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5200 Dig Dug better than 7800?

Atari the Jedi

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I think the coder went too far away from the '82 version to avoid its follies.

If the dragon fire had used Red multiplexed PMs, then the 3rd character gfx color would be free to use as white goggles for the baddies. The fear is the slowdown it could produce like in the '82 DigDug, but the squished screen ratio should keep the speed up. When baddies cross each other the bottom ones would lose their whites and show single PM color only. A red missile is added here similar to the original shovel. The pump is PMs up and character gfx sideways so that's another oddity.


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For me it goes back to the original issue of the 7800 coming out in what 86? the 5200 81-82? With a game that was already old for that time. I mean come on, who wasn't blown away by .vs SMB or .vs Duck Hunt at the Little Caesar's Pizza especially SMB. Now I love my 5200 as much as the next guy but lets be real Nintendo is releasing games like that whilst Atari is slapping us in the face with Ms. Pac-Man and Dig Dug? What an insult. Tramiel didn't believe in it but saw it as a way to suck the last pennies from a few loyalists much the same way that John Scully did with Apple years later. Brand loyalty is an amazing thing especially mixed with childhood nostalgia or any nostalgia for that matter we all long for happier/simpler times. It can blind people to the reality that what they think is the best no matter what it is (toys, movies, music), is actually total garbage. With that Good day sirs...

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Now I love my 5200 as much as the next guy but lets be real Nintendo is releasing games like that whilst Atari is slapping us in the face with Ms. Pac-Man and Dig Dug? What an insult.


Umm, last I looked 5200 came out in 1982 and NES hit the states in 1985, so no, Atari was not slapping us in the face with Ms. Pac Man and Dig Dug at the same time Nintendo was releasing SMB and VS. Duck Hunt.

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Umm, last I looked 5200 came out in 1982 and NES hit the states in 1985, so no, Atari was not slapping us in the face with Ms. Pac Man and Dig Dug at the same time Nintendo was releasing SMB and VS. Duck Hunt.


I'm thinking he's referring to the 7800 coming out with those games a year after the NES came out. In '82 or 83 when they came out for the 5200 they were still big hits in the arcade. By 86 the arcade was mostly on the outs, and those games already had their remakes. I wouldn't say it was an insult to release those games so far past their prime, but it wasn't like it was as big of an upgrade from the previous version either. Dig Dig from the 2600 to 5200? BIG difference. 5200 to 7800? Better yes...but it really wasn't *that* much closer to the arcade.

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I'm thinking he's referring to the 7800 coming out with those games a year after the NES came out. In '83 or 83 when they came out for the 5200 they were still big hits in the arcade. By 86 the arcade was mostly on the outs, and those games already had their remakes. I wouldn't say it was an insult to release those games so far past their prime, but it wasn't like it was as big of an upgrade from the previous version either. Dig Dig from the 2600 to 5200? BIG difference. 5200 to 7800? Better yes...but it really wasn't *that* much closer to the arcade.

Thanks for clarifying my statement. That is precisely what I was referring to.

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I understand that the 7800 has it going on with more power and room. I just have a preference for the. 5200. I am playing the 7800 right now, and it is really fun ,however, I was a little disappointed at first I was expecting a bigger leap from one console to the next. I am excited to hear another 7800 update is in da works.

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Despite the lack of colors (which can and should be fixed on the 5200/8bit version) - the 5200 version adheres to the arcade game play fairly well. The C64 version was really colorful but it controlled like you were driving a boat and inflation for enemies which we traversing the dirt wasnt right.


I cant remember the 7800 game play wise - it does look better but the 5200 version just runs and plays smooth like the arcade.


The original '8bit' version looked good but played like crap. It was quickly replaced by the 5200 one.

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I understand that the 7800 has it going on with more power and room. I just have a preference for the. 5200. I am playing the 7800 right now, and it is really fun ,however, I was a little disappointed at first I was expecting a bigger leap from one console to the next. I am excited to hear another 7800 update is in da works.


