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Intellivision Christmas memories


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IntellivisionDude, You probably don't remember 1983 because of the haze caused by downing all those Hostess cupcakes! :)


It's so hazy that now i'm wondering if i got the Intellivision for Christmas or a few months before Christmas. I'm thinking now maybe i just got the games for Christmas. I have completely forgot. I really need to find out if there are more pictures somewhere to refresh my memory. lol

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The Intellivision was far too expensive for me to ever receive as a present, even as a combined family Christmas present... But after I won an Intellivision in a Streets Lick A Prize ice cream competition, game cartridges were great presents for the next few years.


I am pretty sure the first Christmas after I won the Intellivision, on Christmas morning, I was given Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. I had lusted over that game when it was demoed in the department stores. Up to that point, I think I only had the pack-in cartridge that came with the unit, which was Star Strike.


The sound chip on my Intellivision started to die after a couple of years. We had it fixed at Gamesmen, which is where most of the games I had were purchased from, and they are still in business today (they moved from a warehouse in Riverwood to a store in Penshurst).


After the video game crash in 1984-85, my dad picked up a stack of Intellivision games on sale for a few dollars and stashed them away, mostly Imagic ones, so we still received games on birthdays and Christmas for a couple more years. He told me about the pickup years later, and how disappointed he was to find that some of the game boxes in the bin like Q*Bert had no game in them.


Finally, the sound on my Intellivision started to die again in the same way, but we kept playing it, until one day it just black screened. With noone left to repair it, my younger self had a go, but spraying PCB with WD40 doesn't repair ICs, and probably did more harm than good. I had hope it may one day be able to be repaired, so hung onto the dead system and games and didn't throw it all out. Thankfully I held onto it it turns out, because around 2000 I came into someone who had a working INTV System III to get rid of. I picked up a few more games when they could be had very cheaply in the earlier days of eBay. And now thanks to the power of the internet, in particular this forum, my original Lick A Prize Inty console is now working again!


- J

Edited by HunterZero
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Uh... Donkey Kong? Really? No way! What the fsck is this??


I forced myself to play it and enjoy it, mostly because I've been dreaming about this moment for so long that I could not bare be so disappointed. However, deep down inside I was crushed.


To this day, I blame Coleco for ruining big chunks of my childhood. Oh, yes, ruin it did. That's not all: the biggest insult came a bit later (Christmas?), when Joey, that snotty kid in my neighborhood, with divorced parents that overindulged him and bought him one of everything (and sometimes two of each!); he got a ColecoVision and invited me over to show me his version of Donkey Kong (yes, to show me; he was a dick like that.)


Damn you Coleco! it wasn't enough to ruin my birthday present, but to arm Joey with more presumptuous arrogance! That's just unconscionable.


It wasn't until Carl's version came along that this transgressions were redressed.




LOL! This is the exact reaction I had when I first saw DK for the Intellivision at a friend's place! I had played a bootleg Crazy Kong arcade game at the local shopping mall, and had seen the ColecoVision Donkey Kong (I had screenshots of it in a How To Win At Home Video Games book, and had played it at another friend's place who had a ColecoVision), and by comparison the Intellivision version was an unplayable mess, it was utter rubbish. It looked rubbish. It sounded nothing like the original. It was missing half the screens, it didn't even have the elevators screen that the ColecoVision version had. After playing Burger Time and Thunder Castle, I knew the Intellivision was capable of far better than this. And we now have D2K/DK Arcade (Thanks Carl!) to prove it, which is MUCH better than even the ColecoVision version.


Here's the book I had:






- J

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I had been struggling to remember when my ColecoVision replaced my Intellivision. Listening to the Intellivisionaries podcast today, I remembered that I received the Intellivoice as a Christmas present. This must have been 1982. It was a gift from a friend of the family whom I always called Uncle Owen. He was a doctor and always sent us kids expensive gifts from upscale stores. I was really surprised that I got the Intellivoice I'd asked for. I don't remember when I got the Intellivoice games, or whether I got them all at once (probably not), but I'm pretty sure I got at least one or two of them that same Christmas. B-17 Bomber is the one I played the most. Such a great game.


I wish I knew when Donkey Kong for Intellivision was released. I had been anticipating it so much. When I finally got it, it really soured me on Intellivision. I couldn't get over how Mario looked like Paddington the Bear. I must have gotten the game some time in 1983, which meant that 1983 was the ColecoVision Christmas.

