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Another "Selling My Everything" Collection Auction


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It feels to me that we are seeing MORE and MORE of these "I'm unloading it all, buy everything for one price!" sort of deals.



Are they getting flushed out of the woodwork by some of the more noticeable ones that make media coverage, such as this European fellow who wanted over a million for his collection (and maybe got it?) - - eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3007368468671?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=300736846867&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] - - or is this just the usual ebb and flow of collectors and sellers?


Might just be the season, too :D - - I'm getting ready to begin listing again, myself, after a long summer of doing-other-things (remodeling basement, mowing lawn, etc.) . . . !


Any philosophical discourse on "whole lots" and these sorts of "getting rid of it all" sales is welcome! Always a good topic, I feel.




Anyways, to the MEAT of this post - - local Denverite who wants to clear out his VERY sweet looking shelves in one fell swoop, and at a not-so-bad starting price - -



Saw it on craigslist at first:




Which referenced his eBay listing:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2907669285671?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=290766928567&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


(also captured as images, for historical joy)








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That auction has been listed several times, and any legitimately interested bidders have probably stopped caring.


Interesting! Once, that I can see - - eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2907566784851?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=290756678485&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] Had you seen the same listing before, too, like last year, which falls outside of the available searches in eBay?


Curious - - did you (or someone you know) personally made him an offer and have him decline?



Always fascinating when people decide to unload these sets . . . seeing that he has listed it before makes me think he is holding out for the best price for his "treasures." The reserve seems to be a good indication of that . . . !



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August 1st - eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2907489021601?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=290748902160&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] - $12,065, 2 bidders, and reserve not hit


July 18th - eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2907408007631?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=290740800763&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] - $20,000, 7 bidders, but sale not completed?


I want to say there was one more listing before that, but I'm pulling this stuff up via mobile now and don't have access to my full records.

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Oh, hey, cool - - thanks for taking the time to do that!


That helps a lot - - this guy is waiting for some miracle sale that meets his "value expectation," it looks like. I think I can safely put this one in my "not caring" bin, too ;)



Maybe he'll get tired and start parting things out . . . not holding my breath, tho!



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Is eBay afraid a French buys it and uses it to create an Atom Bomb ? What could be a restricted item in this collection ? WTF ?


"Unfortunately, access to this particular item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in some countries. We are blocking your viewing in an effort to prevent restricted items from being displayed. Regrettably, in some cases, we may prevent users from accessing items that are not within the scope of said restrictions because of limitations of existing technology. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, and we hope you may find other items of interest on eBay."


Excuse my French, because I'm French, but ça commence à me les briser menues, c'est pas la première fois que ça me le fait...

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Is eBay afraid a French buys it and uses it to create an Atom Bomb ? What could be a restricted item in this collection ? WTF ?


Atom bomb? No, worse than you imagined, actually - - an NTSC copy of SHAQ FU for the Genesis!






Just kidding - - I have no idea what triggers it, but I don't like it either. I've only run into it a few times here and there on .uk or .jp eBay.


I wonder if the seller can set it somehow to have a "restricted" item (even if it doesn't) in order to easily prevent foreign buyers, which some sellers seem to dislike selling/shipping to . . . ?



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I understand why one could dislike shipping abroad. It's a long trip, and the longer it is, the most it is possible one guy along the chain does something stupid that ends up damaging the item (Crossing fingers, never happened to me, but for heavy stuff like Ataris TT or Mega STE, I limit myself to nearby countries, like UK, Spain or Germany)


However, I don't like the message at all. Give me the feeling I'm somewhat suspicious or can be a danger. :-o

I mean, I worked for the nuclear industry here and I never.... ah, sorry, someone's knocking at the door. :D

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It's got a reserve. It may not be a good deal after all -- the reserve may be somewhere in the $500k range.


30 years of collecting... what would you value it at if you were trying to sell 30 years of collecting?


I imagine the man wants six figures or more... I know I would, at minimum.



You can't put a price on 30 years. ;)

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It's got a reserve. It may not be a good deal after all -- the reserve may be somewhere in the $500k range.


30 years of collecting... what would you value it at if you were trying to sell 30 years of collecting?


I imagine the man wants six figures or more... I know I would, at minimum.



You can't put a price on 30 years. ;)


It would depend on what and how much I collected in those 30 years, not the fact that it took me 30 years.

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Store owners and resellers would like something like this as an investment to part out, if it would be sold at a decent value. I don't see many collectors showing interest though. Collectors like to hunt things and enjoy the hobby, not receive a massive room full of pretty much everything all at once.

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