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Italian 2600 unofficial carts for sale

ozma wars

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Hi there

here italian front


here front, side and back of a generic box for Atari 2600 unofficial game cartridge produced by italian company Marpes, Naples area, in the 80's. Game title applied with a white sticker to the box.

You also see some carts. They are smaller than the standard 2600/7800 carts (here one enclosed for size comparison ). The labels too are generic and all different.

I got 20 approx. All are new never played and these only are opened for photo purposes.

I am not a big 2600 collector but you are and may be you interested to these pirate non-pirate carts.

Some titles :


Some offers ?



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I would make an offer on these, but the last thread you started you never responded to my PM so I guess your just to busy to deal with me


beg yr. pardon

may be I made some confusion...and people here knows well I am chaotic in my posts because of few time and too many problems of all kinds :thumbsdown: . so sorry again.

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very honestly I am busy to save family companies from this crisis but , again, I have seen no PM from you two guys.

If you wanna to send it again instead of polemics may be we can restart from zero, no ?

for yr. info I received offers of 15 Euro per game but at that price I am not interested to sell. I had no idea that were so low quoted, I will keep them.

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very honestly I am busy to save family companies from this crisis but , again, I have seen no PM from you two guys.

If you wanna to send it again instead of polemics may be we can restart from zero, no ?

for yr. info I received offers of 15 Euro per game but at that price I am not interested to sell. I had no idea that were so low quoted, I will keep them.


Why, how much do you think they are worth ?

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I am no a 2600 fan so have really no idea. Then add the fact I really need not to sell them: I have ton of items I do not sell. when I sell something only because neex some extra to pay my other hobby, veteran cars. If some atarians quoted these games worth 15 euro each I believe them. I will not sell them. I consider this topic closed.

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If you're too busy to deal with PMs or questions, post a price or don't sell at all of you can't reply.

I just bumped the PM I started with you so you can see that it was weeks ago I sent you it.


very honestly I am busy to save family companies from this crisis but , again, I have seen no PM from you two guys.

If you wanna to send it again instead of polemics may be we can restart from zero, no ?

for yr. info I received offers of 15 Euro per game but at that price I am not interested to sell. I had no idea that were so low quoted, I will keep them.

If you're too busy to deal with PMs or questions, post a price or don't sell at all if you can't reply.

I just bumped the PM I started with you so you can see that it was weeks ago I sent you it.

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Not aggressive at all, only pointing out that I did PM you. You stated that I did not in the thread. I am only pointing out the contradiction in what you said happened and what really happened, I PM'd you with the subject of "games" guess that was to generic for the sale of games. You responded today only after my bumping and calling you out here.

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If you wanna to send it again instead of polemics may be we can restart from zero, no ?


I tried. I have 6 new Marpes game and I got them all for less than 15 Euro. If you have a price in mind than post it. What are you hoping for with your "make offer" threads? Do you hope someone who doesn't know the value overpays for them?


I suggest that no more "make offer" threads from you are allowed and deleted. Again and again the same with you, please use a different platform for your selling activities.

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People get frustrated with difficult to deal with sellers. Especially those who won't post a price in MONEY. They want something, but you make no effort. People must needle, cajole, and generally do all the work to try and make any sort of deal with you. You act elitist and special like you are too good for anyone, yet whine about poor economy. You can't do both. Proud and hat in hand do not jive. If that translates in to hostility I am sorry. It's more frustration than hostility. Maybe it's just the mentality and language barriers.


Try selling that Porsche to help with your money issues. :roll:

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Ozma, when you start a topic and you receive questions or offers - it is polite to respond to them... I have also found myself frustrated on at least one of your threads: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/202837-double-collection-for-sale-europe-only-all-8-and-16-bit-systems/ . So start from zero, and answer people's questions in future and everyone will be happier - even if the price is too much for them.

These particular pirate cartridges you have are not worth more that 15euros, I have collected a lot in the past and never paid more than that. There are of course pirate cartridges that are worth more, but the ones you have are not so desirable other than for curiosity. So perhaps it is better to hold onto them, especially if you plan to collect for the 2600. But if they just take up space, you should sell them... they are not going to increase in price. I'm sure you didn't pay much for them.

