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The NEW High Score Club 1.18 ~ Ice Hockey


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I believe the scores have been reached with 2600 hardware. I was just asking if anyone was or is playing old school. That's what got me hooked was the hardware, I'm a fix it man, testing is fun, testing for high score is more fun. 11-11 latest attempt, I love the game, just suck at it I admit. It is way fun two player either skill set as my four year old son digs taking out dad. Again no complaints here, just looking for info from peers. GAME ON!!!!


Playing on emulation is permitted. In fact, so many different games exist for the 2600 that it would be impossible for 99% of us to play all the games that come up in a season without emulation. However, there are ways to cheat on emulation via mechanisms that do not exist when playing on real hardware. Lately, suspicions have been aroused that some players are using these cheats to enhance their scores. This has put some stress on our good ol' honor system of posting scores. But by all means feel free to use emulation to play games that you don't own.


If you're unfamiliar with emulation, there are 2 general steps to take to get started:

1. download the 2600 emulator; Most of us use Stella (here's a link: http://sourceforge.n...rojects/stella/


2. Create a file for individual game ROM's; Then download the ROM of the individual game you're interested in.


Most of the ROM's are available on this site. Just go to the AtariAge home page and scroll down a little until you get to the "Title Search" search engine and plug in the name of the game. When the next page appears click on the game title. The following page will have different options, including "download ROM".


However, the ROM for Ice Hockey (and for some other titles) is not available on this website. Your best one-stop shop for ROM's is at atarimania.com.


I still prefer playing on real hardware, which is what I use for about 70% of the games played here. But emulation works fine as an alternative when games come up that I don't own.


I hope this info answers some of your questions. Always feel free to post more questions or to PM a member with your question. Have fun!

Edited by Gorfy
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Playing on emulation is permitted. In fact, so many different games exist for the 2600 that it would be impossible for 99% of us to play all the games that come up in a season without emulation. However, there are ways to cheat on emulation via mechanisms that do not exist when playing on real hardware. Lately, suspicions have been aroused that some players are using these cheats to enhance their scores. This has put some stress on our good ol' honor system of posting scores. But by all means feel free to use emulation to play games that you don't own.


If you're unfamiliar with emulation, there are 2 general steps to take to get started:

1. download the 2600 emulator; Most of us use Stella (here's a link: http://sourceforge.n...rojects/stella/


2. Create a file for individual game ROM's; Then download the ROM of the individual game you're interested in.


Most of the ROM's are available on this site. Just go to the AtariAge home page and scroll down a little until you get to the "Title Search" search engine and plug in the name of the game. When the next page appears click on the game title. The following page will have different options, including "download ROM".


However, the ROM for Ice Hockey (and for some other titles) is not available on this website. Your best one-stop shop for ROM's is at atarimania.com.


I still prefer playing on real hardware, which is what I use for about 70% of the games played here. But emulation works fine as an alternative when games come up that I don't own.


I hope this info answers some of your questions. Always feel free to post more questions or to PM a member with your question. Have fun!


Thanks for explaining this all, Gorfy. I kept meaning to put some answers together like this, but just never got to it.


Let me add a couple of things.


Stelladapter is device that allows any 2600 joystick to be plugged into a computer to play in emulation. Works great. It's what I used for a long time.


I play using a Harmony Cart, now. It allows the ROMs to be downloaded onto an SD card that plugs into the cart. It allows play using the actual 2600 hardware.


Lots of info on both here at AtariAge.


Oh yeah, and have fun. :)



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I don't recall refering to any hockey score posted as cheating. I was simply questioning the 55 goals scored in the previous HSC. Seems as though it has been spun as usual in todays society. I have been playing a real 2600 for nearly 40 years, the way it was meant to be played.

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I don't like what you're insinuating here, Stan. I've done well at most other games, but suck at the sports games. Does that make me a cheater? Fak that. :)


Definitely not talking about you, but I'm sure it's happened on here with some.

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I don't recall refering to any hockey score posted as cheating. I was simply questioning the 55 goals scored in the previous HSC. Seems as though it has been spun as usual in todays society. I have been playing a real 2600 for nearly 40 years, the way it was meant to be played.


