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GameStop to start selling the "classic" games from their warehouse

Red 5

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Every time I'm in there (no so much) and I ask about anything, they try to pump me to "pre-order" something. I'm not pre-ordering jack shit. I can buy whatever it is on every street corner already, even at places like Walmart. Why the hell would anybody need to pre-order anything, nowdays? They must be awfully desperate. They caution me that it's "to make sure that I get one," when it's all over the internet, as well as the aforementioned street corners. HA HA.



I reiterate the above. Today, I was in Wah-mah, getting a few things. I remembered that Call of Duty Black Ops 2 came out a few days ago, so I decided to look to see if they had any. I recently (finally!) broke down and got Xbox 360. I wanted an older (CHEAP!!!) Call of Duty game to practice on, since I'm pretty inexperienced with this stuff. I bought "Modern Warfare 2" because it was $6, and I had the guy pick through them and find me a mint one. There are so many Call of Duty games - and subtitle names, like "Black Ops" and "Modern Warfare" that it's hard to tell them all apart. People don't even call them "Call of Duty" anymore!!!!!!


The clerk **REALLY** put pressure on me, and everyone in front of me in line, to pre-order Black Ops 2, assuring us that it wouldn't be available to play. Today at Wah-mah, 4 days after launch:




Granted, there's a couple holes in the display, but on the right, there's still several, and 4 days later, I can easily get one.


Then, around the corner, in the regular "locked" display case:




Can't see from the photo, but it's chock full, all the way back to the wall, in the spring-loaded dispenser-thingy that they put games in.


I can't believe people pre-order stuff. Like I said - all over the internet, on every street corner, etc. For a product that is THIS popular, and is probably going to make considerably more money than a lot of major hit movie releases, why would they NOT make a bunch of them? It probably cost $2.00 in the quantities they deal in, to press a disc, print manual and artwork, and stick it in a case.


Since I brought it up:


(1) Anybody played the game? Comments?


(2) I never even played my Modern Warfare 2 yet. Will a game that old still be online?

Edited by wood_jl
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Preordering in a game store is just so that they don't have to order high levels of inventory like a regular retail store does. It accomplishes two things: No inventory to really store outside of maybe a half dozen copies ordered just to have on the shelf for the inevitable walk-in traffic, and if they do indeed sell out, they can encourage more people to "prespend" on later games ("Only way you can be sure to get it!") so that they can "have it". Like a lot of things, though, that they have to include some sort of "exclusive pre-order DLC" shows that it's more smoke and mirrors than they really want people to know about.


If anyone I know complains about not getting a game because they failed to pre-order, I'd aim them at my local indie game store, or Target, with the admonition, "if the indie doesn't have it, the big box store definitely will".

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No this is a horrible ideal because Gamestop will get Ebay and overpriced Flea market prices.Before Gamestop stopped selling GBA games,the Pokemon games were still $30 so just imagine the prices for the GB/GBC Pokemon games and don't talk about the Mario or sonic games on the Genesis and SNES.I can see it now *


*sees the price for gold the Legend of Zelda OOT*

Me:why is it so expensive?

Gamestop clerk:because the gold version is really rare these days,but you can get the grey version for much less


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  • 2 years later...

gamestop did buy up funcoland.


from the article it seems this will be online only, which makes sense, as taking up shelf space to sell 20 year old games to we happy few dosen't make much sense to a storefront.


my local game store has a glass case full of 3rd-5th gen shelf clutter titles, a few good ones mixed in, but for the most part the carts lie there unsold for months

There is a local game store in my area that has a mountain of classic carts all selling at or above eBay prices. They are all basically collecting dust month after month after month. I guess folks don't feel the need to drive all the way down town when they could easily pick it up on ebay for the same price w/ shipping without ever leaving the comfort of their home. I use to go and browse the shelves but have never purchased anything because I could always find it cheaper online.

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Looking at GameStop's prices for Sega Genesis titles they all seem quite reasonable and pretty much in line with what I'd expect to pay on eBay or at a local game store, but I think there is one big flaw in GameStop's plan. The flaw being that there is no way to see what the condition of the label will be like on any game before purchasing it, and the condition of a retro game's label can make a huge difference in it's value and whether or not someone who is into retro games would want to buy it. Personally, I won't buy any Genesis games that don't have near mint and scratch/rip/tear-free labels. Buying from GameStop is just rolling the dice on something that the majority of retro gamers wouldn't want to roll the dice on. You might get a cartridge with a perfect mint label, or you might get one with half the label ripped off. There's no way to tell the condition of the games you're buying, and that's why I personally would never use GameStop's retro game service.

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