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The NEW High Score Club 1.18 ~ Ice Hockey


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scrabbler and Gorfy, I have a question about emulation. some people go off about how we're breaking the law by having and playing games on emulators. I know it must have been answered somewhere, but all I find is a bunch of opinions with no solid explanations one way or the other. But for example, solidcorp goes on about how immoral and illegal it is:




can one of you, or anyone here please explain for me the scoop on these? I would have thought it is the same as with copyrighted books: Supreme court says it's ok to make a collection of copys, as long as it's for private use and not for profit in any way.


one thing I can see is that it sure doesn't look like anyone is getting sued for playing emulated video games. But I don't know how to answer to solidcorp's rant. (he actually calls it "stealing" and seems to speak authoritatively)


Yeah, that's another issue entirely man. What was brought up is the potential for people to cheat using emulators by using save-states. If you're not aware of what those are, it lets you save the game at any point and restart there. So play wildly, get points, keep saving, if you die, go back to your last save point and progressively save until you have a massive score. That's what we were talking about, not the legality of use, which has been a big debate for awhile among many people.

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Yeah, that's another issue entirely man. What was brought up is the potential for people to cheat using emulators by using save-states. If you're not aware of what those are, it lets you save the game at any point and restart there. So play wildly, get points, keep saving, if you die, go back to your last save point and progressively save until you have a massive score. That's what we were talking about, not the legality of use, which has been a big debate for awhile among many people.


thanks guys! yeah, I understand its another issue aside from the cheating topic. I was responding to scrabbler & gorfy, who were explaining how to use emulators and recommending to use them & where to find them, etc. It brings up the question in my mind, since people have these arguments, so I just wondered what you all could say in support of it being morally & legally ok to use them. It seems ok to me, like I said. This seems like a place where someone would have a better say than what I've been seeing so far!


since I've joined this HSC, I have had all the games in my collection, but I'm sure one will come up which I don't...

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Save states are damn near impossible to prove on high score competition. I too suspect of high score tom foolery but suspecting it and proving it are two different things entirely.


The thing I have come to realize is that to ignore that particular score and just compare your score to those who you want to compare them to.


Since there are no prizes or monetary gain to be had in AA HSC's , then cheating on scores is for naught.

Edited by NIKON
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Sick guys! I keep playing, but though I dominate the comp, I still can't vest my previous score of 36. This is going to come down to the wire and one of us getting lucky, kind of like with Indy 500. Luck is what got me a good score on that one, and I sense it here. There's only so much gaming I can do on the computer before it comes down to puck placement.

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