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Today totally belonged to the Atari 5200!

Atari the Jedi

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I had an amazing 5200 day today nearly 30 years after I started colecting it! So recently I cracked out my 5200. Today I woke up while in my undies sat and played for a couple of hours. Then I decided to go out. I had an odd hunch and I went to a local game shop. I usulally troll there cause they do have some 2600 carts. They also have some boxes for display only I try and get them to sell to me. I took my duplicates 16 in total common carts. The owner and bought all of them from me for $75 store credit! I took the money. And that morning they just happened to have found a copy of Pitfall 2. (Old game from their old locationit was sitting in a box for years)They were thinking that it would sit for years, Bam! I came came in and picked that game up in 2 seconds. They kid behind the counter thought I was crazy for grabbing that huge brown turd. I used some of my store credit for that and once the owner comes back from a comic/anime show He's digging me up a 7800! He stated with my old games he has an Atari 5200 in his garage so he's going to take my games to display at the show and hopefully sell the machine and games. We talkeda while about the 5200 for a while I told him what I knew and he enjoyed gettin' back into the Atari scene:) So I know another person who's gonna be playing their Atari 5200 tonight! :grin:

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