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Need help/advice converting a 7800 RF signal into Composite


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Maybe this is too simple a Q for the hardware area, maybe not. My apologies if this is not the best place for this but I could sure use some help.


I am setting up a retro systems rack. I purchased an 8 way composite switch so that I could run every system into there, run the out from that into my a/v receiver that upconverts, and be able to switch between all 8 systems quickly and easily.


My problems lies with the 7800. Which of course does not have composite outputs. I currently have the stock 7800 cord with the newer, much smaller coax plug end adaptor (as opposed to the stock cord into the game switch, man was it great to ditch that thing).


My plan was to do the old VCR trick...RF in to the VCR, composites out to the receiver. Problem is, I don't have a VCR anymore, and have no intention of ever watching tapes ever again. So unless I find one at the recycling center (read: local dump) I am going to have to spend SOME amount of money to get one. And it will be a BIG box in my set-up and I will never even use it's "primary" design feature!


Can I do this job with another piece of hardware that is not a VCR?


I found RF DE-modulators online, which seem to do what I want. But they seem to start at 80$ minimum...which is more than I paid for the system itself and ALL the games I have! So I am reluctant to spend that much on it. Are there cheaper de-modulators out there I have not found?


Would a stand alone TV tuner with an RF in and composite outs do the converting ob? It works for a TV signal so I can't see why not...but my understanding of these things (tuners/converters) is minimal. Stand alone tuners seem way easier to find and are far cheaper than de-modulators, plus they seem to be very small boxes typically. This would be ideal for me--if it works.


Any help is MUCH appreciated. If I am mis-understanding how the signal works or explaining something badly let me know....the last time I hooked an Atari up...the TV had posts on the back!


(Also: I am aware of the 7800 composite out mod but it's not something I am comfortable doing myself and the cost of the add on plus the work would be close to just buying a de-modulator I think. And yes I could run the coax directly to my TV in....but then the system sound would be coming out of my TV speakers and not the home theater speakers...plus thats an extra volume/input setting I'd have to mess with each time on my TV. I want to keep all switching local to the 8 way switch and my AV receiver.)

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The 7800 composite out mod costs maybe ten bucks in parts, and is still your best option.

Also, a VCR is either a few bucks at your local Goodwill, or free on Craigslist.


I appreciate the pointer to the parts (it certainly is cheaper than buying the kit on a certain auction site, ahem) but it is not only ten bucks TOTAL if I ruin my 7800 in the process! :lol: Having not touched a soldering iron since shop class some 20 years ago...and that only being non electronics....I am VERY wary at attempting it myself. I'm not uninterested (I'd like to be able to do it) but I know my current limitations.


I'll scour my area for a VCR but being in a fairly rural area it's not too easy unless I get lucky at our dump (which I might). Will check the goodwill next time I go to town but ours seems very light on electronics generally and heavy on junk (junk being in the eye of the beholder I guess). Thanks Rex!


Still would love to know (if anyone can tell me) if a stand alone TV tuner would do the conversion job. I dont' see why not if it can convert a cable system rf signal to composite.

Edited by GoldenWheels
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Still would love to know (if anyone can tell me) if a stand alone TV tuner would do the conversion job. I dont' see why not if it can convert a cable system rf signal to composite.


As long as it supports an analog (not modern digital) RF input, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Anybody else know?


Also, did you have a particular TV tuner in mind?

Edited by Rex Dart
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Still would love to know (if anyone can tell me) if a stand alone TV tuner would do the conversion job. I dont' see why not if it can convert a cable system rf signal to composite.


As long as it supports an analog (not modern digital) RF input, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Anybody else know?


Ah...that may be the bugaboo and I didn't think of that. Every one I have seen (that is cheap) is digital to analog. The only ones I have seen which do analog in are listed as tuners/demodulators and thus seem to carry a higher price tags than the (digital) ones i was looking at.


Looking like I either learn to solder or I get a VCR. Damn.

Edited by GoldenWheels
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Well I got pretty lucky...went to the dump this weekend and there was not one but 3 VCRs. I briefly considered grabbing them all to have extras but decided to just grab one (the best one by far, a Daewoo) and leave the rest in case some other Atari fan was in similar need in my town. Pretty much made my weekend. Hooked up and played some Pole Position II.


Now I just need to get A: More games, and B: a controller extension cable. Man I had not recalled Atari cords being so SHORT!

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