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new Spectravideo joistick/keypad for ColecoVision


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I've actually been waiting for "THIS" guy to start saying in all his posts, "Why no Juno First for the ColecoVision?". If you've been around for a while, you'll know what I mean.


Too bad Ozma Wars put his foot in his mouth like he did especially seeing as he came across some rare and desired items and it sounds like there is probably more than he could pickup. He definetly could have made a lot of money flipping stuff, but he choose to be a 8===D about things and screwed you guys over.


He did eventually sell the Boulder Dash CIB for roughly $500 U.S., but he could have gotten a lot more from me if he would have verified the working condition of of the cart.... these have high failure rates. Instead he responded to me "don't worry, I have another one and if the first is bad you can send it back for a replacement". Just what I want to do, spend $40 for shipping, get a defective cart, spend $20 to return it to him in Italy and then have him charge me another $40 to return yet another UNTESTED cart.


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially since there is a bit of a language barrier here, but BUYER BEWARE in this case.

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