I don't get excusing misleading/deceitful tactics and putting all of the blame on the buyer.

Edited by YAGRS
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I'm not saying that the buyer isn't responsible for making smart and informed purchases, but I don't get excusing misleading/deceitful tactics and putting all of the blame on the buyer.


Agreed. Now, if he had the phrase "reproduction cart" on the label and in the auction, I'd buy one, to be honest. If it plays, it plays.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the Halo 2600 ebay guy was much more subtle in his wording. I hope scammers don't share trade secrets.


I agree, but, I can't help but feel like eBay is part of the problem. They are making it so you can't sell repros safely on eBay. If it's a REPLICA, why can't you notate that it is?! That makes very little buisiness sense. I realize they're just trying to avoid claims, but, it's a little unfair.

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