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How reliable are 5200 trak-balls?


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I've purchased two as-is models and gotten them both to work. If you buy this one, be prepared for the cue ball and/or bearings to dislodge during shipment. (The seller might be able to prevent this by taping the ball to the case prior to shipment.) If this happens, the ball won't spin right--you'll be able to tell pretty quickly--and you'll have to open it up. However, you'll want to open it up anyway to lube the bearings. Buy a can of 3-in-One oil and use a drop or two per bearing. It will spin better than new. The bearings have to be positioned just so for everything to spin properly.


The fire buttons can be touchy as well. They are dome buttons like the 2600's, but they can still make so-so contact. Strangely, the Start/Pause/Reset and keypad buttons are like those on the 5200 controller (conductive dot), but they all work just fine for me.

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