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The Intellivision was far too expensive for me to ever receive as a present, even as a combined family Christmas present... But after I won an Intellivision in a Streets Lick A Prize ice cream competition, game cartridges were great presents for the next few years.


I am pretty sure the first Christmas after I won the Intellivision, on Christmas morning, I was given Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. I had lusted over that game when it was demoed in the department stores. Up to that point, I think I only had the pack-in cartridge that came with the unit, which was Star Strike.


The sound chip on my Intellivision started to die after a couple of years. We had it fixed at Gamesmen, which is where most of the games I had were purchased from, and they are still in business today (they moved from a warehouse in Riverwood to a store in Penshurst).


After the video game crash in 1984-85, my dad picked up a stack of Intellivision games on sale for a few dollars and stashed them away, mostly Imagic ones, so we still received games on birthdays and Christmas for a couple more years. He told me about the pickup years later, and how disappointed he was to find that some of the game boxes in the bin like Q*Bert had no game in them.


Finally, the sound on my Intellivision started to die again in the same way, but we kept playing it, until one day it just black screened. With noone left to repair it, my younger self had a go, but spraying PCB with WD40 doesn't repair ICs, and probably did more harm than good. I had hope it may one day be able to be repaired, so hung onto the dead system and games and didn't throw it all out. Thankfully I held onto it it turns out, because around 2000 I came into someone who had a working INTV System III to get rid of. I picked up a few more games when they could be had very cheaply in the earlier days of eBay. And now thanks to the power of the internet, in particular this forum, my original Lick A Prize Inty console is now working again!


- J

That's a great story! But I must ask, with more than a little trepidation, what is a Lick-A-Prize?

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No great stories here, as I never owned an Intellivision until February 2013. The Christmas presents were, over the years, an Atari 2600, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, and an NES. I had one good friend who had an Intellivision, and I always loved playing it at his house. So... when I got back into retro gaming with actual hardware, Intellivision was my first purchase and the collection began.

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I still remember the year (must have been 1983) when we got some more Intellivision games for Christmas. One of my several-years-younger stepbrothers shouting "LOCOMOTIVE!!!" when unwrapping Loco-Motion. Being a nasty older brother, of course, I had to ridicule him for that for years to come. Ooops, did I just do that again? Sorry, Joel.

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I still remember the year (must have been 1983) when we got some more Intellivision games for Christmas. One of my several-years-younger stepbrothers shouting "LOCOMOTIVE!!!" when unwrapping Loco-Motion. Being a nasty older brother, of course, I had to ridicule him for that for years to come. Ooops, did I just do that again? Sorry, Joel.

Lol.....poor intvjoel

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That's a great story! But I must ask, with more than a little trepidation, what is a Lick-A-Prize?


Glad you asked! The Streets Paddle Pop is a very popular ice cream on a stick here in Australia. It comes in lots of flavours - Chocolate, banana, vanilla, bubble gum, caramel... The Lick-a-Prize competition is a promotion that they regularly run. The stick of the ice cream has a picture or part of a picture on it. When you complete the entire picture, you win the pictured prize. Some sticks had "Second Chance Draw" on them, which you could post in for a chance to win unclaimed prizes at the end of the competition.


- James

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Glad you asked! The Streets Paddle Pop is a very popular ice cream on a stick here in Australia. It comes in lots of flavours - Chocolate, banana, vanilla, bubble gum, caramel... The Lick-a-Prize competition is a promotion that they regularly run. The stick of the ice cream has a picture or part of a picture on it. When you complete the entire picture, you win the pictured prize. Some sticks had "Second Chance Draw" on them, which you could post in for a chance to win unclaimed prizes at the end of the competition.


- James


That sounds like the most awesome contest! So, you eat ice cream and you have a chance at winning an Intellivision. Win-Win, even if you don't get the prize! :)



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That sounds like the most awesome contest! So, you eat ice cream and you have a chance at winning an Intellivision. Win-Win, even if you don't get the prize! :)




Can't win a new in box Intellivision in this contest any more, unfortunately. But they did continue with similar cool prizes - Video games consoles (Gameboy/DS, Xbox 360 and Wii), overseas trips, bicycles, portable sound gear, windsurfers... And instant win free paddle pops!


