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2600 Atlantis II - Interest?


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I'm interested, definitely need pics, any selling references you may have(eBay or other sites) and possibly any backstory on the game.

Fair questions sir. Items are still being stored by my parents. They want me to take my stuff. WHich lead to this. Once I have everything together I will post pics. My wife has agreed to Ebay it for if I take that step, she is an ebay Goddess with a perfect rating.



Back in the days of yore... I played the highest tech gaming systems in the land one known as the Atari 2600. I did happen to be one of the finalists for Atlantis and received the Atlantis II cartridge, letter and T-shirt.


Alas, I was good but not that good. So I did not goto the finals. That was a day in age when places could tell you straight up you are very good but there are others better than you and not get sued.


I put my disappointment behind me ventured off to college, learn, get a job and all that rot. Got around to helping my parents clean out old stuff in basement and this was found.


Picture to be supplied next week. They will be sending me my old tele-games console so I can verify operation and screen shot this on a 55" LED TV. A far cry from the 13" crt I played it on. So that is the story bear with me. I will be back.


EDIT: For those that need veracity check? I intend on letting my wife sell it.

her account: http://www.ebay.com/usr/cyraphina

Edited by Greyphantom
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You may want to research what is known about Atlantis II carts, especially if your box has the sticker and the scoring & font so that you can include pics of your cart being played to show that it is legit.

Again good point. I have the original box with the tacky sticker on it. In addition I have the original invitation letter.


Once I get the SEARS tele-games here and the cartridges. I will take shots of it. I am aware of the differences. Until maybe about tuesday.


Once I get all that all sort through it I may try and see how gravtitar plays on a 55", I was a finalist in that contest too. :)

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Alrighty then. I would like to thank AtariAge for being here and keeping the flame lit.


Any final doubts I just powered up the 2600. The original power supply was bad I had to find another one.


Crappy ScreenShot. I can get a better one if you wish. Point was to prove the font.



I decided once I commit to selling I want my memories to go to a true collector. I found one more thing. I believe this is a patch given to me for being a finalist in a Gravitar competition. I am going to throw this in also so all my memories are kept in one place. Cheerio!



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Still seems to be healthy skepticism whether I really have it. I do.


I have: cart, Box good shape, invitation letter, and one other thing noone else has.


My snarky teenage complaint letter dated October 19, 1982 about the score rolling over at 1 Million. I wrote that on Mom's IBM Selectric type-writer. ;p


Explaining to them that if I let Atlantis die the minimum score is 1500. So my second screenshot is after I suicide Atlantis to stop the score at 1300 or effectively 1,001,300


Ironically I cant find Atlantis one to prove my teenage comments that you will get at least 1500 no matter how bad you play.


one more pic, yes all the documentation is in my possession. I did slightly watermark all images to prove I took them.



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