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eagle sip13 or sip14


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I've deceided to design a pcb in Eagle, but I'm looking for a single inline connector that has 13 or 14 pins that has .050 inch spacing. Ideally it would provide something to solder to on the top and bottom of the pcb. As the part that will use this has through hole pins.



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According to it's library footprint it's pads are .1" spaced.

I made my own .05" spaced 'connector' but the real issue was getting the pcb fab house to get it right.

I ended up figuring out that the rendering numbers had to be played with for it to come back as a usable for .050 ribbon cable.

I think the main problem initially was that the holes would come back plated so small none of the ribbon cable's stranded wires would fit in the holes.

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