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My apology to everyone

Curt Vendel

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I know I blew a gasket a while back, cursed and screamed at everyone as a whole...


I've been having health problems again for a while and just couldn't handle the stress and negativity of things.


I've been in the hospital now since the 17th in congestive heart failure due to severe fluid overload, they have removed 17liters of fluid from my body and have me on various medications because my right side of my heart isn't pumping out enough.


Tonight my latest test has come back that one of my replacement valves is severely leaking and is causing my problems.




17 liters of fluid is a lot. A 70kg man only has 5 liters of blood.

I presume they haven't been farting around with Lasix and have been using something better like Bumex. In any case, cardiovascular problems often are accompanied by psychiatric symptoms, usually depressive in nature. That isn't a slam, please don't take it as such. What I mean is that, with many major medical illnesses, people don't do as well emotionally and I think that helps everyone, including the patient put things into perspective. We all need to keep that in mind, and you need to take breaks and do what you can to help relieve the tension when you find yourself getting more depressed, irritable or whatever. For some people, it's spending time with family but for others that only adds to stress. Some folks find religious faith a bolster during crises. Just do what you can to give yourself a lift (well, anything that isn't detrimental to your health). If things become too overwhelming, an antidepressant or psychotherapy is often helpful, so at that point talk to your doctor about meds or a referral.

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Curt, I'm very sorry to hear about your current health woes, and that you had to spend Christmas in the hospital. As others have said, you should focus on your health, and please don't let the XM project add any additional stress to your current situation. There will be time to work on the XM (and other projects!) once you've recovered. Please focus on your health and I hope you bounce back quickly!



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Yes, please take care of yourself and best wishes that you can get well as soon as possible. So the replacement valve is leaking ... reminds me of my friend who has had some minor surgeries lately due to her poor health (she as only one [weak] kidney), and several recent complications of hers were caused by bleeding after surgery. How hard can it be for doctors to do it right the first time, I wonder. I guess that's why docs call their career "a practice".

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Might I recommend a dose of Food Fight, some time with Pac Man Collection!, Asteroids and company, and Joust. Make sure that pocket sized 7800 is fully charged, 'cause I'm sure you'll have a good recovery and thus a reason to play many games while it's going on.


You're gonna beat those heart problems. I believe that.

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