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Stun Runner 87

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They're not failures at all. They also bear almost no resemblance to a PC architecture, i.e. they are not open hardware platforms.


Put another way: the more randomly configurable a console is, the less support developers are willing to give to all possible combinations of the hardware. Having locked down memory size, cpu, and graphics is a good thing for console development, not a bad thing. Expandable features historically do nothing to help the platform, and ultimately dilute it. Simple example: Sega CD+32x = fail. Great hardware, amusing to stack them up on top of each other, not appealing in the least from a developer's standpoint.


I was looking at the situation from a completely different perspective.


I was refering to the fact that the Xbox's are made up of basically PC components, I was not refering to the expandability/openness of PC's, as you and the thread starter were, I missed that bit, just skimming the thread.


Sorry for the confusion.


I would rather have a new console that is completely engineered from the ground up, and NOT based on PC technology and I agree that the expandability bit is a bust too...yes, there should be a set standard on the tech and not have to take into account different hardware set-ups like PC's. You always come up short on potential when attempting to cover the lowest to highest common denominators for compatibility.


I am now used to thinking of Atari as a thing of yester-year, and enjoying my classic Atari's. Any new Atari console would have to be totally proprietary, beyond anything else in technology and really inspire me. They would have to win my heart all over again becuase the old Atari(s) are long gone. The flashback consoles don't interest me or the all-in-one game controllers; I prefer playing on the original hardware. (though the new expansions for the 7800 do interest and excite me, I wish I had the money to blow on the 7800) I do like new games on old hardware of course...

Edited by Gunstar
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Software is another issue. Do you honestly think that the current owners of the Atari brand have the big bucks needed to sway popular/successful devs or franchises from M$, Sony, and the big N? Do you think that independants not contractually locked would put their trust into a new Atari-branded console to compete with those three?


Didn't think so.


So what you end up with is another gimped PC posing as a console running rehashes of popular titles from their glory days...most of which already run virtually "true to the original version" via emulation anyway.

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Atari made brand new ground breaking technology when the Lynx came out and the same with the Jaguar...the biggest problem was there marketing and advertising.........The Lynx(technology wise) was better than any other handheld from 1989 all the way until the Gameboy Advance came out in the late 90s...No other handheld could compare and that was groundbreaking technology..Bad marketing lead to most people not even knowing it existed......Same with the Jaguar,, which was as good as Nintendo 64 and Playstation 1, and it came out years before those 2 consoles....Bad marketing and lack of knowledge from consumers lead to its demise as well.....So as far as Atari not being groundbreaking technology in there creations is just B.S......If a new console with the Atari brand came out and had some kind of new technology that no other console had, and if it was marketed and available correctly, I'm sure it would have sucess....purhaps a Virtual Reality type gaming experience would be interesting.....Just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't believe so..................Someone out there invest in Atari Brand products and market it properly....Please.....I WANT ATARI......MAINLY BECAUSE THE ATARI LOGO LOOKS COOL AND IS BETTER THAN ALL OTHER CONSOLE BRAND LOGOS......ITS FRIGGINN COOL GOSH DARN IT...............................................If Atari could come out would some kind of groundbreaking technology and market it properly with the right people and company's investing into it, I believe it could be done..........

Edited by Stun Runner 87
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Atari made brand new ground breaking technology when the Lynx came out and the same with the Jaguar...the biggest problem was there marketing and advertising.........The Lynx(technology wise) was better than any other handheld from 1989 all the way until the Gameboy Advance came out in the late 90s...No other handheld could compare and that was groundbreaking technology..Bad marketing lead to most people not even knowing it existed......Same with the Jaguar,, which was as good as Nintendo 64 and Playstation 1, and it came out years before those 2 consoles....Bad marketing and lack of knowledge from consumers lead to its demise as well.....So as far as Atari not being groundbreaking technology in there creations is just B.S......If a new console with the Atari brand came out and had some kind of new technology that no other console had, and if it was marketed and available correctly, I'm sure it would have sucess....purhaps a Virtual Reality type gaming experience would be interesting.....Just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't believe so..................Someone out there invest in Atari Brand products and market it properly....Please.....I WANT ATARI......MAINLY BECAUSE THE ATARI LOGO LOOKS COOL AND IS BETTER THAN ALL OTHER CONSOLE BRAND LOGOS......ITS FRIGGINN COOL GOSH DARN IT...............................................If Atari could come out would some kind of groundbreaking technology and market it properly with the right people and company's investing into it, I believe it could be done..........


You need to take off the Atari fanboy hat. The Lynx was not even designed by Atari it was originally designed by EPYX. What makes you think that ATARI (which is virtually NOT the same company from the glory days your reminiscing about) would not fail yet again against the competition? Look, you're preaching to the choir here, a community of huge Atari fans who would love nothing more than to see Atari rise in the console market like a Phoenix from the ashes but the difference is we are not investing in pipe dreams and accepting the reality for what it is. Atari as you knew it is long gone and the Atari that exists today is in no position bring your fantasies to life no more than (and probably less) than SEGA could. Please you need to stop being blinded by your love and loyalty and accept reality. :rolling:

