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Confused about the high bids for this...


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That shrinkwrap is not factory and that's not even the first release box. Also, the box has some shelfwear and what looks like light fading damage. This is just a case of two idiots bidding something up without realizing that they are way overpaying.

Edited by bojay1997
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, seriously??? Did anyone else look at some of this guys other purchases???? Holy cow! He's certainly welcome to spend his money as he sees fit, but there's a point where it crosses into stupidity. Out of his 52 pages of purchases on ebay here's highlights of the first two:


CIB Sky Diver $18

CIB Pac Man $30

CIB Skiing $38

CIB Robot Tank $43

CIB Boxing $48

CIB Ice Hockey $85

CIB Freeway $71

CIB Tennis $110

CIB MIssile Command $85 (he bought at least 3 of these)

CIB Adventure $301


$301 for Adventure?!?!? To each his own. If he's willing to pay this kind of money, I'll sell my collection right now.

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Check the feedback of the buyer, overpaid on everything he bought:




Missile Command for $75? eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1109045152271?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=110904515227&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the second highest bidder on several of those auctions including the $301 Adventure and the $100+ Tennis? You bid $107.51 on the Tennis and $296.00 on the Adventure. Are you just doing it to drive prices up or do you really need the items so bad that you also overpay all the time? How about explaining to all of us what the motivation of someone like yourself who should know better is for bidding these crazy prices? Ordinarily I wouldn't care and would say it's none of our business, but since you seemed to have no issue with calling this other idiot out, it seems like you have some explaining to do.

Edited by bojay1997
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  • 2 weeks later...

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