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SNS-101 50/60Hz mod questions/problems


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First what should I expect form the mod, is it going to make an NTSC console output PAL video? If so then that's not what I need.

I need to make the mini play PAL carts and the lockout chip mod didn't work for the only PAL game I have, tetris/dr mario.

The mod shown 'here' kinda worked but not correctly. It will boot the game in 50hz mode but with b&w and scrolling video, but I can switch to 60hz and get a perfect image, but as soon as it wants to load the next sequence I get the 'this cart is not made for your console' screen, which is also what I get if I try to boot in 60hz. If I leave it in 50hz it will boot all the way to main menu and loop other screens etc and I can switch to 60hz at any time and get perfect video and then back to 50hz before it switches screens and it will continue on like nothing is wrong.

Seeing as how PAL tvs display NTSC just fine i'm starting to think this mod is usefull for PAL consoles and tvs only...

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Yea mate, I tried that one in a PAL console a while ago and it didn't work for me either.


I found this via mmmonkey's website http://sd2snes.de/files/1chip-5060.pdf no idea if it works though as I haven't tried it.

Well I think if the mod is switched or switchless won't matter, I'm betting turning a PAL console in to a NTSC console is not a problem for most ppl in PAL territory since most PAL tvs can do NTSC with no issues, but the opposite is just not the case for NTSC territories.

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I was more thinking that link that I showed, shows more supporting components than just the crystal. Again, not sure if it will work. It seems weird but the early PAL SNES consoles don't require any additional components to get a colour picture with NTSC mod, just these later single chip SNES's

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Looks like TV issue. If you are a member over at Assembler forums, ask there. There is a chap called BAD_ad64 who is pretty clue-y with these as he mods them. He may have the advantage though of being in the UK where PAL tv's typically don't have a problem doing PAL, NTSC and PAL60 modes.

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