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15 hours ago, Stephen said:

One question - how would the player's pieces be shown on the board?

In the case of hi-res, just as the simple outline bitmap that shows up on each player's info block. Unfortunately, remaining PMG coverage is not such that the pieces can have any coloration. In the Antic 4 version, there's enough PMG coverage to allow for the active/current player to get coloring (gray/silver) for their token.


So, the dog is here on Oriental Ave., and I've included how the house and hotel graphics will look. Nothing too impressive for the houses and hotels; but at least they can have a little more detail than the Antic 4 version.





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It is possible to pull off coloring the board too. Everything white goes turquoise though; so, some objects lose a bit of fidelity with the original game design. For this reason, I've already colored the dice to keep them separate from the background. I suppose I could do the same for a few other objects, like the water spigot, policeman, and maybe the ring diamond and jail background. The more you look, the more things you can find that should be white; but I think it'd become a bit complicated to attempt coloring them all here.





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I like the white board


The player pieces are MONO in real life (grey or silver depending on age) so having player pieces without coloration is normal !


Hotel or houses as game pieces might stand out as exclusive or / or type stamps...

Edited by _The Doctor__
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On 8/4/2023 at 10:18 PM, MrFish said:

One potential benefit of going hi-res here is that title deeds and chance & community chest cards could be shown in the center of the board, during gameplay -- rather than needing to be shown on a separate screen (as the full-screen graphics above depict).


Something like this is what I had in mind. I like the full-screen cards; but I think this will be easier on the eyes (than having to switch from screen to screen) and make the game move along quicker. I also like the idea of being able to click on any board space and see the associated title deed.


...and yes, I know Boardwalk is supposed to have white text on its title; but that needs the background set to black in order to work, and we can't have that here. So, I may switch to white background for the inventory too -- in order to stay consistent.







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That looks amazing - would never believe the 8bit could pull off such a colorful presentation of Monopoly!  I think just having the "active" player colored is a positive if it can be done - it would make it clear who's moving and making decisions. 

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13 minutes ago, Goochman said:

That looks amazing - would never believe the 8bit could pull off such a colorful presentation of Monopoly!  I think just having the "active" player colored is a positive if it can be done - it would make it clear who's moving and making decisions. 

I think making a flashing or blinking piece would more take care of that.

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26 minutes ago, Goochman said:

I think just having the "active" player colored is a positive if it can be done - it would make it clear who's moving and making decisions. 

I'm probably going to fill in the active player's token. I was also thinking of highlighting the active players info panel (in addition to filling the token) -- by changing it to a lighter shade of its normal color or some unique color that's distinguishable from the others (like light gray or something similar).




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59 minutes ago, MrFish said:

I was also thinking of highlighting the active players info panel (in addition to filling the token) -- by changing it to a lighter shade of its normal color or some unique color that's distinguishable from the others (like light gray or something similar).

I could also change the player's info panel color to match the color of the dice (looks better to me), or vice versa.






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Hello MrFish


Is all the text hardcoded or is it possible to localize the game?  Monopoly (the board game) is sold in lots of countries around the world, but for instance cities and street names used differ from country to country.






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31 minutes ago, Mathy said:

Is all the text hardcoded or is it possible to localize the game?  Monopoly (the board game) is sold in lots of countries around the world, but for instance cities and street names used differ from country to country.


From my 2nd post to the topic:

On 12/24/2012 at 10:57 PM, MrFish said:

I thought it would be cool to allow for several localized versions as options, like the UK version.


So, yes, definitely interested to include localized streets, currencies, etc.


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1 hour ago, David_P said:

Or a fine scrolling, wrap-around board along the bottom... breaking away from the visual representation of the board, though.

On 12/24/2012 at 10:57 PM, MrFish said:

I was actually trying to stay away from the scrolling style, since that's been done so many times.

As I mentioned here, I'm trying to get away from that style. I've seen it done so many times on many platforms (including one version on our own: Monopoly). An interesting approach; but, I prefer the idea of the having the static, full-board view.


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4 hours ago, Goochman said:

Ok asking for the impossible - would you be able to color the properties to the owner when purchased, or have an indicator that it is already owned?

I was just thinking about this the other day. The version of monopoly that I have for the PC adds a small tab, with the player's token on it, to just above the board space of a property that's owned. It's useful information. I can't color board spaces (the colors just aren't available); I also don't have space to add any mark indicating who owns it specifically. It would be possible to add a generic mark indicating that it is owned by somebody; and it's certainly possible to indicate who that somebody is on the board-space blowup (on the lower-right) for the current space occupied by the active player. I was also thinking to add a status line with some info about the current space occupied by the active player. Additionally, this information would show up when clicking on any property and bringing up its information/title deed, etc. Information on all properties will be available in the inventory screen too. With the small icons in the inventory, properties that are black in the center are unowned, properties that show the title deed graphic in the center are owned by the player, and properties that are grayed in the center are owned by another player (and I'll probably add some status indicator for who owns the property, in this last case).


As far as indicating ownership on the full-board view, although the information is useful (even in the case of just indicating it generically), I find the look of it cluttered, with all the different graphics being added to the board as the game goes on. Also, thinking about it from the perspective that it's not part of the real board game when played, it's not so much of a necessity (although useful), since the info is available elsewhere in the game. That doesn't mean I'm against adding any feature not present in the real board game, or that it couldn't be added as an option. So, I may add some generic mark as an option.


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Part of Monopoly game play is that you have to pay attention to what you own and what others own, there is no need for all that other indicate/colorize/play a song/buzzer/bell/yell  etc etc etc.

I like what you've done. All the other bells and whistles that can be dreamed up that don't exist in the monopoly world become just so much noise.

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4 minutes ago, zzip said:

I never thought it was possible to earn $74,560 in Monopoly without bankrupting any other players!  :lol:

I don't think so either. I just know that a player's money can get up past 10k; so, I put 5 random digits there to see how much space it would take up on the info panel. I'll change them all to 9's. :D



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