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My quick Tempest story for today.

Atari the Jedi

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So I like many of us I have been overly eager to play Tempest. I have heard how people are playing it and enjoying the game. So today I raced home hoping to find my Tempest waiting in the mail for me. I raced to my room to grab the mail key and when I get to the mailbox cluster (I live in a condo) , I stopped because someone had apparently hosed the whole thing down and it was all wet. There was also partially eaten food lying on the ground next to the box. So with the mailboxes dripping wet I hopped over the food stick my key and what do I find but a package 5200 game. So I again race upstairs to assess the damage turns out the package looked fine so I quickly open the package only to find to my horror and initial dismay that my Tempest game which had gotten wet was a actually now Gremlins cartridge! I had absolutely gotten into the Tempest scene that I completely forgot that I ordered a Gremlins cartridge of the net some time back. What a weird experience tonight has turned up question is do I put it with the other 5200 carts or will they turn into Gremlins as well :-o

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What a weird experience tonight has turned up question is do I put it with the other 5200 carts or will they turn into Gremlins as well :-o


Pour some more water on it...when another Gremlins cart pops out, you can stick it in a box and mail it to me! :D

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