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The ULTIMATE 8bit upgrade!!!

Curt Vendel

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This may be more appropriate for the Marketplace, but those interested in 8bit h/w may not notice it:




An ATR-8000 Interface System fully upgraded with CP/M 2.2 compatibility and more importantly an onboard CO-Power-88 upgrade giving your Atari IBM MS-DOS compatibility with many programs.


"But wait, that's not all..." :-D


co-power-88 documents, CP/M supplement, ATR Owners Newsletter, MS-DOS Compatibility listings and a full set of schematics to the ATR8000 main board. All necessary disks for MYDOS, CP/M 2.2 and MS-DOS 2.11 are included as well as other utilities and additional diskettes...


One fun project I am going to try out with my other co-power-88 unit is to see if a PPP dial-up client can be loaded and the Atari in IBM mode can connect to the internet, this will be a cool project to try out :-)


You will probably NEVER see another unit like this, with this much documentation, software, schematics and the ultra rare co-power-88 upgrade, this one box alone gives your 8bit so much power and flexibility you'd wonder why everyone doesn't own one, its a must have!!! :-)





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