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SillyPack 2k12 -Silly Venture result package


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Calamaris - the screen jumps (is this you bing shot) are there any instructions (I pressed 1-7 and selected the destinations? using Up/Down but could't figure it out?

This is the introductory instruction: (Google translate):


At the beginning of the game we are under attack, but the press:

- Tab

Initially because our ship is in excellent condition and easily deal with this attack can handle (in my case the damage to the ship as a result of the fight were 21 units (down to 234 pts.), Which is not dangerous).

Time is accelerated further, so it's better to stop it. When you see the message on the console, "The attack was repulsed," re-press:

- Tab

From now on, the time of the game runs almost in real time. Now you can easily make any changes, select a destination flight, etc.


We are now in outer space, so few options are available. One of the first things you can do is visit the nearest planet.

To do this, go to the Dashboard by pressing:

- 2

select a planet on which we fly, a single press:

- Minus - the up arrow

We selected target flight "Jaggi 165" that inhabited Malanie.


Or choose the other planet or accept this choice:

- Return

At the top of the screen shows the value of 264, which is the distance to the planet. When you select a planet automatic engine start (slow).

To speed up the flight press:

- Tab

On the desktop, the flight speed of command, we see 10000, and on the navigation panel, decreasing the distance to the planet.


If you do not happen the way we thing it safely arrives at the "Jaggi 165" (which is now displayed on the dashboard is not the objective of the flight, but as the planet on which we are). On the console shows "engines stopped, the destination has been reached" (automatic time the game has been slowed down, no need to press the Tab key), plus if people want it / have what appears the inscription "We are happy we trade."


We go to commercial desktop by pressing:

- 3

Where's the list of 18 stocks that are in our hold message is displayed such as "Sell" or "Buy". Below is given the object, its price, quantity already sold / purchased and the amount that is in stock, etc.


In my case it is a "force field generator, 10500, 2, 2 '. Which means that by pressing two times:

- Return

I sell / buy two of these items.


It's a good start: the first planet landed in and bought / sold the first example, two objects. What to do next? It's up to you ;)

Edited by tdc
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Of course. Link is in the first post already. Both download archives behind the links after updated whenever I fix/add something. The status bar of the menu display thes release date. I'm really happy I created a script for that this time :-)

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just screened the code. simply wondering why you have x0 font used? i have used a 4bit font in MetaLlamas Intro, too and why did you not packed the x0 and 0x together? I have seen that you are shifting the font? or was it simply because of time and budget ;) but need to check how did you managed to scroll the stuff so fast...

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>simply because of time and budget

It's because I wanted to get the menu done and scroll quickly, I "simply" print the whole menu into memory. That means I have to "print" about 36k of graphics 8 screen memory at once when you boot or return to the menu with RESET/after starting an entry. It can be done more memory saving by "really" scrolling (using the DL), but I wanted it to be DONE fast instead fast and NOT DONE. :-)


> trying to assemble it in eclipse I got errors? many undeclared labels?

The SillyMenu.asm should compile without problems (maybe wrong MADS version)?

The SillyMenu-Loader.asm can only be compiled via the script because it includes the packed binary of the SillyMenu: ins "SillyMenu-Packed.xex",+6.

The "SillyMenu-Packed.xex" is only created by the makefile and deleted again at the end.

You can comment out the "DEL" statements in the makefile to keep the files.


call :make AUTORUN.AR0


set ATR=SillyPack2k12.atr

atr\hias\dir2atr.exe -m -b MyDos4534 %ATR% atr\files

del SillyMenu.xex

del SillyMenu-Packed.xex

del SillyMenu-Loader.xex

Edited by JAC!
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ok... interleaved storage of your font... ;) but why? really faster?


here is my code based

;copies one char (A) on position y,x
copychar: sta char
stx y
sty x
lda fonttabl,x
adc xtabl,y
sta di
lda fonttabh,x
adc xtabh,y
sta di+1
ldx char
lda chartabl,x
sta si
lda chartabh,x
sta si+1
lda x
and #1
bne copy01
copy10 ldy #0
lda (si),y
and #$f0
; ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$f0
; ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$f0
; ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$f0
; ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$f0
; ora (di),y
sta (di),y
ldx y
ldy x
lda char
copy01 ldy #0
lda (si),y
and #$0f
ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$0f
ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$0f
ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$0f
ora (di),y
sta (di),y+
lda (si),y
and #$0f
ora (di),y
sta (di),y
ldx y
ldy x
lda char

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>simply because of time and budget

It's because I wanted to get the menu done and scroll quickly, I "simply" print the whole menu into memory. That means I have to "print" about 36k of graphics 8 screen memory at once when you boot or return to the menu with RESET/after starting an entry. It can be done more memory saving by "really" scrolling (using the DL), but I wanted it to be DONE fast instead fast and NOT DONE. :-)


> trying to assemble it in eclipse I got errors? many undeclared labels?

The SillyMenu.asm should compile without problems (maybe wrong MADS version)?

The SillyMenu-Loader.asm can only be compiled via the script because it includes the packed binary of the SillyMenu: ins "SillyMenu-Packed.xex",+6.

The "SillyMenu-Packed.xex" is only created by the makefile and deleted again at the end.

You can comment out the "DEL" statements in the makefile to keep the files.


call :make AUTORUN.AR0


set ATR=SillyPack2k12.atr

atr\hias\dir2atr.exe -m -b MyDos4534 %ATR% atr\files

del SillyMenu.xex

del SillyMenu-Packed.xex

del SillyMenu-Loader.xex


which MADS version?

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After 2 weeks of "manual bitshifing" the final puzzle piece of the pack is finished and included.

Jarek had lost the last phases of the graphic "Flame follow me" (including final picture).

So no ".G2F" files but only the "FLAME.EXE" file was left.

I now managed to reconstruct the image from the executable and I sincerely hope I never have to do something like that again :-)

But still it was worth doing because I learnt a lot about G2F - and I like the picture.




Note: SIO2SD etc. fastloaders will be kicked out after RESET. If there will be a SV 2k13 (I really hope so), I'll add support for them.

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