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What could happen with a 5200 4-port, a homless man, and 20 bucks?

Atari the Jedi

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As my luck would have it I was innocently trying to buy a few carts from a dude who looke like Nick Nolte from Down N Out in Beverly Hills. He took my $20 and went to the liquor within 5min (I saw him) he looked to be a drunken worn-out old gambler idk what looked worse him or the machine both had stains smelt like urine :( . He said it was possibly rained on for several years and may have been exposed to snow, the elements, coyotes, Bill Clinton, etc . The games were in a bag in a rusted old camper he lived in for a while until it colasped. He refused to sell me the games unless I took the machine as well; who wants an irate drunkard on their butt so I took it. I fully expected today that I clean her off like a mortician simply cleaning the body and removing the valuables (flip bay, grill, jewelry,fillings etc). In my efforts strangely I found something besides a raccoons’ nest. Holly F*** a heartbeat!!! :-o Like a Terminator the red-light came flickering on and then strong with no flickering it was solid red and online. The ac adapter I had was an old generic adaptor and so before it began to smolder and set my house on fire…I took the adapter from my working 4-porter. So unplugged everything I cleaned the entire machine blew out the dust and ensured that the screws were intact (some of the screws were rusted, I replaced them) and now she’s playing Pac-Man. I felt like Dr. Frankenstein on crack! I've never ever in my life seen anything like it, it was truly the most horrific trashed machine I have ever seen!


My new problem is now I have 3 5200’s She was orginally only be a part machine. If I keep going further I’m gonna give the crazy cat-lady downstairs a run for her money! :grin:

Tearing an Atari apart that appears to fully functional it would be a sin! Any Mofo should die a thousand deaths and have to watch both Howard the Duck and Glitter for the rest of eternity for doing such an act!!! :mad:


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I unfortunatly did not take a dirty pick but you can see the gunk around the logo in the pic below the machine was totally covered in rusty smelly cat piss all over there was dirt and I cannot even identify what the**** was on it before I cleaned it. It was so bad that it toook me like 2 hours to clean it (No kidding!) The games I got are in great shape oddly no glue blead through all with manuals and overlays they had light to no scratches they looke nearly brand new (They were in zipplocks for god knows how long.) . Some overlays were unused :) . The smell was like someone had tottaly crapped out nasty diarriah burriotos all over the thing and urinied on it for 3 years straight!!! I litterly chocked so badly I had to take a couple of breaks After I cleaned the machine to the best I could on the outside I litterly took a shower I felt icky.(and I am a messy guy). I then started the finer details of cleaning it and discover that underneath being crapped on for 30 years she was still was alive and I concentrated on ensuring that the innards was dust and crap free.Darn I should have taken before pics but that would of looked absolutly horried to show you all :woozy:


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It came with with an RF box, 2 controllers no power supply though. She is a 4-port system though a little buggy some issues with the controller not going down or right (controllers work on my other machines perfectly.) It is really sweet If I can get her fully operational and remove the rest of the gunk It will make a great daily driver. Have to get a power plug of its own first.

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Pics of inside machine not as bad as outside shell was. remember it works this stuff looks and feels kinda like rust but appears to come off pretty easily from the metal looks a little like burnt insulation or tree sap ID what it is gonna blow it off mt machine now and hope it never comes back. some dust bunnies capture in there too. We can rebuild it we have the technology :-D


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Fixed the games are fully functional now and I have completly disassembled all the moulding parts and washing the plastic ones on the top rack of my dish washer Yes dish washing my new Atari 5200! Using baking soda and Coke Classic (Since this is not the '80's there is no new coke on hand) gonna leave coke/baking soda soaked papertowels over night bn metal and continue scrubbing tomorrow:) Its like its 1987 all over again except no one wants my Atari when its squeaky clean :P


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