I was talking in general. There are one or two people I've long suspected use save states. I don't care if you do, I really don't. It's sad if you have to do that, but it's just been a suspicion of mine in certain cases. I always trust TV scores for obvious reasons, and toymailman has shown countless times that incredible scores are possible. I've gotten some sick scores myself on my telly (see my old one for Spike's Peak). Save states are possible to use on any game. Get a good game going in Hockey, save, save save, just keep saving to give yourself the puck edge and you could max out the score easily. Anyway, back to playing, I don't care if anyone really is cheating, up to you if you want to in a group that doesn't equal any sort of reward. I just assume there are certain people who, if playing on a television, would have drastically different scores. I'm a place higher than I was last run of games last year, and that's without being able to play some of them fully over the past few months, so that's all I really care about. I love getting better at these games.

Edited by Stan
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16 - 6 = 22


That's how it starts, then you learn to game the computer. Seriously, button mash to take out their legs, come down on the left side, sweep over, into the net. So easy. Getting the really high point tallies is the tough part. Once you get a good enough spread, just let the computer chuck in a bunch of goals. With you not putting up defense, it will get in a bunch real fast, saves time.

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I have this thing for shitty games. I excel at them for some reason and find a way to work with their actual game mechanics.


That's what I did for Coconuts, although game mechanics really weren't the issue there. It was more a matter of staying focused through the ennui

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I was talking in general. There are one or two people I've long suspected use save states. I don't care if you do, I really don't. It's sad if you have to do that, but it's just been a suspicion of mine in certain cases. I always trust TV scores for obvious reasons, and toymailman has shown countless times that incredible scores are possible. I've gotten some sick scores myself on my telly (see my old one for Spike's Peak). Save states are possible to use on any game. Get a good game going in Hockey, save, save save, just keep saving to give yourself the puck edge and you could max out the score easily. Anyway, back to playing, I don't care if anyone really is cheating, up to you if you want to in a group that doesn't equal any sort of reward. I just assume there are certain people who, if playing on a television, would have drastically different scores. I'm a place higher than I was last run of games last year, and that's without being able to play some of them fully over the past few months, so that's all I really care about. I love getting better at these games.



I have never used save states for any of the HSC's here at AA.

Alot of my scores are mid pack or near the bottom.

If i'm cheating i'm doing a bad job of it.

But i understand what your saying a tv picture is more believable.

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Due to the number of complaints and PM's, I have instated a new rule.

Post a winning score on game 3 and get ONE point. Just ONE.


I have a question. I thought it was the general rule already, that participation = 1pt. do you mean we get another +1 for beating the computer now? if so, i agree with you that's alot of freebies.


But I also agree, anyone with a little practice should be getting at least a winning score!

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I still haven't beat my post from a few days ago! I dont seem to be improving much. I took some tips and am using them, but it just seems to have balanced out with the computer scoring less. but I'll keep at it. I am still enjoying the game.


You all are doing a great job! Playing this game alone, I wouldn't have thought it possible for me to get scores like that, but now I know I can, I just have to get up some more skills.


So many people I have known feel discouraged when others get much better scores than themselves and I DONT UNDERSTAND THAT!! It actually proves to me that I can do it too and encourages me!! If I try to explain this to them, they often get impatient with me as though I just wish to prove my betterness for a while longer. CRAZYTOWN !!! Oh well, that's why I'm here.

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scrabbler and Gorfy, I have a question about emulation. some people go off about how we're breaking the law by having and playing games on emulators. I know it must have been answered somewhere, but all I find is a bunch of opinions with no solid explanations one way or the other. But for example, solidcorp goes on about how immoral and illegal it is:




can one of you, or anyone here please explain for me the scoop on these? I would have thought it is the same as with copyrighted books: Supreme court says it's ok to make a collection of copys, as long as it's for private use and not for profit in any way.


one thing I can see is that it sure doesn't look like anyone is getting sued for playing emulated video games. But I don't know how to answer to solidcorp's rant. (he actually calls it "stealing" and seems to speak authoritatively)

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@S.BAZ-- you're referring to legal issues surrounding intellectual property rights, which is a whole different can of worms. I'm not really knowledgeable about these issues. Personally, I'm not worried about whether I'm stealing when using ROM's in emulation. If somehow royalties were to be collected, I'm sure the lion's share would go to corporate coffers rather than to the programmers who developed the games anyways.

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