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45 minutes ago, zzip said:

That's only because Monopoly is a relic of the Gold standard era.  We need a modern version where the bank can print more money on demand :)

Even current versions of the game still have limited (= not excessive) bank supplies. It looks like they've been raised over the years. They, of course, can't include an unlimited supply of cash with the physical version; but they're not including tons of $500 bills just to cover the extreme either. No problem with an electronic version; I'd have it as an option, though, in order to allow simulating the real experience. The other thing is, I'm not sure how often it even becomes an issue. I've played a lot of Monopoly, and I'm not sure I can recall the bank ever running out of money; although it could have happened once or twice.


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3 minutes ago, MrFish said:

Even current versions of the game still have limited (= not excessive) bank supplies. It looks like they've been raised over the years. They, of course, can't include an unlimited supply of cash with the physical version; but they're not including tons of $500 just to cover the extreme either. No problem with an electronic version; I'd have it as an option, though, in order to allow simulating the real experience. The other thing is, I'm not sure how often it even becomes an issue. I've played a lot of Monopoly, and I'm not sure I can recall the bank ever running out of money; although it could have happened once or twice.


I've played games where the bank ran out of money-  not sure if it was monopoly or something else, but we got around it by having the bank issue IOUs

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45 minutes ago, Goochman said:

Dont forget focring a housing shortage is another way to screw other players :)

Nah, wouldn't forget about that. I want to stick with the official rules, and building limits are part of that. However, I like the idea of having some optional rules; because things like putting fees into "Free Parking" for a bonus to the player landing there was always a staple rule for people I played the game with. Also, having some options ("House Rules") can add long-term playability to the game.


I probably won't be adding all of these (options from my PC version); but, for instance, dealing some number of properties at the start of the game is essential for short/quick games. I'm not sure when they added it, but "Rules for a Short Game" are part of the official instructions (instructions I have are from 1997, but short game could have been part of it for some time before that).




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Unrestrained (essentially) bank activities -- and everything that perpetuates it -- is among the worst evils that exist.



Watch the "Money As Debt" (I to III) documentary series by Paul Grignon, on Youtube or wherever.



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you could have the standard quick game option screen, and a text input area that if people wanted to be nuts, they could change any variable. You could publish them in an attached pdf, or in the game help file. Or make it part of the fun and let people discover them on their own

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17 minutes ago, 351cougar said:

to change the cfg variable you wanted. if you wernt going to have thousands avail on a graphical screen. (your house rules screen)  

I'd definitely want to keep it graphical, and I don't want to have too many adjustable rules. I really don't see them as being something that would overload the screen.


I probably would have separate sections for "quick game" and "house rules".


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On 8/6/2023 at 4:04 AM, MrFish said:

...and yes, I know Boardwalk is supposed to have white text on its title; but that needs the background set to black in order to work, and we can't have that here. So, I may switch to white background for the inventory too -- in order to stay consistent.

I did some tests for the inventory screens with a white background and I didn't like it so much; but, what I found out is that I can simulate the black background using the false background technique. This works out really well because hi-res uses it's own register for the border color, which can just be set to black; so, what's going on really isn't known without careful examination. The important part of the change is that property titles will be consistent between the board view and inventory view, even though the background seemingly changes colors.


There are a few minor difference between this and using a true black background. Go ahead and find them, if you like; but most of the differences I prefer.


As far as visibility goes for the title color changes, Boardwalk/Park Place and Mediterranean/Baltic are a little less easy to read; but there is the option of raising both of their luminosities one notch in order to improve that (in both inventory and board screens). So, I'm demonstrating that here in the second image. Either way, I'm satisfied to go this route, especially considering that there were some problems with a black background for properties that needed dark text (which I never discussed). Those problems are completely eliminated here; and properties originally designed with medium or light colors with dark text make up the bulk of properties in the game.






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3 minutes ago, FifthPlayer said:

The Bank never "goes broke".  If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much more as needed by writing on any ordinary paper.

Ah, yeah... this sounds familiar; probably why writing IOU's sounded familiar too.


In that case, computers never run out of fake money (just like real banks).


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6 hours ago, MrFish said:

"Ordinary paper"? as opposed to what? Toilet paper? Extraordinary paper?


papyrus scrolls are strictly forbidden!


2 hours ago, Goochman said:

I feel like Im looking at an ST version of the game!

I think it already looks better than Dave Addison's ST / Amiga port

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1 hour ago, Irgendwer said:

Your designs look great (as usual)!

Since the orientation is well defined and I guess no players will hang from the ceiling like bats, would you mind to turn the top symbols and text?

How do people deal with real board games?  If the top text is rotated, what about the left and right?

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1 hour ago, Irgendwer said:

Since the orientation is well defined and I guess no players will hang from the ceiling like bats, would you mind to turn the top symbols and text?

It's easy enough to do; but a couple problems:

1. It messes with the effect of trying to emulate the actual board

2. The policeman ends up pointing to Greenland or Iceland (if you live in the U.S.). :D


My opinion: I don't like it, although it's nice to see some of the symbols right side up, momentarily.




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