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Ebay sellers/Opinions on PP Alternatives


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As title says.

Ive been researching for an alternative.

Pretty amazing.

I found Paypalsucks.com

And a couple other alternative financial sites

Propay.com and Merchantinc.com

Both seem to be less expensive(fees),and I guess,almost as important Ebay allows,the seller to use

Anyone here have any comments on these sites?Any expieriences,ease of use??Integration issues?

I was also surprised to learn Ebay wont allow "Google wallet".

Well,shouldnt say surprised,but it seems that Ebay wants it all,and I think long term by being

so closed minded,its gonna come back and bite them in the butt

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I used to use Bidpay before they closed down. I was a great alternative to Paypal, since Paypal is such a hassle. I really do not want to attach them to my bank account since it would be SO easy to transfer funds and shop like crazy. I did have a Paypal debit card tha worked great, until they messed that up for non-US sellers.


I have not found any alternatives that work other than postal money orders....but then I am Canadian and the ebay/paypal demands are different.


When I am selling on eBay it I bank the funds with Paypal and then do all my xmas shopping so getting the funds is not so important. I have used paypal for shopping online at Walmart and some local computer supply stores like Tiger Direct. Ebay/Paypal is quite a big monster, but the alternatives aren't really out there that work well (for me).

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I didn't bid on an auction that I was sorta-interested in, because they wanted to use Propay. I'm not signing up (and linking-to) anything else. It's bad enough to have gone through that with Paypal. If I'm going to boycott Paypal then I may as well boycott Ebay too, because they're pretty much one-in-the-same. I don't know what kind of buyer/seller protection you'd have with anything OTHER than Paypal, anyway. I'm not a Paypal fan, but I'm not going to sign up for anything else. Paypal is a ripoff, but they did "go to bat" for me a couple of times, with dishonest sellers.

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My two cents...


I use PayPal exclusively for everything I sell whether it be on eBay or elsewhere. I have never, ever had a problem with them. I like the convenience of people being able to pay via credit card even if they don't have a PayPal account and as for fees - if you signed up with a regular credit card place your fees would be significantly higher. The 2% or whatever PayPal charges per transaction is ridiculously low. I don't know why people always bitch & moan about it.

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