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You need to take off the Atari fanboy hat. The Lynx was not even designed by Atari it was originally designed by EPYX. What makes you think that ATARI (which is virtually NOT the same company from the glory days your reminiscing about) would not fail yet again against the competition? Look, you're preaching to the choir here, a community of huge Atari fans who would love nothing more than to see Atari rise in the console market like a Phoenix from the ashes but the difference is we are not investing in pipe dreams and accepting the reality for what it is. Atari as you knew it is long gone and the Atari that exists today is in no position bring your fantasies to life no more than (and probably less) than SEGA could. Please you need to stop being blinded by your love and loyalty and accept reality. :rolling:

Nothing wrong with dreaming a little dream today.....I would gladly throw my Ps3 and Xbox 360 in the dumpster for a new Atari brand console........but that's just me, love it or hate it.....:(


P.S, DID YOU JUST CALL ME A FANBOY???? I'm not a fanboy, I'm an ATARI FAN MAN.....MAN!

Edited by Stun Runner 87
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Nothing wrong with dreaming a little dream today.....I would gladly throw my Ps3 and Xbox 360 in the dumpster for a new Atari brand console........but that's just me, love it or hate it..... :(


P.S, DID YOU JUST CALL ME A FANBOY???? I'm not a fanboy, I'm an ATARI FAN MAN.....MAN!


Alright alright, I will leave you to your fantasy in peace. Actually I can relate, for years I entertained the hope of AMIGA computers returning to former glory, when ESCOM bought them but especially after GATEWAY bought them (and NO those PC's with the C64.Amiga logos and branding from CommmodoreUSA don't count, don't EVEN get me started on that shit) but my hopes were crushed over and over as various companies obtained the AMIGA assets, copyrights etc, made a lot of promises but did little to nothing. Back in the Amiga days I was probably the only and last time I would've considered myself a "Fan boy" lol. You see, I am a bitter old man now who simply will not allow himself false hopes when it comes to technology! So when I see someone else going down that same hopeless path I try to interject reality before you waste years on a false hope only to be constantly disappointed and mentally scarred...............ok lol, enough fun :-D

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Alright alright, I will leave you to your fantasy in peace. Actually I can relate, for years I entertained the hope of AMIGA computers returning to former glory, when ESCOM bought them but especially after GATEWAY bought them (and NO those PC's with the C64.Amiga logos and branding from CommmodoreUSA don't count, don't EVEN get me started on that shit) but my hopes were crushed over and over as various companies obtained the AMIGA assets, copyrights etc, made a lot of promises but did little to nothing. Back in the Amiga days I was probably the only and last time I would've considered myself a "Fan boy" lol. You see, I am a bitter old man now who simply will not allow himself false hopes when it comes to technology! So when I see someone else going down that same hopeless path I try to interject reality before you waste years on a false hope only to be constantly disappointed and mentally scarred...............ok lol, enough fun :-D

LoL, cool story bro :)

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Alright alright, I will leave you to your fantasy in peace. Actually I can relate, for years I entertained the hope of AMIGA computers returning to former glory, when ESCOM bought them but especially after GATEWAY bought them (and NO those PC's with the C64.Amiga logos and branding from CommmodoreUSA don't count, don't EVEN get me started on that shit) but my hopes were crushed over and over as various companies obtained the AMIGA assets, copyrights etc, made a lot of promises but did little to nothing. Back in the Amiga days I was probably the only and last time I would've considered myself a "Fan boy" lol. You see, I am a bitter old man now who simply will not allow himself false hopes when it comes to technology! So when I see someone else going down that same hopeless path I try to interject reality before you waste years on a false hope only to be constantly disappointed and mentally scarred...............ok lol, enough fun :-D


Actually, you CAN get an Amiga OS 4 system.



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Actually, you CAN get an Amiga OS 4 system.




Yeah I know all about that stuff, I have always followed the amiga scene and still do trust me. None of that falls into my definition of Amiga returning to it's former glory as I mentioned lol.

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Want Atari's attention? Get on their Facebook page. They'll tell you what these guys have been: "Sorry, no plans to do so at this time.". Atari was bought by Infrogames and their focus is on mobile games (iOS and Android) and licensing (including to movie studios). A lot of their current games are made by 3rd parties (no in house development). I don't even think they have a total of 80 employees in their 3 or 4 offices in the world. I've seen countless people rage on their Facebook page "ATARI MAKE NEW CONSOLES!", including me. All the action is happening right here at Atari Age. If you want to see some real (Atari like) hardware look to Curt Vendel, Marty and Ted Dabney of the new SYZYGY Company. They're on Facebook too. They have a book out, plan on volume 2, are working on the 7800 XM and have preliminary plans to make an Atari 3200 type console.

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PC-style consoles always fail?!? What do you think the Xbox and Xbox 360 are?!? Or are they both considered failures?


If Microsoft didn't have billions of dollars to sink into the brand, yeah, they'd have been failures. It took a long time for the xbox brand to become profitable. Just about any other company would have went belly up trying to do the same thing. Does anyone know if Microsoft has actually recovered all the money it originally lost by now? They're turning a profit finally, yes, but have they actually made their investment back? (supporting links would be useful.)

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Hey I found THE NEW ATARI AT WALLMART.. no need to thank me.


I read about that a few months ago....It looks pretty cool....I'm going to try and get one, except I don't have an Ipad....They should make one of those joystick gizmos for smartphones too. Thanks for posting that Jinks. :)

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