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Looking at atari-engineering-information-item-master-list


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Has anybody looked at this list on Atarimania under the 2600 documents section? Very interesting. I guess it is a master list of all products that had been assigned a part number up until Jan, 1984. Even if the item was never produced it was still on the list.


It has the games Foxbat, Highway, Spitfire, Gravatar as well as others.


I was trying to find promo items for the 5200 since they are listed on there to. The early promo posters for the Atari computers are listed on there. They did Pac-man, Centipede, and Caverns of Mars (still need to get this one) plus some other generic 400/800 posters. I can't find some of the 5200 promo stuff that I have or have seen so I guess these were produced later.


I have a 5200 Centipede poster (plus there was a standee made of it), Countermeasure standee (I'm not sure if a poster was made) and poster for Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractulus that are not on the list. Hopefully a later list will be found. I'm not even sure were this list came from.





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