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Wow...I didn't know that those TOS versions would support 8gigs. I always

thought 4gigs was the max limit.

EDIT: Oh wait - so you're saying you're using SELTOS to soft load TOS v2.06,

and that's what's allowing you to achieve 8gigs.... gotcha.


I must here explain some things again:

TOS has no any limit considering hard disk, media sizes. And can not have, because TOS self accessing not them. It is on hard disk driver SW, what is not part of TOS. The limits in TOS are about partition sizes, since TOS code handles FAT16 filesystem . So, in TOS 1,04 and above we have limit of partition size 512MB max. There are some other, less known limits - like type of partition - it is not same as DOS type BigDOS partition, even if both are called BigDOS. Some parameters are different (logical sector sizes, cluster sizes) - therefore we need special, TOS/DOS comparible partitioning and drivers. What is same in case of TOS and DOS is max file count on FAT16, what is about 65300 - near to 2 power 16 . Actually, only by TOS 2.06 and upper, older have limit of 2 pow 15 .

And there is one other important TOS limit - stays for all versions: max 14 partitions C-P . What makes practical limit of 8GB in reality, on all TOS v. from 1.04 to 3.06. On Falcon it is 16GB (max 1GB partitions). However, you can have FAT32 or Linux partitions on drives mixed with TOS partitions, so extra space over 8 GB must be not wasted.


So, is is not Seltos or TOS 2.06 which merit is accessing 8 GB, but driver SW and of course hard disk interface (US in this case).


We have limits about accessible/usable hard disk/card sizes in driver SW and hard disk adapter HW.

ACSI protocol has limit of 1GB. - Mega STE internal ACSI-SCSI + many other adapters.

Satandisk has partial ICD support, and can access max 2GB, but only with my driver.

ICD can access in theory up to 2TB, but nobody tested it, I guess - in lack of so big SCSI drive.

Most mistakes I see about IDE interfaces. There is practically no HW limit, most depends from used SW - driver, not TOS .

Latest addressing LBA48 can access 2 pow. 48 sectors - how many BlueRay can fit on it ? :)

The reasons lie in many limits in DOS in past - we had first some 128MB limit, then 512MB, 2GB , etc. All it was in fact SW limit.

Edited by ParanoidLittleMan
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TOS has no any limit considering hard disk, media sizes.


I can confirm this - The SD card I was using to boot off cr&pped out, so I used another one without SELTOS (I'm not sure of the TOS version that's built into my STe) and it works fine with the 7 or 8 partitions I put on it.

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So, using ICD with Satan Disk on TOS 1.04, I can have 8 x 512Mb partitions OK?


I get that with HDDriver, but I've never tried it with the ICD software (don't use

it any more). Using that with the 2 and 4 gig SD cards that I use with my US

in my STacy. I stick with 2 and 4 gig cards there because I swap back and

forth between TOS v3.06 and 1.04 (for compatibility reasons).


Also have 8 partitions on the 4 gig SCSI hard drive that I've got with my Mega ST4

(TOS 1.04) running my BBS. It has a Link2. Never had any problems.


Oh, and its actually slightly less than 512 mb's on each partition that I always use.



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Oh, a quick question for the more knowledgeable Atari users out there... I understand

the C through P partition scheme, but I always thought that c through p was also

recognized as legitimate (and different) partition names, as well as some of the

different characters on the keyboard.


Is that correct or am I just not remembering correctly? (when you've been around

Atari as long as I have some of this stuff blurs together). :)



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So, using ICD with Satan Disk on TOS 1.04, I can have 8 x 512Mb partitions OK?


Yes, it should work. But ICD has no TOS/DOS compatibility support, so you will be not able to read/write your Atari partititons directly on PC, MAC. Only with specialised SW for it.

Other way is to use DOS partitioning and BigDOS, what now, when we have TOS/DOS compatible solutions seems not good idea.

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Oh, a quick question for the more knowledgeable Atari users out there... I understand

the C through P partition scheme, but I always thought that c through p was also

recognized as legitimate (and different) partition names, as well as some of the

different characters on the keyboard.

Is that correct or am I just not remembering correctly? (when you've been around

Atari as long as I have some of this stuff blurs together). :)


Only lower case c is special - it is cartridge. d-p is same as D-P .

This 14 part. limit is not some alphabet limit but is result of 16-bit code used. 2 floppies + 14 hard disk partitions makes 16 .

In Mint or Magic you can have more .

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Hmm. I had no problem with drive letters when I had my 3x6 cd changers. Started at z and worked backward.


