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Anyone able to make a short gameplay vid for Koffi Yellow Kopter


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I found one that I made and re-uploaded to youtube. Its choppier on youtube format compared to the original movie, unfortunately.



now thats what im talking about ! thanks for the video ... this game is awesome ! I will ask on your other thread how your new game is going :grin:
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I found one that I made and re-uploaded to youtube. Its choppier on youtube format compared to the original movie, unfortunately.


Brief update - I checked out this video just now again, and it is now just as smooth as it should be. At first, it was choppier. Not sure what is going on behind the scenes at Youtube.

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That's a great video. Thanks for sharing. I've always wondered how to beat Pyro's mom, so I'm glad you showed that. Going by the hint in the manual, I thought the only way to hurt her was to get that fire thing to hit her in the eyes using the lightning. I would just keep getting that to hit her over and over, but she would never die.


I finally bought this from the AA store a while back. The only thing that kept me from buying it sooner was the name Koffi -- as shallow as that seems. I don't know what it is about it, but I just never liked that name. There's a WWE wrestler named Koffi Kingston and I've never liked him for that same reason, which is really unfair because he's a good wrestler and has some pretty entertaining moves. Oh well. At least I got over it enough to enjoy this game. ;) It really is a great game.

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"Koffi" rhymes with "Coffee" ... ;)


I'm surprised you could not figure out how to beat Pyro's Mom. If you notice, there is a sound effect and you get points when you bump into her. Hitting her with the chasing fireball via her own lightning merely stuns her, so you can go up there and bump into her more easily. Thanks for the comments.

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