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how to play ballblazer / ballblaster


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I got this game for 20 years now, and I still do not have ANY clue how to play this game.


I read the manual a zillion times, and I really don't get it.


The manual is (imho) too much full of 'insiders language' ... there are so many 'fantasy'-related words, that it is impossible for me, to understand.


But... the games looks good, reacts fast, and I can't stand the fact that I don't understand.


Is there anyone here willing and able to explain me in normal words, what to do.


I have the original manual here, so you could point to that, and perhaps explain something.


Any help is appreciated.

If there are more people like me not knowing how this game works, please respond too ;) I feel a rather DUMB ;)

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Grab the ball. Shoot it through the goal at the other end.


When you don't have the ball, your view will always face the ball.

When you have the ball, your view will always face the goals.


That's about it, other than listening to possibly the best musical score on the a8 ever created.

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OK. Thanks for your fast response! That is great!


What I don't understand... the goals are these 2 blinking bars right?


Is there any clue how to find them? I keep moving and moving, and then suddenly I find them. I guess there must be some direction to go to?


Although the music is cool, and very well fitting the game, I don't think it is the best musical score on the a8 ever created. Perhaps in games Atari released on Cart yes...

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The blinking bars ARE the goalposts, they constantly move back & forth on both ends of the field, so you may not always see them immediately. You can blindly blast the ball toward them (3 pts), shoot the ball in for 2 pts, or run it in for 1 pt. Every time you score, the goal shrinks & it's harder to score.


The game is from LucasArts, IIRC this & Rescue on Fractalus (also a great game) were their 1st efforts in computer/games software- so understandably the manuals try to immerse you in the game world. Fractalus' manual is like that too.



Ha, CyranoJ got in just before me. I forgot those blind shots are called OTH shots.

Edited by RJ
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A complete guide to Ballblazer and some info on Ballblaster http://atariteca.blogspot.com/2009/12/ballblazer.html


- Y -


Thank you all!!!! Have played it now with this knowledge! Appears to be a very nice game. Very addictive if you would ask me.


Now time for bed.... But tomorrow;




Thank you again for some needed help!

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Although the music is cool, and very well fitting the game, I don't think it is the best musical score on the a8 ever created. Perhaps in games Atari released on Cart yes...


You gotta play it on PAL!


On NTSC the score comes off as busy and a bit agitated. But on the slower clock speed of PAL it sounds sleazy like some corner jazz bar in Chicago.

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Tackle by ramming into them with and pressing fire when the ball is in front of you - keep the stick forward until you find the goal - if you can, back up and score an 'over the horizon' shot for 3pts, if you're under pressure just walk the ball into the goal for 1pt!


When we played Ballblaster in the HSC a while ago, there were a few players who could beat all the droids but I couldn't get them to squeel on how to do this? I can beat a few of them but after a while it just gets too tough :( I seem to remember the unofficial Ballblazer being much easier...

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There's a certain # of squares from the side where if you start each time you'll be in pole position to just move forward and get the ball (experiment for that).


Goal values 1-3 depending on distance when ball fired. The trick there is to find the goals from afar (dual benefit of having more side->side vision) then back off so they disappear, after working out what direction they're moving. Then fire for a 3 score.


Goalposts move closer together after each score so generally you can do that easily a couple of times then it's more beneficial to just go for the 2 pointers.

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I found another Ballblazer test file..


					   )=> THE EXPLOITER <=(

You're strapped in a rotofoil.  So is your opponent.  The screen is split so you
each have your own view of the game.  You see your opponet's rotofoil sees
yours. You face each other.  One of you starts the game and the ball is fired.
Go for it and get it before your opponent does.  Now find the moving goal last
the ball through for a score.  It's total speed, power and points--NS out.  The
one with the most points wins.  It's easy to play -- difficult to master. Go to
step one and find out for yourself.
1)  Boot the disk (or 'BRUN BALLBLAZER).
2)  Read the command summary below.

->								  Option--choose an option (makes game option
							    titles blink)
<-								  Select a choice or setting for blinking
RETURN							  Starts the game
:								   Demo mode (press any key to exit)
SPACE BAR						   Pause a game--press again to restart
ESC								 Reset option settings
SPACE BAR + ESC					 Stop game--return to option mode
-								   Toggle rhythm sound track on/off
SPACE BAR + RETURN				  Restart game
CONTROL-S						   DURING GAME: Toggle sound on/off
							    MODES: Turn off music, reactivates
							    rotofoil control (puts you into the
							    practice mode)
CONTROL-K						   Select 5-key or 9-key game control--toggle
							    two options when human option is blinking

  PURPLE												   ORANGE
						   9-KEY SET MODE
		    D		    (Turn off thrust)			   K
	    Z   B				  (Blast)				   N   /
	    3   4	   (Activate one second pushfield)	  8   9

  W	 E    R									  U    I    O
    \   \   /										 \  \   /
	  \ \ /										    \ \ /
  S ----*--- F									  J ---*--- L
	  / \ \										    / \ \
    /   \  \										  /  \   \
  X	 C    V									  M    ,    .

  PURPLE												   ORANGE
						   5-KEY SET MODE
		 Z   B		  (Activate pushfield)		   N   /
			 D		    (Turn off thrust)		    K

	 E													    I
	 \													    \
 S --+-- F											    J --+-- L
	 \													    \
	 C													    .

[Example for using the 5-key method -- Press 'E' to go north, then press "S'
once to north east (diagonal).  Press 'F' twice to go east]

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If there are more people like me not knowing how this game works, please respond too ;) I feel a rather DUMB ;)


Don't feel bad, I've felt the same way the first time (actually more than just the first time) I tried to play it, and I haven't had the manual either.....

Edited by atari8warez
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