Edited by nofrills100
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language barriers are a problem and my english, ok for std. business, not so ok when have to understand some detail...so MAY BE I see critics or polemics where there aren't. But some people exagerate the problem: I collect everything in 8 and 16 bit and even arcade games but Atari 2600 my unpreferred system so sometimes I get some stocks and then try to resell doubles. In this case it is very easy to understand : 15 bucks may be - and surely are - the right price for these carts. I realized with the PM I received. I trust these contacts. The problem is that I do not need 15 bucks so I do not sell. And some guys seem to be offended because I refuse. Then, another, small consideration. I have friends in US and therefore I know the prices and lifestyle and the prices there. 15 Euro here are nothing : 10 coffees to the bar, 8 liters gas, 1 pizza and a coke at the restaurant. Is it worth a new 2600 cartridge ? for me not, so prefer to not sell them. But for sure 20 USD (15 euro) have in US a bigger value and therefore I understand some of their comments.

Concerning cars, and u know I have many, when I mention my Cayenne it is to make people understand how life expensive here because 4 visits to gas station per month are 800 Euro / 1025 usd and therefore, again, no sense to sell some carts at so low price ... even if going to gas station with my Alfas, Lancias or my cadillac Brougham of the 70's is more or less the same. :woozy:

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200 euro for a tank of gas is crazy.... but no offence if you can afford a Cayenne then it is perhaps poor taste to publicly complain about the price of petrol when people are doing it tough in Europe and the US. Here it is about AU$60 / 50euro for my Subaru Imprezza (and less for my Lancia) and I probably refill twice a month.


I understand what you mean when you say that it is not really worth the effort for 15 euros... I often sell stuff on eaby for $15 and it is probably more hassle than it's worth - but it all just adds up in my paypal account until I need to buy something nice and am happily surprised to find a few hundred in there. Never-the-less it is frustrating for people when they want what you have for sale - but are told that it is not worth the effort (that is perhaps worse than being politely told that you would like more for the item). If you have 20 cartridges at 10 euros each - well that is a tank of petrol.

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Not aggressive at all, only pointing out that I did PM you. You stated that I did not in the thread. I am only pointing out the contradiction in what you said happened and what really happened, I PM'd you with the subject of "games" guess that was to generic for the sale of games. You responded today only after my bumping and calling you out here.

you reminded me the matter and it was correct to PM you. and I did it.

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Never-the-less it is frustrating for people when they want what you have for sale - but are told that it is not worth the effort (that is perhaps worse than being politely told that you would like more for the item). If you have 20 cartridges at 10 euros each - well that is a tank of petrol.


You put it the wrong way. The buyers have what the seller wants: money. There are around 8,000 cartridges for the VCS of which I consider 1,000 desirable. And then we have the 7,000 or so Taiwan pirates, quadzillion Brazilian cartridges, V-carts and what not. For a few bucks those are nice to have. So far I haven't seen a single desirable game from ozma.


Everyone paying more than 15 Euro for a Marpes game must consider that he just lost money. It will be next to impossible to recoup the spendings. Well, HP might buy a company for $10bn and then write off $9bn the next year, but with my own money I prefer not to write off 3/4 right after the purchase.


If ozma wants to see big $$$ than he should also have big $$$ items and not flea market stuff.

Edited by Andre81
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believe me, it is easy to understand and I repeat you at once



like you I am a collectot and I wrote here I am not an hard fan of 2600....what happens ? happens that from a large warehouse, to get some rare Colecovision stuff the seller force me to buy the whole inventory. No problem, I pay and have now a lot of things that, alone, I would have never collected because of my interest ( 2600 carts, C64 tapes, atari xl hardware etc.). Once noted that, in this case, the average value of these Marpes games are lo low quoted, why I have to sell ?

Or shall I sell to "market price" only because that is the price ? I need no money so do not sell. Very simple. Strange you still do not understand. very very strange. But if you like I repeat you again.

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Ozma, the way this works is if you are willing to hold onto these games for many many years you will eventually find buyers who will pay the prices you are looking for regardless of what is said here. You will not make manysales here though as most collectors here are aware of the "market price". But if you are very patient you will find buyers for your games.

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