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UN Squadron 7800 graphics... Any advice/feedback is welcome


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Thanks again GB! I'll compare and adjust tomorrow once I figure out what I'll be teaching!


I hate first day back! Love to see the kids; hate feeling clueless about what to do! I know, I'm a horrible example. On the plus side, I don't teach chemistry, so no fire hazard. Shakespeare it is then! Plenty of sex, lust, and murder to addle their teenage minds. Wait! I can't teach that to kids! I've been trying to convince the Jr lit teacher to trade me Macbeth for Romeo and Juliet for years. I hate that feeling I get covering the first scene with all the phalic jokes and rape humor and praying the kids don't figure it out.


There, I derailed my own thread! Have a great week everybody!

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Gorfcadet & GroovyBee...Amazingly awesome collaboration going on with this title so far. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first with the feasibility of it...But you are definitely winning me over in a super impressive way...Great job all around...Graphics are superb thus far.

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@theloon: I'm learning the ins and outs of assembly, but am still open to collaborating with an experienced programmer. I am admittedly a graphics guy who dabbles. If I get interest from someone I will gladly offer a complete game design package to a programmer. If it is just me, then I will be hitting the programmer's forum more often. Hope for the best: GB, Bob, etc; prepare for the worst: me! lol.


@Trebor: Thanks! I started looking at what would be feasible and what is really part of the appeal of the original and I think the 7800 is more than capable of capturing those elements. The special weapons to me were kind of a throw away. The patterns, visuals, and pacing were the key. Some specials from UN mixed with 1942's spread shot and power shot seem like a better mix than trying to impliment UN's arsenal literally. Still pondering that. The real appeal for me is bringing the anime/Capcom house art styel to the 7800 just to see it done.


Thanks for the kind words guys! Hopefully I've have something new to show soon.

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Been following this thread for a little while now. U.N. Squadron is one of my favorite shooters for the SNES, so it's pretty cool what's going on here. So cool, in fact, that it inspired me to tackle learning the RMT Tracker app to whip up a conversion of the music from the first stage of the game into POKEY music to listen to while looking at this artwork.


The RTM file is in the attached zip. Not sure how useful it'll be, and it's a little rough around the edges, but here's what I came up with. My little contribution to the overall thing. If nothing else, maybe it'll drum up more inspiration for someone.


Edit in RMT as you will, and use anywhere you can make it fit if you'd like! :-D


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It's my pleasure. I loved this game, and I love working with music as well from time to time, especially chiptunes. I've done some stuff in Famitracker, but this is my first tune with RMT and the POKEY, so it was pretty cool to get a chance to do that. I've also been toying with converting the intro and title screen music from the SNES version, but that one isn't complete yet.


:cool: Thanks for the music. I'm not familiar with the original game's music but your POKEY version sounds good.


Here's a

. Some things aren't 100% on-beat with the SNES version, but it's as close as I could get it at the moment.
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It's my pleasure. I loved this game, and I love working with music as well from time to time, especially chiptunes. I've done some stuff in Famitracker, but this is my first tune with RMT and the POKEY, so it was pretty cool to get a chance to do that. I've also been toying with converting the intro and title screen music from the SNES version, but that one isn't complete yet.




Here's a

. Some things aren't 100% on-beat with the SNES version, but it's as close as I could get it at the moment.


amazing work :thumbsup:

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While on my lunch break I went ahead and put the finishing touches to the intro/title screen tune as well. RMT is attached inside the zip, and here's a



Very nice work, you have definatly captured the trademark Capcom sounds with Pokey in my opinion, Sounds just as good as Commando. Nice work indeed, I am still learning Famitracker myself!

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Anyone know a way to listen to rmt on a mac? Stuck at work in a lab full of guess what. I really want to listen to those tracks! I'll dig out the XP when I get home.


