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It Begins, Starting with the 7800


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Purhaps, Missing in Action would make a great game to have available in the atariage store.... :)

would be nice wouldnt it? but i get now, why they arent. hang tight man, with any luck i can produce some soon! I cant do labels though, so maybe someone else will come through with that.

Edited by jc78_2005
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would be nice wouldnt it? but i get now, why they arent. hang tight man, with any luck i can produce some soon! I cant do labels though, so maybe someone else will come through with that.

I would buy one from you but I gotta have the lable or else it won't look right with my collection...I know it sounds weird, but the labels mean a lot to me, lol....

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I hope that a % of the money that someone makes building new carts goes to Mitch so he can recover some of the massive outlay he spent on buying the prototype.

And it would be common courtesy to at least ask his permission first.

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Interesting, I wonder what they did with the manual??



It probably went in the bin, I know that I nearly trashed mine as it looked like part of the packaging or was hidden under something else when the box arrived iirc

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I hope that a % of the money that someone makes building new carts goes to Mitch so he can recover some of the massive outlay he spent on buying the prototype.

And it would be common courtesy to at least ask his permission first.

I agree.........Mitch shouldn't be left out in the cold.......If it wasn't people like Mitch or AL , none of these games would be possible.......Every single member on this site that owns MIA or are in the process of making or purchasing should go to the Currency Exchange and send him some money right now! :) PRONTO!!! :) :( :) Or like I said, the game should be available in the atariage store because then the money will be distrubuted out to the right people fairly...........Plus I must mention that 90 % of all homebrews I've purchsed for the 7800, 5200, and 2600 have been directly from the atariage store...Every single cart from the store I've received have been in crisp, excellent working condition inside and out.............

Edited by Stun Runner 87
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MItch was, Is ,and will always be the goto Guy for MIA related topics, and is fully aware of my intentions to build carts,I didnt ask permission, i asked for advice and instruction, which im comfortable in saying is enough.


Be cool, grasshopper.

I look forward to purchasing a cart from you when your project is complete.........................................................................................................................................................................................................

You are in command now, admiral.

Edited by Stun Runner 87
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LOL i didnt mean for that post to sound rude, if it came across that way I apologize, i appreciate it! hopefully i can make it Happen!

the prototype is very playable, if i recall it was like 85% finished i think?

Its playable.....I have a cart of it I got from Shaw Sr but there's somthing wrong with the cart....Sometimes it doesn't work at all or it cuts off into a blank screen while playing...its frusturating because I really like the game.....All the levels are playable with the exception of a few bugs....If the game would of ever completed back in 1989 it may have been one of the best games for the 7800.....I wish someone would redue the game from scratch or complete it somehow, someday.....I think its worth it in my opinion......

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If whoever wins that auction for the MIA cart wants a manual send me a message, I think I've still got a couple of manuals left.


No need to ask me for permission to make carts, I'm just happy to see the game out there.


A good description of the game (and the bugs) can be found here: http://www.atariprotos.com/7800/software/mia/mia.htm



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The Gamepad

An unusual update this time. I decided that I had had enough of the 7800 'American controllers and picked up a pair of the "Euro" Gamepads off of eBay. The original 7800 controllers seemed to be this wierd concept of making the 2600 controller feel like a Colecovision controller without all the functionality (no keypad) and made more cheaply. I've gone through four of the things and each had problems with only one I would consider 'playable'. I haven't run into a game console with controller issues like the 7800, and I can't help but think that was another nail in the console's coffin.


The gamepad, though, is another story. Someone was listening to the market when the 7800 got its official 'wide' release and ditched the doorstops in favor of a more 'modern' pad which heavily resembles (though has less functionality than) the SMS pad or the NES pad. While of inferior quality to its brethren, for the 7800 itself this is a huge upgrade. It's far more reliable and responsive than the doorstops and feels a lot more natural in the hand. I wouldn't normally rate hardware changes as a 'must get' item for anything, but this really does give a lot more value and enjoyment to the experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Another great game from the master. Scamble is a port of the arcade game involving flying through canyons and blowing shit up. The gamepad makes this play smooth as silk, and (for the most part) we've got an excellent translation of the arcade machine going on here. Only down side is the scrolling technique is visible, resulting in 'bands' appearing on the left and right of the playfield as you go along, which can be a little distracting until you learn to ignore it. Solid entry in the 7800 lineup and amazing for a homebrew.

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