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Sean Kelly 5200 Multicart went bad .....


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I've had a Sean Kelly 5200 dip-switch Multicart for maybe 10 years now...

Before the AtariMax products it was how I played 5200.

I loved this thing. I tried to use it recently only to find that only games in bank 1 work.

All the games that use dips 2-4 crash when starting, or have corrupt graphics.


This really sucks!


Anyone else have one of these go bad?

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I've had a Sean Kelly 5200 dip-switch Multicart for maybe 10 years now...

Before the AtariMax products it was how I played 5200.

I loved this thing. I tried to use it recently only to find that only games in bank 1 work.

All the games that use dips 2-4 crash when starting, or have corrupt graphics.


This really sucks!


Anyone else have one of these go bad?


Mine went bad. I asked Sean if he would fix it.(this was before I learned how to solder.) I sent it to him but never saw it again. Sean was not to good at soldering at the time so a lot of them have gone bad over the years. I've heard of about three others that went dead. You could have someone re-solder it for you.



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I've had a Sean Kelly 5200 dip-switch Multicart for maybe 10 years now...

Before the AtariMax products it was how I played 5200.

I loved this thing. I tried to use it recently only to find that only games in bank 1 work.

All the games that use dips 2-4 crash when starting, or have corrupt graphics.


This really sucks!


Anyone else have one of these go bad?


I had an SK multi go bad...I bought it from Digital Press a while back at their store. Luckily, they allowed me to exchange it. It had nutthin to do with "Da Dips" going bad though:




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Thanks for the replies. I was at the digitpress store just about an hour ago. :) I saw the dip switch multicarts. Just like the one I have but the label looked ugly and home made, not even cut out with nice edges. Mine has a very nice label.

I did see a nice menu driven version there with a nice label.

They want $90 for one. I think the Atarimax carts are worth the extra $40.



I looked over all the solder joints and everything seems OK.

The labels placed over the "windows" on three of the chips easily fell right off.

Funny enough it was chips 2-4, the ones that do not work.

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