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xbox 360 hard drive question.


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  • 2 months later...

If you are talking about replacing the dvd-drive totaly....you have to flash your drive key to it.

The dvd-drive's laser lens can be swapped by a new one without any problems.

I did 2 of them myself.


They only thing you have to remember is that a brand new lens ofter comes with a little blob of solder on 2 pins that has to be removed.

It's a protection for something, but will ruin the laser when it's powered with the 2 pins connected together.


I had 2 Lite-on drives with bad laser-lens which I replaced with succes.

1 I replaced with a brand new laserlens, 1 I replaced by a lens from a BenQ drive which happened to be the same....lucky me.

The 2nd drive is gonna be my spare one.

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