- J

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Christmas memories of the Intellivsion didnt start out great. I remember making a Christmas list with the Intellivsion and short list of games on it (the year it came out). All of my friends had the 2600 and I wanted an Intellivsion. I woke up that morning ran to the tree and saw huge gift wrapped package. The pacakge didnt look right but I couldnt wait to open it. When I open the package my insides sank it was an RCA Studio II. I didnt know what to say I was speechless. I hooked to unit up and played it for awhile. Then I spent the rest of the day really disapointed. My Dad walked into my room that night and asked if I got everything I wanted? I was trying to be nice but couldnt help myself and said not really... Then he said well there was one package I missed another big box I unwrapped it and it was an Intellivsion! I immediately hooked it up and played for hours. That is one day I'll always remember I never got a chance to ask my Dad why he did that. That Intellivision and the RCA Studio II are long gone. When I got into retro collecting I picked up a model 1 Intellvsion and rebuilt the collection of games I had. At times I was tempted to get an RCA Studio II but havent found one for the right price. I still shake my head trying to figure out that Christmas day!

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Did he find one in a store on Christmas Day or something? I'm wondering why you had to wait until nighttime to be told..... just curious!

I never knew what the deal was. I think it was either a joke or he was hoping I'd be happy with the Studio II? I never even knew the Studio II existed so I supose it was on clearnace somewhere?

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My family never owned an Intellivision... but my grandfather did. Nor is this story connected to Christmas.


He got an Intellivision in the very-early 1980s. My brother and I played games like Astrosmash, Space Armada, Donkey Kong, and Triple Action (about 10 games in total). I played them so much that they literally caused thumb blisters on multiple occasions across the whole backside of the first knuckle! This didn't even slow down my playing. Eventually, my brother and I got older and tended to visit and talk with the grandparents more and played the Intellivision less and less. Eventually, the system went into his attic. A number of years ago, he passed away. Unbeknownst to me, my dad held a garage sale and had the Intellivision + collection of games all for $1. He got no buyers. My dad then put the set into his own garage and it sat there a few more years. This garage is unheated in northern Minnesota.


A few years ago, I started getting back into the Intellivision but the 1st two consoles I bought malfunctioned after ~2 minutes of play. Eventually, I lamented about this to my father over the phone and a he mentioned that he still had the original system and games. I was excited but realistic that the freezing cold had likely permanently destroyed the system. When it arrived in the mail, I tried it out and it worked perfectly. I still use that as my main Intellivision today. Serial # 597654.

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When i was a kid I didn't have intellivision, but had three friends who all lived on one small street by me who were the only intellivision families in the neighborhood (and believe me all the kids in the neighborhood all had mental maps of all the houses, who had VCS, who had Intellivisions, who had the occasional Odyssey 2, and the one guy that had a Coleco). I'd say the biggest played Inty games by far were Baseball, Football (same group of about 6-8 of us would all play backyard baseball & football then go back inside ), Burgertime, Utopia, Lock N Chase, Triple Action, Astrosmash, Microsurgeon, Night Stalker, & Tron.


Best holiday/christmas time memory for Inty. We annually played a backyard football game in the first big snow of the year , called the Slush Bowl (did it from like 79-86) where we'd play the game for real, then retreat for warmth and Intellivision. Most memorable game ended in 6 inches of snow while it was still falling, 77-70 the final score, and ending when a punt/kickoff ended up in the house's gutter and we couldn't get it out. Ended with frozen faces playing competitive Biplanes and rebels-enabled Utopia matches. For a ten year old a pretty awesome day.



I didnt see or touch an Inty in over a decade until I started listening to things like shane r monroe's retro gaming radio in the late 90s and learned about twin galaxies and was curious how well my (in my memories) best burgertime scores would stack up, and that got me to pick up my first ever Inty. I don't collect with zeal like most here, but i do have ~115/125 loose at this point.



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  • 11 months later...

I think I got the COMPUTER MODULE for one Christmas, and the piano Keyboard... i never really played with the piano keyboard

I got the computer module on Christmas and 11-year-old I was really excited because I was going to make Intellivision games just like the Blu Sky Rangers. :lol:


It was a bit disappointing, as you can imagine, and since I didn't have any ECS-specific titles, the module only offered a crappy BASIC environment.


The year after I received a C=64 and all was well with the world again. :)



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