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Loading 7800 games with a Supercharger possible?


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Yeah... the 7800 hardware locks out access to the MARIA chip once TIA registers are accessed, so you can't have a 2600 game that uses the 7800 capabilities. In order to unlock those parts, you have to go through the on-board ROM which does the encrypted signature check on the game cartridge ROM.

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Yeah... the 7800 hardware locks out access to the MARIA chip once TIA registers are accessed, so you can't have a 2600 game that uses the 7800 capabilities. In order to unlock those parts, you have to go through the on-board ROM which does the encrypted signature check on the game cartridge ROM.


Not exactly. The 7800 BIOS attempts to determine if a 2600 cart or a 7800 cart is plugged in. If a 2600 cart is detected then the 7800 is locked into 2600 mode (until the next power on cycle) and the 2600 cart's reset vector is called (there is some other checking stuff as well which I won't bore you with ;)). If a 7800 cart is present then its signature is validated on an NTSC machine (PAL doesn't do the check due to export restrictions back in the day) and the 7800 carts reset vector is called.


Its the 7800 game that locks the console into 7800 mode.

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Oh i thought the carts were the same but programmed different. (look the same)

But the 7800 has extra connectors on the cart.

So it would take a h2..

Thanks for taking the time to answer my dumb question! But it clears that up for all us who wondered..

Edited by Jinks
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Then why the harmony and supercharger would be more useful with a hardware mod for the 7800?

Maybe a super cartridge for 2600 advanced games but it isn't yet 7800? An unique console between 2600 and 7800??


I'm surprised no one has figured out a way to reset into 7800 mode after booting into 2600 mode. It'd make the SuperCharger and Harmony cart so much more useful :)

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