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Issue with 7800 RF display


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My 7800s picture, connected via RF thrrough a VCR, is wavy/ghosty in the way RF can be, and I randomly lose color on some games. Like, it kind of fades to B&W and then the color returns. Fades, returns, etc.


Now, I have a TG-16 hooked up, via RF, through the same VCR. And it looks, surprisingly, damn good. Solid picture, no ghosting, full solid color. So IMO it is not the VCR.


The 7800 is using a newer (cheap) RCA cable with one of those wonderful tiny adapters, and then is daisy chained into the TG16 Rf adapter. I have tried running it directly to the RF port on the VCR, and it is the same story. Ghosts/loss of color. I don't recall it looking like this when I got it several months ago.....but I really just started playing it heavily too. So I admit it could have always been lke this. So I can't even say if this is really a new development or not.


Right now, I have 0 technical ability. I have been recommended the conversion kit before though to get the 7800 to output through RCAs. If I did this, would this possibly fix the issue? Or is this a different internal/guts issue? In that case, could it be fixed by replacing a part?


It is driving me nuts to play the thing like this.


I almost hesitate to say this as it seems...wrong....but it seems worse with some games than others too, but maybe that is a factor of the games palette too. Joust looks solid. But's it's almost always a black background anyway! Xevious fades and ghosts constantly.


Any help/advice is much appreciated.



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A composite mod could help.

First thing I'd try would be a better (thicker) cable, though. When I'm stuck with RF, I use a nice fat RG6 TV cable. If you get a better picture through a better cable, and therefore know that your system isn't to blame, then it might be worth adding composite video output.

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A composite mod could help.

First thing I'd try would be a better (thicker) cable, though. When I'm stuck with RF, I use a nice fat RG6 TV cable. If you get a better picture through a better cable, and therefore know that your system isn't to blame, then it might be worth adding composite video output.


Thanks for the response Rex! Now, I am writing this from work (looks over shoulder) and can't check my setup but I admit I am totally confused. Doesn't the 7800 use a composite cable to output? RG6 is like, cable wire cable for screw end connections no?


Can I put a composite end on one end of an RG6 cable to go into the 7800, and a normal screw end to run into the RF adapter OR VCR? I wasn't aware there was such an adapter or that the cable worked the same way? (However, referring to my original post...I have 0 tech knowledge of this stuff. I was blown away I didn't have to hook the thing up with U-connectors onto screws anymore!!!!)


I probably have some good RG6 laying about.


Son of a gun....google and two secs of research is a great idea on my part. One of these things?



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Thanks for the response Rex! Now, I am writing this from work (looks over shoulder) and can't check my setup but I admit I am totally confused. Doesn't the 7800 use a composite cable to output? RG6 is like, cable wire cable for screw end connections no?


Can I put a composite end on one end of an RG6 cable to go into the 7800, and a normal screw end to run into the RF adapter OR VCR? I wasn't aware there was such an adapter or that the cable worked the same way? (However, referring to my original post...I have 0 tech knowledge of this stuff. I was blown away I didn't have to hook the thing up with U-connectors onto screws anymore!!!!)



Technically, the cord the 7800 uses would be called an RF cable, but really it's all just different flavors of coax. Cheapo RCA cables are cheapo and thin, RG6 is thick and (usually) well-insulated. It reduces interference, esp. compared to cheapo RCA cables.


Yup, RG6 is your screw-on TV cable. I just use a short length of that, with a screw-on male RCA-type adapter on the Atari end.


Alternatively, you could use a better-quality RCA cable and get the opposite type of adapter, which would give you the screw-on end for connecting that cable to your TV.


This is the first adapter I mentioned, the one I use with TV cable:


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Ah ha! Well I do have some good, insulated RG6 but not that adapter....and I have the OTHER adapter but not what I would consider a "good" RCA cable...the one I am using is cheap AND old. Methinks a Radio Shack (assuming they have that last adapter pictured) trip is in order! Thanks!

Edited by GoldenWheels
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