It's like Activision games. They were so advanced for the 2600 but on the 5200 they weren't that much better. That's why I was always disappointed by the 7800, even though I own 5 of them, for me the 2600 and 5200 have a soul where as the 7800 does not.

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I think the 7800 was a nice machine but it sat on the shelf too long and by the time it came out the whole Blips and sounds era Were gone. Video game was changing and was becoming more of the world of side scrollers and objectives other than high scores. Many modern gamers that I know really have a hard time translating back down too play these games. My younger brother who is 26 for example can play hours and hours of sky rim and halo however it's hard for him to play 15 minutes of centipede. Because today it's more of a lifestyle. The trails have been blazed by the likes of Atari so modern gamers have it all mapped out.

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No longer we in awe of the technology. Gamers have more demand such a storyline, plot, music, Character development, power ups, Sandboxing and many other elements. Of course things are just different nowadays but I do think there's an element of Arts that is now lost in modern gaming. Back in the day you really needed some skill today the game pretty much leads you along and a path. Sort of like between a choose your own adventure and a movie. For getting back to dig dug I don't want to upset anybody but just my first general impressions of the 7800 did not meet my expectations, For that game. On the contrary I was excited about commando I did not think it would be as good as was on the 7800 But that game really impressed me It showed that Atari could do Those types of games outside of one screen well.

Edited by Atari the Jedi
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No. I like 5200 so I have convinced myself that DigDug is better on 5200 than it is on the 7800.


I only wish I had not felt ill for a week now. Otherwise I would have posted replies to force my views on others as being the only correct views, much much earlier.


Thank you.


I should probably now wander into other forum sections, spreading my correct views. Backing them up with insults targeted at a broad range of fans that enjoy a specific console....

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No. I like 5200 so I have convinced myself that DigDug is better on 5200 than it is on the 7800.


I only wish I had not felt ill for a week now. Otherwise I would have posted replies to force my views on others as being the only correct views, much much earlier.


Thank you.


Oddly enough, there is no forcing anything on anyone. Just people stating their preferences and why. As is the norm, it's the opposing opinions who are forcing anything. Trolling other's posts elsewhere trying to use their words on a completely different topic as a talking point, or likening someones preference to masturbation and such...

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My favorite is the 5200 version as played on the A8. But the 7800 version is fine as well. I'm just more used to the 5200/late A8 version. The early A8 version, while much better looking, plays terribly. I still pull that oldest version out once in a while though, since it's the one I originally had back in the day for my 400. But these days, I own both of the A8 versions, I have the cart for the 5200 and the one for the 7800, as well as various ports for different systems and computers. But I still play the A8 5200 version that most, by far. The controls just feel "right" to me.

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I thought debate and dissension were good for the public discourse. Sorry to here you weren't feeling good. Isn't there 2 versions of dig dug for the A8? I could have sworn I have different carts for that game. I'm going to go play some Nintendo now.

Edited by 82atari5200
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Isn't there 2 versions of dig dug for the A8? I could have sworn I have different carts for that game.


There are; I have both. Bruce at B&C's was kind enough to look through his stock and find the one I was missing for me, a while back.

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Oddly enough, there is no forcing anything on anyone. Just people stating their preferences and why. As is the norm, it's the opposing opinions who are forcing anything. Trolling other's posts elsewhere trying to use their words on a completely different topic as a talking point, or likening someones preference to masturbation and such...


Posting in a consoles forum section that its users try too hard to validate their choice, or because someone made a few homebrew games we have nothing to say is a bit something different than "people stating their preferences and why"

Would you agree?

I was basically making fun of this post, because posts like this amuse me.


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I thought debate and dissension were good for the public discourse. Sorry to here you weren't feeling good. Isn't there 2 versions of dig dug for the A8? I could have sworn I have different carts for that game. I'm going to go play some Nintendo now.


Don't do it! Play your 5200. It is so much better. :thumbsup:

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Posting in a consoles forum section that its users try too hard to validate their choice, or because someone made a few homebrew games we have nothing to say is a bit something different than "people stating their preferences and why"

Would you agree?

I was basically making fun of this post, because posts like this amuse me.



I can agree with that. ;)

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