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Homebrew repro alert!


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Perhaps it's time to add the cost of a savekey to new homebrews. it could act as both a software dongle and save game support. Plus, hey.. you could always store the levels on the savekey!


Then, they will just copy the SaveKey, just like Wickey.

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If it was, it would be a dye cut label, in other words, rounded corners. ;)


Ah. Good eye. :) That's the kind of thing that 1) only the people who MADE the cart would know and 2) something that a common person (i.e., the rest of us!) wouldn't have any idea about.


Having said that....maybe the seller honestly doesn't know? I do like to give the benift of the doubt. I'll fire off a message to him and see if he responds.

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Perhaps it's time to add the cost of a savekey to new homebrews. it could act as both a software dongle and save game support. Plus, hey.. you could always store the levels on the savekey!


Then, they will just copy the SaveKey, just like Wickey.


Not sure what you're accusing me of here... Sure I have made SaveKeys for myself. I've never even thought of selling one, and have only done good with them, like using them to dump and share prototypes for free...


I got the schematic from Richard H. who graciously shared it with me and was supportive of my project. I could have posted the schematic when someone recently asked for it, but I didn't because I honored Richard's right to distribute it himself.


Maybe I'm just reading your post wrong, but I'm pretty offended that you would mention that in a thread about pirated home brew games.

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I have been seeing these for a while. I thought it was just people cashing in on how rare this cart is and how popular the name is.


The best way for AA to combat this is to make more of this game available. If it could be purchased here no one would need to spend the money these carts are getting on eBay. I have thought about buying one of these but I can't see spending the money on these fakes right now when there is still a chance at a legit copy from AA.

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I have been seeing these for a while. I thought it was just people cashing in on how rare this cart is and how popular the name is.


The best way for AA to combat this is to make more of this game available. If it could be purchased here no one would need to spend the money these carts are getting on eBay. I have thought about buying one of these but I can't see spending the money on these fakes right now when there is still a chance at a legit copy from AA.


I'm going to start putting these on eBay, probably tomorrow.



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Didnt Ed Fries release the rom himself in a thread on AA?


So does that make it "fair game" ?


Not to make and sell carts, no.





I guess once the rom is out there any 'hozer' can make what they want. Intellivision is so different, Only a handful of people know the secret of loading roms onto pcb's

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If we go by Internet standards, it doesn't matter if somebody does something evil. You're a judgmental hater if you point it out or try to correct the problem. It's much better to bend over and shove your head deep into the soft, warm sand. That way everybody will get along and there will be no drama.


Threads like this cause drama and we shouldn't stand for it. If you hate the drama created by finger pointing threads like this, join me in the fight against drama by liking this post. We'll show the haters of the world that we will no longer tolerate their finger pointing and truth telling. We'll let them know that we hate anyone who causes drama and we'll shut them up by any means necessary. Look out haters. We're coming for you!





If you believe this post, you are a clueless moron and should not be allowed on the Internet. Congratulations on figuring out how to read this spoiler message, though. Maybe you're not as stupid as we imagined. We placed bets on how long it would be until you confused a bottle of bleach with a gallon of milk and committed unintentional suicide, but I guess your level of stupidity is flying low enough under the death radar that you might end up living longer than we thought.


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Well, I got a response from the seller, but it's shady and dodging the issue at best. :roll:


I appreciate the heads up. The main text was automatically added by ebay and I was unable to edit it. I did put my own text below it saying the



"The original limited-edition, handmade creation was made available at the

2010 Classic Gaming Expo inLas Vegas. This is a barely used copy of the

game and is like new."


SoI did note that this is a copy of the original game and not the original itself.

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Well, I got a response from the seller, but it's shady and dodging the issue at best. :roll:


Yeah, especially when people say they bought their copy of a game, meaning a new copy of the original game. That seller clearly knows that they are doing something wrong.

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I reported the item, hope it helps.


Report Category: Copyright and trademark

Reason for report: Counterfeit item or authenticity disclaimer

Detailed reason: counterfeit, fake, or replica items.



Brief description:


"This is an illegal reproduction of the original cart. The original game does not look like this."


I left out the rounded label on purpose, no reason to give the thiefs advice on how to make better pirates.

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Well, I got a response from the seller, but it's shady and dodging the issue at best. :roll:


I appreciate the heads up. The main text was automatically added by ebay and I was unable to edit it. I did put my own text below it saying the



"The original limited-edition, handmade creation was made available at the

2010 Classic Gaming Expo inLas Vegas. This is a barely used copy of the

game and is like new."


SoI did note that this is a copy of the original game and not the original itself.


Just wanted to chime on on how he wrote that he definitely did not word it in a way that makes it show it is a "counterfeit" copy. He said the word copy but in the way that it could be referring to "legal" copy.


I could write that for any game I sell. ex: This is a copy of pac-man.

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I would be very interested in another legitimate release as I missed the earlier ones.....I'm sure there are many others looking for one judging by the ebay activity. Unfortunately the Rom is out there and not every collector has the proper info on the cart.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to bump an old thread, but. . .


If you download a rom image and send it to me to assemble for you, this is what label you might expect to see on the cart I sent you at the end of the day. Some of these were made by me, some were made for me, and some were send along with the above mentioned rom images at the customer's request.




Maybe it should be a general thing when buying homebrews on Ebay, to compare the labels to the real deal first?

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