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Just bought a 5200 with no hookups, no games....where do I start?

Metal Monitors

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My friend recently spotted what he described as an "As-Is" Atari 5200 at an antiques store for 10 bucks. Given that I'd never seen an Atari 5200 in person before, it seemed like a decent buy. I've had a 2600 for years, and I love pulling it out one in a while (Warlords and Dodge 'Em are pretty awesome). So I figured a 5200 would be cool to collect for too.


And while the 5200 was a nice find, it was literally just that: a 5200. The thing is in near mint condition, but there's literally no games, no controllers, no hookups, nothing. It's got the cord running out of the bottom of the console, but that's about it.


I looked through the Atari Age files on making one of those boxes that runs out to the TV and power outlet, but by the time I bought all the parts plus a soldering iron, it would come out to about the same price as a switchbox on eBay (eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2008069048341?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=200806904834&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]). I'm pretty sure I could find a power cord and have a way to plug it in to the TV, but then there's the issue of the controllers, which seem notoriously hard to find, whether they be broken or working.


My question to you guys is, if I wanted to go forward and have a working 5200, would it be worth it financially to hunt down all of the individual parts to make the system work, or should I just shoot for buying a new console altogether, bundled with the stuff I need to make it play? I guess I could pretend the other one is a high-tech computer console or something, LOL.


Any help is much appreciated!

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If yours is a two-port model, you don't need a switch box. If it is a four-port model, you may be better off buying another setup, as you'd need to buy the switch box, controllers, and power supply.


I wrote an article on buying a 5200. You can find it here: http://retroauction....-an-atari-5200/

Edited by boxpressed
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Much appreciated! Yeah, I forgot to mention my 5200 was a four port model. Seems like a pretty difficult thing to set up.


Eh, I suppose I might end up just playing a wait and see game on eBay looking for a decently priced working controller and a switch box. I don't think the power supply should be too hard, unless Atari made one specifically for the 5200, I should be able to find one with the right voltage.


The article was very helpful though, thanks! It seems like a risky venture, but the console I bought seems pretty well taken care of, so I'm willing to make the leap. I just can't stand having this awesome space looking thing and not getting it to work.

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I used to dog the 5200, but that is only because I was a Atari 400 user growing up. Now days I would have to say get the Atarimax 5200 cartridge that can load multiple games. I think they have a SD card one though mine was the older 128 in 1 flash cartridge.


Then get some redemption module. A module to let you use other Atari or Sega controllers.


But with that the 5200 is amazing, and playing in the 5200 high score club here on Atariage is a blast since the 5200 has mainly quality arcade games (mostly do to the 16K limit.) :P

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In my estimation, getting the A/C adapter, switch box, controllers, and some games is going to cost you about the same either way. You will be pleasantly surprised with the 5200 once you get this rig up and going. Like Colecovision, the 80's arcade ports for this system are unparalleled. Well worth it to get a Master Play adapter that lets you use 2600 and Master System controllers (think Master System or Genesis arcade stick), along with a 15 pin PC controller adapter. There are so many excellent 15 pin PC game controllers, that these really open up the fun factor of the 5200.

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Mitch- PM sent.


Doctorclu, Sqoon- Yeah, it looks like a multi-cart and a controller adapter would be a good option. Better than gambling and losing on bad controllers, anyway. But my question is, the controller had a pretty hardcore keypad on it. Wouldn't plugging in a genesis/master system/2600/pc controller limit the functionality of some games? Or are there so few that actually use the keypad that it doesn't matter anyway?


Official Ninja- Hmm, 9v would be a lot easier to find than 11.5v. At least, I know I have a 9v power cord, but I don't recall ever seeing a 11.5v one.


Thanks for the responses guys! I'm sure these questions have been asked a thousand times.... The Atari community is definitely really cool.

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Most 5200 games mainly use the keypad during startup, not during gameplay. Frogger is an exception, allowing keypad directional input in place of the button pushing required with the analog control. Also, both Masterplay and PC controller adapters use either a stock controller on a Y cable or have keypad built in (Master Play), so you are covered for games that need them either way.

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Just so you know, you'll need some kind of 5200 keypad controller to play, mostly just to have a working Start button. Without that button, you won't be able to play most of the games.


Everyone one has their own preferences when it comes to 5200 controllers. My personal one is the Wico stick, which is fully analog, self-centering, and has great fire buttons. Being an analog stick means it works with all the 5200 games... a standard digital 2600 stick run through a Redemption/Masterplay won't work with some games like Centipede and Missile Command. You'll need the Wico Y-cable that originally came with the stick, and a standard controller with working keypad buttons (doesn't really matter if the fire buttons work, as you would be using the ones on the Wico.) The problem with the basic standard controller is there is an excellent chance that the Start/Pause/Reset buttons (and fire buttons) won't work on it, due to the crummy carbon dots Atari used. To fix this, you can open up the controller and glue foil dots to the buttons (plenty of threads in this forum describe how to do this.) If you want to skip a stock controller altogether, Wico did make an excellent keypad, but it can be a bit pricy to obtain.


