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Tomcat The F-14 Fighter simulator


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Well been looking to exspand my 7800 collection so been doing some digging here and there and came up on a copy of Tomcat the F-14 fighter simulator.Its in great shape hooked up the ole 7800 loaded it and everything is fine however i cant seem to start the game.This is were my problem comes in so i decided to check a few more of the titles i bought all the 7800 titles work flawlessly however when i use 2600 titles the games will load to the title screen only it wont allow me to start them.So i figured ok maybe its because i need a 2600 game controller i was almost positive that was the case but when i hooked the 2600 controller up i got the samething boots straight to the title screen and thats it.So how would i remedy this did i happen to run up on the few games that wont work for the 7800?The games are Jurney Escape,Oinks,Tomcat F-14,and Skyjinx.I couldnt get any of these to actually play all will load fine just cant start them if anyone could point me in the right direction here i would appreciate it thx ^^.

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First things first... you can find almost every manual for the 7800 here at AA. You'll need to read up on some of them. For 2600 titles, just click on the 2600 section in that link.


For some games, especially Activision/Absolute ones, you must start the game by pressing the RESET button. Your thread caught my attention because I've been playing Tomcat F-14 a lot since around Christmas. I've owned the 7800 version for about 20 years and never once played it. I always assumed it was too complicated. It turns out the game is not complex at all and has just about the right amount of interaction. You'll definitely need to read the manual though, because the game uses the console switches to switch armaments, enable ECM, raise/lower landing gear and hook, etc. I'm hoping to see this game played in the High Score Contest at some point.

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Great thx for the info man i just tested it works like a charm i would have never figured that out lol.I like the game thus far i can tell i need a bit of practice on it though.I have just recently been getting into the 7800 and i am loving it.Brings me back.Thx for letting me know were to find the manuals and all.Also i didnt know there were 2 diffrent versions of the game.What are the diffrences between the 2600 mode and 7800 modes i have the 2600 mode.Does the 7800 include diffrent maps etc.Or is the graphics just a bit better?

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Does your cart have the extra pins for the 7800, or is it truly a 2600 cart? Some of the 7800 versions were mislabeled with the 2600 labels. I have one of these. The two versions are virtually identical in game-play, but the 7800 one uses the 2nd controller button and has better graphics. The 2600 version graphics are still pretty impressive. Check out the screenshots in the AA archive and that should quickly clear up any questions.

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Ya i tookl a look at the cartridge base and sure enuff it does have the extra pins what is this for eeprom ?Anyway mine has the extra pins and says 2600 mode on the cartridge label I pressed reset to start the game but i am unsure of how to get off the carrier im going to take a read on the AA forums for the manual i appreciate everyones help with this as i am just now getting back into the 7800 scene.I can tell you this i was very very impressed with the games called Failsafe i tryed it last night all i can say is what a wonderful job they did with that game.I really was wanting to try the bently bear game but i am unsure were so to download it at or is this game even done yet.I tryed the Failsafe game and ordered it promptly i am glad to see homebrewers still makeing games for this system.It would be so nice to see a turn base RPG come out for the 7800 ahhh one can dream lol.

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Oh and i forgot to say yes for that game to be 2600 the F-14 simulator it is very impressive with the graphics.I also wanted to ask were would i be able to find diffrent controller varations i heard there were ones that resembled that of the NES i would love to get my hands on those im haveing a hard time getting used to the original 7800 controllers.

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I think you may have misunderstood my last post. It sounds like you have the 7800 version. The label doesn't mean anything because like I said, some 7800 versions were mis-labeled.


You can download the latest Bentley Bear: Crystal Quest rom from it's thread.


You can get the gamepad controllers from several sources. I believe I bought mine from Best Electronics years ago. They should still have them. B& C Computervisions still has them listed for sale. You can also get them from ebay sellers.

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Thanks for the link, but that vid is about worthless for seeing actual gameplay. Some offense intended. :lol:


It's really annoying to watch someone who doesn't seem to have read the manual, totally suck at playing the game, then complain about it.

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Since I could not find a good video on You Tube....

Here is a video I made of 1 complete run of F-14 Tomcat.. a take off.. some kills..and a landing..(not my best run but it has been 4 years since I played this game)


Using ProSysytem 1.3 emulator with Trebor's DEFAULT palette and a Microsoft Sidewinder game pad with all controls mapped to the game pad


Used Bandicam for recording the video



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Here is a video I made of 1 complete run of F-14 Tomcat.. a take off.. some kills..and a landing..(not my best run but it has been 4 years since I played this game)


Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Great video. Thanks for sharing. It's good to see gameplay of someone who knows what they're doing.


