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Ok, thanks...this is really great. The only thing I have a question on now is the BIOS..flashjazzcat has the SDX and PBI roms hosted, but who has the BIOS? I am thinking candle or lotharek, but can't recall seeing them.


Candle would be the one posting the Bios updates, I found a "u1mb-bios-update.xex" that I downloaded on Nov 17,2012 and will post here if it's newer than what's already in the U1MB V2 ROM update or if I or someone else posts that link to that update first...

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Great stuff. This being the officially endorsed tool for the job (and the one which does the proper signature checks on the latest PBI ROMs)


Funny how the officially endorsed tool did not check ANY signatures on ANY of the ROMS until U1MB ROM Builder implemented this feature... and yet FJC is once again here muddying the waters... When I described the behavior of certain people here as displaying a "gang mentality" i wasn't actually exaggerating.....


Also funny is how some self-proclaimed experts just can't get stop picking on "non-experts" like myself :)

Edited by atari8warez
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a8w, I hope one day you will learn that slinging mud, will get you no where...

If you insist on this bickering (again!), I can easily put you back on ignore...

So please just stop it...


You're talking to the wrong person... read before you comment.... if you don't remember the facts its not difficult for me to point you in the right direction, all I need to do is to link to the old conversations. We all know who the sling masters are... he just can't keep his mouth shut, he MUST make some remarks as if anybody really asked him.

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Version #14 is now available for downloading at it's homepage:



This update has 1 Addition and 2 Fixes.


02/26/13 - Added - BIOS Version Indicator for Ultimate1MB. Will Show V1.0, V1.5 or V2.0.

02/26/13 - Fixed - When the Ultimate1MB's Main ROM or BIOS ROM is changed to V1,

The Basic and Game Description Now Has a Default Description.

Also, If a Basic or Game "Option Button" Was Set To Any Thing Else

Than The First Slot, The First Slot is Now Selected.


Best Regards,


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Funny how the officially endorsed tool did not check ANY signatures on ANY of the ROMS until U1MB ROM Builder implemented this feature... and yet FJC is once again here muddying the waters... When I described the behavior of certain people here as displaying a "gang mentality" i wasn't actually exaggerating.....


Also funny is how some self-proclaimed experts just can't get stop picking on "non-experts" like myself :)


This is the man who fanatically put in an appearance in the programming forum specifically to count up the JMP instructions in some source code I wrote eighteen years ago, and then elighten me on how useful JSR can be? You seem to show up regular as clockwork, regardless of what I post or where I post it. If I write "I choose to endorse Jay's ROM editor" on the British Agricultural Digest website forum, you can bet your Ray-dar will go off with a "someone's wrong on the Internet" amber alert. Or - having lost the latest argument in the Aspeqt forum - did you see an opportunity to try your luck here?


I'd resolved not to click "show it anyway" again, but I'd like to know exactly what it is I'm being accused of here. I endorse Jay's editor on my website, and unless I missed a meeting, his is the application which does the latest signature checks on the PBI ROM. Or perhaps you can explain to me in detail right here and now what those checks are and how your program goes about implementing them? What else... italcs on "official"? I make no apology for that. I've been beaten around the ears often enough by your risible proclamations regarding "official" versions of open-source software that in actuality anyone is free to do with as they please.


Anyway: knock this shit off with the insinuations, etc, before I start reporting posts.

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This is the man who fanatically put in an appearance in the programming forum specifically to count up the JMP instructions in some source code I wrote eighteen years ago, and then elighten me on how useful JSR can be? You seem to show up regular as clockwork, regardless of what I post or where I post it. If I write "I choose to endorse Jay's ROM editor" on the British Agricultural Digest website forum, you can bet your Ray-dar will go off with a "someone's wrong on the Internet" amber alert. Or - having lost the latest argument in the Aspeqt forum - did you see an opportunity to try your luck here?


I'd resolved not to click "show it anyway" again, but I'd like to know exactly what it is I'm being accused of here. I endorse Jay's editor on my website, and unless I missed a meeting, his is the application which does the latest signature checks on the PBI ROM. Or perhaps you can explain to me in detail right here and now what those checks are and how your program goes about implementing them? What else... italcs on "official"? I make no apology for that. I've been beaten around the ears often enough by your risible proclamations regarding "official" versions of open-source software that in actuality anyone is free to do with as they please.


Anyway: knock this shit off with the insinuations, etc, before I start reporting posts.