I've never tried it before, but I found this program here called "Audio Overload" that seems to play a whole ton of chiptune formats, including SAP. I've re-uploaded both tunes in a ZIP, exported to SAP format to work with the player. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, though. Hopefully it works.


Update: Got my work Mac out and tried it out. Appears to work just fine.


Edited by rockman_x_2002
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Just played it... That gave me such a happy feeling in my ears! So in theory that is what the XM soundtrack would be able to sound like? That is awesome.

Since I finished my GT paperwork, letters of recommendation, and state monitoring paperwork all caught up, I hope to get a few new assets finished and some older ones cleaned up soon. First priority is making the level one backdrops fit spec and then the power up icon which I hope to accomplish in a three or four frame animation. Then I take on the shop, opening, and character select before I hit level two.

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Just played it... That gave me such a happy feeling in my ears! So in theory that is what the XM soundtrack would be able to sound like? That is awesome.


Well, if you went with the POKEY chip, then that's what you'd be able to do roughly (which means the game music would work with the XM or on a stock 7800, although without the XM you'd need carts with POKEY chips on the board like Ballblazer or Commando). Of course, the XM also has the Yamaha YM2151 available to it, which is the exact same sound chip that the arcade version of U.N. Squadron used (in fact, all of Capcom's CPS-1 games used it), so all you'd need then would be to rip the song data from the arcade version and into a format that would play through the XM, I'd think. Of course, the arcade version used an OKI6295 as well.


So it depends on what you're shooting for on the project, really. If you want sound more akin to what the 7800 would've been able to produce back in the day, then the POKEY is the way to go. However, if you're shooting to get the game absolutely as close to the arcade as possible, then you might want to go the YM2151 route.


On a related note, but going in the total opposite direction, I stumbled across this

from the SNES version of the game. Have to say I'm impressed!
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Yes, I saw that video. At first I thought Capcom was doing an updated verion for xbla or something.

Hearing the original arcade track out of my 7800 would be wild and a little disorienting. :)

Made some progress on the power up icon before bed, but want to stare at it some more before I share it.

Hope everyone is well.

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Thanks Stun Runner and everyone else who has been so helpful and positive. Here is my latest progress on the assets. I have a three frame sprite animation for the in level power up. I never cared for the original design so I took some cues from Altered Beast which is one of my favorite SEGA titles. I think the orbital power up seemed kind of strange there but I always liked it. Seems like a neat fit for a shooter. Plugging away as time allows.

Hope everyone is well!



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Here is my latest progress on the assets. I have a three frame sprite animation for the in level power up.


Good start! I had to slightly alter the frames so that the orb was steady in the animation. Here it is animated and at x4 magnification with 1/10 of a second inter frame delay :-


post-21935-0-36854700-1357861410.gif (<---- Click to animate)


And here it is at 2/10 of a second inter frame delay :-


post-21935-0-55012400-1357861592.gif (<---- Click to animate)


At 1/10 of a second you can't really tell what it is and the power flash seems to make a hula hoop movement around the orb.


At 2/10 of a second its probably at the right speed but doesn't look like a smooth flash to me.


It might be more smooth as an animation if it has two power flashes. One at the front disappearing to the back and the one at the back coming around to the front. Then you have less power flash pixels to move between frames and the back automatically becomes the front and the cycle begins again.


Here is my adjusted *.png file for the above animation :-



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Thanks GB! You are a fast mover sir! I've been making the fixes to other assets this afternoon as well. I'll look at implementing your notes on the power up later tonight or tomorrow morning during my prep period. Thanks as always buddy!





Sprite update for Jan 10, 2013.

Fixed tank treads for level 1 boss.

Fixed elevations on level 1 pavement.

Replaced gun power up with new three sprite animation.



Add ground explosions.

Add two more level one background assets.

Complete shop assets.

Intro and title assets

Add level three gun blast

Add bombs

Add "options"

Add rockets


Have a great evening everyone! Still jamming out to the pokey version of UN's theme! Yamaha would be perfect too!

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