I'm using latest hd driver and 4gig such card with 4 partitions. Just ordered a 32gig one to try out.


Anyway, got a question that lotherik can't answer.


I have a mega ste with no internal scsi card, can I install ultrasatan internally but still retaing use of the Dma for external scsi ( iPads and predictive text is doing my head in, so apologies if some words have been replaced withou me knowing)



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How do I hook up Ultrasatan external and my Hard drive using a Link 97


Can both share the HD port?


Is Ultrasatan seen at a SCSI device? if So I simply change the SCSI address and LUN to be different from the hard drive connected via Link97?


Also will a Amazon Kindle Fire MicroUSB PSU work?


Please advise

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How do I hook up Ultrasatan external and my Hard drive using a Link 97


Can both share the HD port?


Is Ultrasatan seen at a SCSI device? if So I simply change the SCSI address and LUN to be different from the hard drive connected via Link97?


Also will a Amazon Kindle Fire MicroUSB PSU work?


Please advise


I would have told you to order the cable that has a ACSI pass-thru port, but it looks like Lotharek does not offer this. The original Ultrasatan had that as an option. I have one myself and it looks like a standard pass-thru cable. Maybe someone can make one for you?


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Why? :?


4GB is hard enough to fill up.


Many years ago there was a BBS called STraight BBS run by Karl Foley, he was nice enough to give me all his hard drives and software and his disks - tons of them. So i may need a little disk space. I am hoping to use the second ide on the falcon as a bbs drive, set it up as was but with everything i need on that drive. The system uses ProBBS so will have to get to terms with that first.


At the moment i'm selling my software collection along with some hardware etc, next stage is to start moving the PD library over to CD or DVD. At the moment all i can use is cd/dvd and zip drives, hence the satan approach.


I still have software that was put forward to be published and that is still in the 'to be processed pile', as it was when i bought LAPD.





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Got mine today, its awesome!! Quality is excellent, only comment I have is it can be hard to see the access LED but we may be able to tweak that by extending LEDs or by filling the LED holes with transparent plastic or something to funnel the light.


Amazed at the quality of case etc, and didnt even need to format the 2Gb SD that was preordered with mine.


10/10 - another awesome product from Lotharek!!

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Amazed at the quality of case etc, and didnt even need to format the 2Gb SD that was preordered with mine.


Very cool! I'm very much looking forward to getting mine!


Quick question: was the SD card formatted for booting, or just formatted for ST read/write? In other words, will I be able to just plug in the SD card, connect the UltraSatan to my ST, and have it boot right away "out-of-the-box"? Or will I still have to get something like ICD to make it bootable? What was the partitioning like?



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It just booted (once I set my HxC floppy emul to a blank floppy). Its partitioned into 256Mb chunks.


Ive got a couple of HDD patched games working, namely Ghosts 'N' Goblins, and Spy vs Spy 2 but struggling to work out an easy way of copying files to my ST. Does anyone know the easiest way to get say 6Mb worth of files in a PC folder onto my ST hdd?


Edit: I used ICD at lunch to format a second SD card (Kingston micro SD in adaptor) and it did take a while to check for bad sectors (approx 45 mins), but was then picked up on boot as having 5 partitions instead of 8 like the first SD card, and none of the new partitions show up when it boots so ive removed that 2nd SD card for now as I clearly dont know what I am doing with it lol

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card is prepared to work with all st/ste starting from tos 1.02.


best way to copy stuff is :


- buy hdd driver

- one sd card make as bootable and 4 partitions 256 mb ( or 8 *256mb) - 2 gb card

- second sd card ( best 128/ 64 mb) format with fat16 in PC -- with newest hddriver usatan will recognize 128mb card and swapping data with pc is awesome !


ps. maybe there are other options, anyway i use thta


ps. HDDRIVER 8.45 IS NOT SUPPORTING USTANA CORRECTLY. Contact Uwe for 8.46 ! i did use 8.45 and was killling myself for hardware bug, but at the end it appeared that hdd driver was making problem... one month of delay with deliveries . I hope all is happy ;-) anyway


ps. DO NOT FORMAT SD CARD -- not needed ! only partitioning !

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I second the HD Driver purchase. It's a bit pricy but saves a tonne of headache and configuration issues and works everytime. Plus you'll get it within an hour of purchase. (at least I did).


ICD/Other tools are not consistently reliable for DOS/TOS compaitability in my opinion and I've had the original Satandisk, Ultrasatan from Atari Fan Store and I'm awaiting Lothareks.

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