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Little help with my code


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I'm playing with bB while I'm sitting around this week. I have 2 weeks off for vacation so I'm enjoying that time the best way I know how :D .


I decided to try to make a simple space shooter style game just to cover the basics, and in the end decided to do it backwards. What if you are the "bad guy" and you are just trying to get home and the normal "good guy" is just in your way stopping that. I'm just calling it Home right now. You are just trying to get home and the space shooter is stopping that. I have more plans than the program covers right now but I have a strange problem I want to work on before I move too far forward.


As the code stands the point is the have the player move faster while holding the fire button. This works most of the time, but if you are moving up and left of down and right the code does nothing. It works if you go up and right or down and left so I'm a bit lost. I'm also sure there is a more efficient way to code the player move moment than I have used. So if you have pointers please fill me in.



 rem batari Basic Program
rem created 10/12/2012 10:26:46 PM by Visual bB Version






if joy0fire then c=5 else c=1
if joy0up then player0y=player0y-c
if joy0down then player0y=player0y+c
if joy0left then player0x=player0x-c
if joy0right then player0x=player0x+c
if player0x>133 then player0x=133
if player0x<21 then player0x=21
if player0y>80 then player0y=80
if player0y<14 then player0y=14
if player0y<15 then score=score+1: player0x=76:player0y=78

if player0x>player1x then player1x=player1x+1
if player0x<player1x then player1x=player1x-1

goto playermove
goto badguymove
goto main


Its all very simple right now, I'm trying to learn here. I have played with the code a bunch and the functions have been written a few ways, this is the way that seems to make the most since to me, but it seems to me there is a better way to code player movement, and like I said, it isn't working right at the moment.


I have to learn missile and collision stuff next, so that isn't in the code yet. Thank you for taking a look at my code.

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I'm very far from an expert but it appears

to me to work just fine.


I don't see the purpose of the end statements

after the playermove and badguymove blocks.


Are you sure you don't want subroutines

(with returns instead of ends and gosubs instead of



As it stands now your code runs in a loop from

playermove to the goto playermove statement.

It never gets to the goto badguymove and goto main

statements (as far as I can tell).

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Are you sure you don't want subroutines

(with returns instead of ends and gosubs instead of



Agreed that it looks like the intent was to use subs. Something like...


rem batari Basic Program
rem created 10/12/2012 10:26:46 PM by Visual bB Version






gosub playermove
gosub badguymove
goto main

if joy0fire then c=5 else c=1
if joy0up then player0y=player0y-c
if joy0down then player0y=player0y+c
if joy0left then player0x=player0x-c
if joy0right then player0x=player0x+c
if player0x>133 then player0x=133
if player0x<21 then player0x=21
if player0y>80 then player0y=80
if player0y<14 then player0y=14
if player0y<15 then score=score+1: player0x=76:player0y=78

if player0x>player1x then player1x=player1x+1
if player0x<player1x then player1x=player1x-1

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I see what you are getting at there. I'm not very good at this yet, and it has been a long time since basic was something on my mind. I'm glad I risked the embarrassment I did to list this. Already learning a pile. Thanks guys.


It reads like it should work just fine, but when run the program doesn't work right. The directions I mentioned in the first post don't work together. All this is about to be redone with the new information I have gathered put to use tomorrow. Maybe things will just work better that way.

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