I am no longer taking any of your words seriously, that's what I should have done many moons ago. The reason I posted "your code" was to show people that most of what you say around here is grossly exaggerated, sometimes just to give yourself an image of an "expert". I recently had the opportunity to examine the guts of one of your hardware upgrades which failed to operate almost as soon as it reached its customer. Apparently "show" is more important to you than "essence" and this was painfully apparent in your art work!. I haven't posted any images of that mess here but don't push me to do so by continuing your BS. I don't pay attention to threats either, if you want peace stay away from me and my postings and remember I don't give a rats ass whether my software is the official one or not (after all everybody knows why I wrote it in the first place ;)), just don't distort the facts, I just know that it works and some people like it, that's all it matters to me.

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Anyway: knock this shit off with the insinuations, etc, before I start reporting posts.


Insinuations!!, gimme a break. Here's another one of your forgeries:


Creating false metatags on your web page like:

<meta name="Professional open-source software for 8-Bit Atari Computers" />

doesn't really make your software open source does it.... But it's a good way to fool people who are googling looking for open source software, or maybe you don't know what open-source really means!. Either way I challenge you to prove your claim, I don't see any links to the source on your webpage!.





And for your information, I didn't loose any arguments on the AspeQt thread I simply accepted majority's opinion and decided to make a change - and I don't see that as a threat to my existence! - unlike you I am not trying to impose myself to anyone and for me user's opinion matters. You are so full of yourself it is unbelievable!!!..

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Jay, are we allowed to report on our test results of THE Rom Generator :?


Sure, as long as you mind your manners Ray ;)


Something about the fixed descriptions of Basic and XEGS Missle Command? My next step is to change those to a blank entry if another ROM is loaded in their place. That will be done testing a few bytes from each ROM...

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Sure, as long as you mind your manners Ray ;)


Something about the fixed descriptions of Basic and XEGS Missle Command? My next step is to change those to a blank entry if another ROM is loaded in their place. That will be done testing a few bytes from each ROM...


Yes that was one of my observations, and I guess that above solution should work....

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The last time I reported my test results the listing started with the word Bugs, other than that I don't recall saying anything to make you upset (other arguments between you and me nonwithstanding) if that's what bothered you, I will simply call them my test results, you decide whether they are bugs or not, so consider them as "my observations" during my test of the U1MB portion of the generator :)


Some of this might already be familiar to you:


- A version 1 ROM is loaded, when you want to save the ROM the program displays the default ROM file name as: Ultimate1MBv2.rom


- When a version 1 ROM is loaded, the BASIC slot-1 shows a default name of 'Atari Basic Rev C', you load another ROM into that slot and the description still shows the same 'Atari Basic Rev C' and can not be edited. Save the U1MB ROM and reload it, the wrong description shows up. The same also happens when trying to build a ROM from scratch.


- Allows you to load individual ROM files without loading a U1MB ROM first, when you want to save and exit it then tells you that you can't save because the U1MB Rom was not loaded. You must load all slots of BASIC and GAMES ROMS whether you want them or not, otherwise it wont save the U1MB ROM.


- When the program starts, it displays the U1MB BIOS version as V2 but no ROM is loaded at this point so this is not necessarily correct. What if i wanted to generate a v1 ROM from scratch without first loading a U1MB Rom, also if I do generate a v1 ROM this way the program will not let me save it until all BASIC and GAME slots are loaded - which is not desirable for v1 ROMS. So when creating a new U1MB ROM, version selection seems to be necessary.


- When the descriptions are enabled and "don't show empty description reminder" option is unchecked, highlight a description and type a letter to change it, a message pops telling you that you can't change the descriptions before loading U1MB Rom but the description change anyway and the message unnecessarily displays a second time (msg displays twice only if the whole description is highlighted first and changed)


- "Use Internal Flasher, Do NOT Prompt me to load a Flasher" option has no effect, the program behaves the same (does not prompt for flasher) no matter what this option is set to.


- To create a new U1MB ROM from scratch you have to exit the program and restart, there is no NEW option to start over from scratch.


- Language selection for the UI is not permanent, has to be set every time the program is started.



As I said above, it's up to you how you want to interpret these, I just wanted to let you know....

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The last time I reported my test results the listing started with the word Bugs, other than that I don't recall saying anything to make you upset (other arguments between you and me nonwithstanding) if that's what bothered you, I will simply call them my test results, you decide whether they are bugs or not, so consider them as "my observations" during my test of the U1MB portion of the generator :)


Some of this might already be familiar to you:


As I said above, it's up to you how you want to interpret these, I just wanted to let you know....


- A version 1 ROM is loaded, when you want to save the ROM the program displays the default ROM file name as: Ultimate1MBv2.rom


I'll change that.


- When a version 1 ROM is loaded, the BASIC slot-1 shows a default name of 'Atari Basic Rev C', you load another ROM into that slot and the description still shows the same 'Atari Basic Rev C' and can not be edited. Save the U1MB ROM and reload it, the wrong description shows up. The same also happens when trying to build a ROM from scratch.