For those who haven't played the game, I'll narrate what happens:

  • He brings his engines to full throttle with afterburners (216%)
  • Takes off and raises his hook
  • Lowers his engine thrust to something that won't eat up all his fuel right away
  • Enables ECM (a definite must before an enemy is on your tail... you don't want to be fiddling with console switches when a missile is on its way)
  • Reaches 6,000 feet (the point at which enemies will appear)
  • He often checks his stats in between engagements (altitude, etc.)
  • Once he's low on fuel, the game automatically enters landing mode
  • He checks his heading and brings it to 30 degrees
  • He lowers his landing gear and hook and lowers engine thrust to below 30%
  • The aircraft carrier appears once this criteria is met
  • He reduces altitude and as he approaches the flight deck, he reduces his angle of attack to -4 degrees (the manual says the deck is at approx 70 feet, but he brings it in lower than that, definitely cutting it close ;) )

That's Tomcat The F-14 Fighter Simulator in a nutshell. Just see how many kills you can get before you run out of ammo or fuel and land back on the carrier. The strategy is in which weapons you use, how many times you miss the enemy, how fast you consume fuel, and how smoothly you land. A great mix of pick-up-and-play action with just enough extra tasks to keep it interesting.


Great landing. That's better than I've landed so far. I think my highest kill score was somewhere between 20 and 30, but I don't remember for sure. I kept my thrust at below 40% to conserve fuel and I also used my machine guns for several kills.

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This is what I like to see. Games being played without all the bitching and moaning/gay music in the background. Thanks for making one of the few gameplay vids I can stomach.

The hsc was doing water ski and they had some outrageous scores. I asked for a vid and my comment got deleted(prob cause its not on topic) but I think that game would be extremely interesting to watch an expert play thru.. As its very hard!! To finish level one is not really easy..for me ne ways..

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This is what I like to see. Games being played without all the bitching and moaning/gay music in the background. Thanks for making one of the few gameplay vids I can stomach.

The hsc was doing water ski and they had some outrageous scores. I asked for a vid and my comment got deleted(prob cause its not on topic) but I think that game would be extremely interesting to watch an expert play thru.. As its very hard!! To finish level one is not really easy..for me ne ways..

I joined the season late and didn't play Water Ski...

I was recording some games (well, not sure if they were good...) but I stopped because nobody commented them.

Nobody said if they were good or bad ones.

I even started to record an entire HSC season (the 2600 HSC) but again I had no comments... Maybe I recorded the wrong games... Or my game play are bad too...

Anyway, you can check in my blog here in AtariAge.


BTW, my signature links to another blog which needs to be updated, my AA blog is better.

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I was recording some games (well, not sure if they were good...) but I stopped because nobody commented them.

Nobody said if they were good or bad ones.

I even started to record an entire HSC season (the 2600 HSC) but again I had no comments... Maybe I recorded the wrong games... Or my game play are bad too...


I never saw your videos till now, but I love 'em. I think you should definitely keep doing them if that's something you like to do. I love watching people play games almost as much as I like playing them myself (as long as the person knows what they're doing). A lot of times people just don't comment... just because. Nothing against your videos or anything. I probably wouldn't have commented either if I hadn't see your post, even though I really like them.

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Very nice flying i have had trouble getting the hang of this game but reading the criteria list its coming together alittle more.I just bought the Super Huey game!I liked how they had the options in it to go to flight school, reality mode and arcade mode were you can just go in on the action.I got like 92 kills on it today before being taken down.I am finding new life in the atari 7800 it really is becomming some what of a addiction with me now all though i would love to get my hands on a modded controller.As the controller i got with my 7800 the yok on the actually controller is very lose so when you press down it keeps going down lol.Is there any good advice for material to put into the controller to tightn the yok up i took it apart and cleaned it up re-assembled it and still it moves a bit better but lose as heck.I am really looking foward to getting my Failsafe game in cant wait.Well any advice on rebuilding my 7800 controller would be helpful as i only have one and like three 2600 controllers which dosent help me on certain games were i need both the buttons.

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This is what I like to see. Games being played without all the bitching and moaning/gay music in the background.

There a lot of videos with "Whip it" playing or something?


I also really like Super Huey, which is one where you need to read the manual, and between the lines in the manual, and the manual in other versions, just to figure out how to complete it. I think I was probably one of the first people to finish it. :)


Some videos I did of that one a million years ago:




Destroying the enemy base:





The ending (I made a mistake and had to power down twice to see the epic message from mission control):





Maybe I can do a video from start to finish on hardware in the next few days.

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