Best of luck with your new 5200! It's a great system - once you figure out a controller setup that works for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like the OP, I purchased a 4 port 5200 without the switch box. I simply modded it to use a standard switch box, then I hardwired a power supply to it. After that, I started in with stuff like Kangaroo and Qix. They're the ones I've enjoyed the most so far. Miner 2049er is a solid but expensive platform game.


Here are some game suggestions:


River Raid




Miner 2049er

and (depending on the size of your wallet) Bounty Bob Strikes Back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yo guys!


Just wanted to give an update on this situation. I ended up buying a switchbox from Mitch and a power supply from eBay, and both of them worked great! After some searching, I got a controller for $25 from a local second hand appliance store (go figure). The controller was broken (obviously), so I opened it up. Somehow, the circuit board had gotten wrinkled under one of the side fire buttons, so luckily the previous owner gave up on the the controller fairly quickly, because this rendered all of the top buttons (along with one of the fire buttons) totally useless. So after I realigned the circuit board, all of the buttons worked perfectly!


But, the problem is, when I put the Joystick back on, I can't get the lower nub on the bottom portion of the controller to align with the nub on the top portion of the controller. This results in me not being able to move the joystick down, and when I force it down, it ruins the calibration of the lower nub and makes the joystick unuseable. Does anyone have any tips for getting them to align? I've opened and closed the controller about 10 times, trying to center the joystick as much as possible, but I just can't get it to align.


Also, the circuit board on my controller is white, and not green. Does this mean it's rare?


And thanks for the extra information, Sdamon. I was about to go for just a third party controller, but held off once I knew you needed a real 5200 controller. And thanks Shadow, once I have it up and running I'll definitely be on the lookout for those games!

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I think this tip from Best Electronics guide to rebuilding the CX52 might help:


"Now look into the bottom CX52 housing.  Notice the two Pots with the white Pot arms on the shafts.  Align the Top Pot arm so it points to 9 AM and the Bottom Pot arm so it points to 6 PM."



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But, the problem is, when I put the Joystick back on, I can't get the lower nub on the bottom portion of the controller to align with the nub on the top portion of the controller. This results in me not being able to move the joystick down, and when I force it down, it ruins the calibration of the lower nub and makes the joystick unuseable. Does anyone have any tips for getting them to align? I've opened and closed the controller about 10 times, trying to center the joystick as much as possible, but I just can't get it to align.


Also, the circuit board on my controller is white, and not green. Does this mean it's rare?


Here is a silly instruction page I put together a long time ago. I hope it helps. http://chazbeenhad.tripod.com/5200joy/


I wouldn't say the white ones are rare. I have seen a bunch but the green ones are found much more often.

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I noticed you're in Oklahoma City, just like me. The Vintage Stock in Midwest City still has quite a selection of 5200 commons. Offhand I can recall them having Galaxian, Pac-Man, Pole Position, and Super Breakout. I think they still have Countermeasure and Star Raiders as well. They generally ask $2 each. I've been on the hunt recently myself and spotted a few 5200 titles in at least three of their five stores.

Midwest City had the most, but I think there are some at the North May store and possibly the Moore location. Also, the North May location may have just taken in a 2 port system. I asked if it had any games with it, but they said it didn't. It was on the counter Sunday, I think. It does have a broken trap door, but it looked to me like it would be an easy fix with super glue.

If you are at all into 2600 or Intellivision collecting, check the Atari rack in Midwest City. There are tons of games on it including stuff like Squeeze Box and several boxed Inty titles. More boxed Inty titles can be found at the Norman Vintage Stock and Game X Change at 50th and Meridian.


I wish I'd noticed your location earlier. I'd have offered to mod your system so it doesn't need the funky switchbox.

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Well, I've tried re-aligning the joystick again and again. Eventually I figured out that the white piece of plastic on the top portion of the controller was turned to the wrong direction, and that fixed the problem....for about 10 minutes. I got through about 3 games of Pac-Man before they joystick misaligned again. Ever since then, I haven't been able to get the darned thing in correctly. Yes, I'm turning the pot arms to 9 and 6, and yes, I've looked thoroughly at all the FAQs....this controller just seems to downright hate me. In any case, I've given up, and I'll just use it as a glorified start button for when I find a decent third party controller....Still, I really appreciate your guys' help, and I looked through all of your advice!


Also, Shadow- Ah well, it's no big deal now. I live far on the SE side of town, so the Midwest City Vintage Stock is actually a place I look at now and again. I never noticed the 5200 carts, but I'll be on the lookout for them next time I'm there. I got Pac-Man and Pole Position for $2.00 each at the one on May.


But yeah, I'm working on slowly building up a 2600 collection as well, so I'll check their selection out. Game X-Change sells 2600 carts for $1, but all they have now is used DVDs.


And if you ever offer any other hardcore modding services, let me know! Thanks man!

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