Already fixed it earlier...


- Allows you to load individual ROM files without loading a U1MB ROM first, when you want to save and exit it then tells you that you can't save because the U1MB Rom was not loaded. You must load all slots of BASIC and GAMES ROMS whether you want them or not, otherwise it wont save the U1MB ROM.


Yep a bug, I'll mark Basic and Game slots (2-4) as "loaded" when a Rev1 Bios ROM is loaded.


- When the program starts, it displays the U1MB BIOS version as V2 but no ROM is loaded at this point so this is not necessarily correct. What if i wanted to generate a v1 ROM from scratch without first loading a U1MB Rom, also if I do generate a v1 ROM this way the program will not let me save it until all BASIC and GAME slots are loaded - which is not desirable for v1 ROMS. So when creating a new U1MB ROM, version selection seems to be necessary.


The version is auto-selected depending on which Bios Version is loaded.


- When the descriptions are enabled and "don't show empty description reminder" option is unchecked, highlight a description and type a letter to change it, a message pops telling you that you can't change the descriptions before loading U1MB Rom but the description change anyway and the message unnecessarily displays a second time (msg displays twice only if the whole description is highlighted first and changed)


Unable to duplicate this behavior in Win95 or XP...

After a few tests, I was able to duplicate it after all. I'll look into it...


- "Use Internal Flasher, Do NOT Prompt me to load a Flasher" option has no effect, the program behaves the same (does not prompt for flasher) no matter what this option is set to.


Not when the internal is known to work, no need to load another at this time.


- To create a new U1MB ROM from scratch you have to exit the program and restart, there is no NEW option to start over from scratch.


True, but clicking a Menu, then a Sub-Menu wouldn't be any faster than closing the U1MB Dialog and Re-opening it.


- Language selection for the UI is not permanent, has to be set every time the program is started.


Fixed - removed a "//" comment that prevented saving to the ini file.



Thanks for the report :thumbsup:

Edited by AtariGeezer
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The version is auto-selected depending on which Bios Version is loaded.



That's correct, but what I was saying is when you first start the program no U1MB Rom was loaded (doesn't that also mean no BIOS ROM was loaded either), so with noting loaded the program shows the ROM as V2. It should really show no version number until either a U1MB ROM or a BIOS Rom is loaded.

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That's correct, but what I was saying is when you first start the program no U1MB Rom was loaded (doesn't that also mean no BIOS ROM was loaded either), so with noting loaded the program shows the ROM as V2. It should really show no version number until either a U1MB ROM or a BIOS Rom is loaded.


Gotcha, already taken care of. That label is now empty at startup, then filled when the Main or Bios ROM is loaded....

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Build 15 is now available from the homepage:


This update has 6 Fixes and 5 Changes.

02/27/13 - Fixed - The Language Selection is Now Saved when Changed.
------------------- Ultimate 1MB ----------------
02/27/13 - ----- - Removed the Version Number When The Ultimate1MB's Dialog is First Shown.
02/27/13 - Fixed - For V1 ROMs, The Basic and Game ROM Descriptions Will Now Be Empty
	   if They Don't Match Certain Bytes.
02/27/13 - Fixed - The Save Name of the Main or Bios ROM Now Reflects the Correct Version.
02/27/13 - Fixed - If a V1 Bios ROM is Loaded, Basic & Game Slots 2-4 are Now Marked as Loaded.
02/27/13 - Fixed - Repeat Display of Message Popup When Editing Ultimate1MB's Basic, Game and
	   XL/XE OS Descriptions and the *Do Not Show Me the "Empty Description" Reminder*
	   is Not Checked.
03/01/12 - ----- - Other Ultimate1MB V1 Changes:
	   SDX ROM Saved File Length is Now 320k as before.
	   GUI Slot is Now Disabled.
	   RSVD Slot is Now RSVD 1, Saved File Length is 48k and Named as Ultimate1MbRsvd1.rom.
	   PBI Slot is Now RSVD 2, Saved File Length is 48k and Named as Ultimate1MbRsvd2.rom.
------------------- Incognito -------------------
02/28/13 - Fixed - Repeat Display of Message Popup When Editing Incognito's Colleen and XL/XE OS
       Descriptions and the *Do Not Show Me the "Empty Description" Reminder*
	    is Not Checked.

Best Regards,

Edited by AtariGeezer
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  • 3 weeks later...



This ROM has SDX 4.46 and PBI Bios 0.3.5...


The Incognito flasher is getting closer to completion. I have the menu and tables coded so that you'll be able to flash the whole 512k or a section at a time. Tested the POINT (XIO 37) option under SDX yesterday and that's working nicely :)

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