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Heavy Sixer with Hex Disc on eBay


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This BIN auction has just been listed (not mine). An untested H6 with two CX-10s, original paddles, original PS, two gatefold games, and a Stunt Cycle standalone. If you look carefully, I think there is a hex disc stuck to the end of the Combat cart! Be sure to ask about it because it may have fallen off. $100 before shipping. Not bad, shouldn't last long.


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2610772595331?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=261077259533&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

Edited by boxpressed
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Holy crap, I never even saw this thread and didn't notice the hex disc either! I sure as heck hope that it remained stuck to that cartridge and he shipped it along with everything else lol... He wasn't exactly knowledgable about this sort of thing.


The package is still en route from Colorado. I just e-mailed the seller asking him if he remembered if the hex disc was still attached when he packed it up lol... I will definitely be kicking myself if he says something like, "Oh, I thought that sticker was garbage so I chucked it."

Edited by Domino8282
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Yay!! He said that while he received several offers for the hex disc ALONE (even after the auction ended and BEFORE he had shipped it), he felt that I purchased what was in the photo (darn tootin') so he shipped it all to me, hex disc included. Hooray!! :)


Oh and P.S., what is the best way to re-attach it to one of the CX-10 joysticks? Just super-glue the sucker on? Anything I should know about that?

Edited by Domino8282
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What IS the whole HEX disc thing about anyway? Sorry I just never heard about this............


Small, hex shaped metal discs that were originally stuck to the tops of the H6 controllers. They easily fell off due to the rubber stick. To find one is to see Heaven for a day. Definitely worth bragging rights.

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