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Flip & Flop and Bristles Wanted


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I'm looking for two very rare First Star cartridges for the 400/800. I've been after Flip & Flop and Bristles for many years now (10 to be exact) yet I can never seem to get my hands on them. I'm willing to either pay or trade for them if anyone is willing to let their copies go. My Boulder Dash cart is getting lonely sitting all by itself... :D



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I've wanted Flip & Flop since I was a kid, but my mom wouldn't get it for me because it was a tape game and she thought it wouldn't last. I didn't know about the cartridge version (for the Max-A-Felx machines) until a few years ago.


Bristles just seems like it would be a neat game to have. :)



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Flip Flop update

Ouch! Our own Tempest out sniped by JHardie (whoever he is :) ). Wow $160 for a 8-bit cart. First Star Carts? They are better than the stock market!





As already mentioned, Astrochase was modified to work on an XL. The Parker Bros cart and earlier disk/tape versions are 400/800 only. Kind of dumb that they did not make the change a little earlier for PB. I believe the other three are the same. Obviously, First Star could not release an Astrochase cart because PB had the rights. Just guessing, but they probably decided to release cart versions because of the Exidy deal. Had to make carts anyway.

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