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All this talk about modems (thats a MOdulater DEModulator for you non-hacker types :P) has gotten me thinking. Does anyone still run a BBS on their Atari? I'm not talking about emulating it on their computer, I mean a running a real Atari BBS on a flesh and blood Atari (well actually that would be a little creepy, how about a silcon and metal Atari).


How hard would this be to do? I've got a spare 130XE I'm not using for anything. I've always wanted to do someting like this, but would it be feasible in this day and age? I mean no-one is going to call long distance to stare at an old BBS (or would they?).



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How hard would this be to do?

No harder than it's ever been, I'd wager. The big challenge would be getting anyone to actually dial in.


Now what would be truely cool, would be setting up a website that let you connect to an Atari BBS in your browser window. This would probably best be implemented by a stripped-down Atari emulator in Java on the client side, exchanging encapsulated "modem" packets with an emulated Atari running the BBS on the server side.

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Now what would be truely cool, would be setting up a website that let you connect to an Atari BBS in your browser window. This would probably best be implemented by a stripped-down Atari emulator in Java on the client side, exchanging encapsulated "modem" packets with an emulated Atari running the BBS on the server side.


Ack see now that's no fun. It's not a "real" Atari then. Bah...



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With APE you can make/accept Telnet connections to BBS software running on the Atari.


Callers can call from a normal Atari using the APE outbound telnet client, or there is free ATASCII terminal software (ATS) on the APE home page you can use on windows.


There are R: simulators in most of the computer emulators now as well, and a *nix proxy that I know someone is using.. Closer to Home BBS I believe.

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Now what would be truely cool, would be setting up a website that let you connect to an Atari BBS in your browser window. This would probably best be implemented by a stripped-down Atari emulator in Java on the client side, exchanging encapsulated "modem" packets with an emulated Atari running the BBS on the server side.


I haven't seen a browser-based solution, but there *are* some Atari 8-bit BBSs connected directly to the internet and you can telnet into them. Even better, there is an ATASCII terminal emulator for Windows, so you can experience 8-bit BBSs just as you would have on an Atari 800/XL/XE computer. This was discussed some time ago on AA, I'll have to see if I can find some of those threads.. Okay, here ya' go:


Topic: REAL Atari Carina II BBS online


No idea if it's still online. :)



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All this talk about modems (thats a MOdulater DEModulator for you non-hacker types  :P) has gotten me thinking.  Does anyone still run a BBS on their Atari?  I'm not talking about emulating it on their computer, I mean a running a real Atari BBS on a flesh and blood Atari (well actually that would be a little creepy, how about a silcon and metal Atari).


How hard would this be to do?  I've got a spare 130XE I'm not using for anything.  I've always wanted to do someting like this, but would it be feasible in this day and age?  I mean no-one is going to call long distance to stare at an old BBS (or would they?).  




Tempest - If you set it up, I will make a point to dial in!



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Well I'd like to do it. I think a BBS running on an 130XE but connected to the internet would be cool. Anyone have a clue on how to do it?


Actually it would have to run on my 1200XL because I don't have an APE interface on my 130XE. Only problem with the 1200XL is there's no PBI port (it does have Warp+ OS and 256K mem though). Is a PBI port necessary (do I need a MIO board or something)? I suppose I could always get an APE cable for my 130XE...



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There is a BBS Express image in the 'bbs' folder where APE gets installed.


In the APE config switch it to 'server mode' then boot that image and type BBS at the prompt.


Its not set up, its just basic free BBS Express but it will get you started taking connections.


I dont know how to setup Tom's proxy I've never used it but I'm sure its similar.

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A real BBS. My board the Underground Node #472 BBS is still on-line 24hr/7days....


Running on a 130XE with 1Mb and Blackbox + 140Mb SCSI disk

Software is BBS Express Pro! 5.0b


Alright all callers seems to have died but it's still running day in day out....




Are there some sysops that want to start the old fashion way of networking....



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Cool!  But if I was going to set up a BBS I'd want people to be able to log in using the internet since long distance calls are expensive.  I've got to figure out how to set that up.


Long distance calls are pretty cheap in the US, but those International calls, especially to BBSs, will kill you! :)



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Cool!  But if I was going to set up a BBS I'd want people to be able to log in using the internet since long distance calls are expensive.  I've got to figure out how to set that up.


Long distance calls are pretty cheap in the US, but those International calls, especially to BBSs, will kill you! :)




Right... thanks God that now there is Internet flat-rate like ADSL :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

What kind of things would be on the BBS? It might be fun to contact to the Internet via a real Atari 8-Bit computer but I think it would be fun to have a few games that people can play on the BBS (maybe something simple like a trivia game).

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